Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Dog Hip Dysplasia, Luxating Patellas and Arthritis- Causes & Cures

Cure Your Dog’s Aches and Pains

Many medical conditions can cause your dog to have joint aches and pains. Hip dysplasia, canine arthritis and a luxating patella are three of the most common causes for joint pain, but there are also a variety of other factors that could affect your dog. What are these things, exactly?

Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia can be hereditary or environmental. Typically, hip dysplasia involves the bones in the hip forming incorrectly or being strained and not seating properly in their sockets. Over time, the joint may degenerate, causing more and more stiffness and discomfort. Hip dysplasia is more of a problem in large and giant breed dogs.

Luxating Patella: With a luxating patella, a dog like my Beagle has a kneecap that pops in and out of place. This is generally because the groove that holds the kneecap into place is too shallow, and it can easily slide around due to trauma or even in the course of regular exercise. A luxating patella is more of an issue in small and toy breeds.

Canine Arthritis: Just like people, dogs get arthritis, too. In some cases, canine arthritis is a result of a degenerative joint disease, like hip dysplasia or a luxating patella. In other cases, arthritis is caused by inflammatory joint disease and is the result of an underlying medical condition. Arthritis can be as mild as a little stiffness, or it can cause severe pain in your dog, reducing his activity levels and even making him whine or cry.

You can treat your dog’s aches and pains!

Don’t make your dog suffer; treat his aches and pains to improve his quality of life. How can you make your achy dog more comfortable ?

  1. Use natural remedies to manage your dog’s aches and pains.

Natural remedies, such as Joint Resolution , are the best way to help manage your dog’s aches and pains. Compare the price of a $13 bottle of Joint Resolution to the hundreds or thousands of dollars you’d spend on surgery – which can still leave your dog arthritic in old age!

If your dog’s symptoms don’t stem from an underlying cause that requires medical intervention, natural remedies like Joint Resolution are the best way to manage the aches and pains. Mary Lee Somers of Ohio says of her dogs after discovering Joint Resolution: “Now they run like they never had a problem!” Give your dog the freedom to run and play again, and rediscover the joy of being pain-free! To listen to an audio on how Joint Resolution can help your dog to be pain free, c-l-i-c-k here .

Adjust your dog’s diet.

    Believe it or not, diet can actually affect your dog’s arthritis. Feed your dog a high-quality food, and it’s more likely to contain ingredients that promote good joint health. You can also employ neutraceutical supplements, such as fish oil, to help reduce your dog’s arthritis.

    Reduce environmental triggers.

      Things like excessive exercise or cold can worsen your dog’s symptoms. If your dog does have arthritis or joint problems, take it easy with the exercise. Switch to many short play sessions instead of a couple of long play sessions throughout the day. Minimize your dog’s exposure to cold by giving him a warm, soft bed to lie on or heating a room where he likes to spend time, and minimize the time he spends lying on cold floors or outdoors in the winter.

      Talk to your vet about anti-inflammatory medications.

        It’s shouldn’t be your first line of defense, but if your dog is dealing with chronic arthritis, anti-inflammatory medications such as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDs) can help reduce his symptoms. Talk to your vet about starting your dog on NSAIDs to reduce the pain and help live a happy, fuller life.

        Stem cell therapy is expensive, but effective.

          Stem cell therapy is an option to help reduce your dog’s aches and pains. With stem cell therapy, veterinarians take some stem cells from your dog, send them to a lab in California, and get healthy stem cells back which they then return to your dog. The healthy stem cells encourage the growth of more healthy stem cells in your dog, treating the arthritis. For more information about stem cell therapy, click here to learn more .

          Your dog can lead a happy life, even with aches and pains.

          Your dog doesn’t have to suffer from his aches and pains – he can lead a happy life if you’re willing to help. Consider natural remedies, improve his diet, and minimize the triggers that cause his aches and pains, and your dog can lead a long, happy, pain-free life.

          One reply on “Dog Hip Dysplasia, Luxating Patellas and Arthritis- Causes & Cures”

          My dog has/had Hip Dysplasia. He had a surgery around a year ago and there were no problems ever since, but I’m not sure if it was permanently cured. But it was genetic and at the time I was buying him I knew that he’ll probably have it.

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