Anxiety & Nervousness

Should your dog be taking Prozac for behavioral issues?


Anti depressants are often used in dogs to treat behavioral problems including separation anxiety and excessive barking. They can make a big difference to a dog’s quality of life, as they feel relaxed and are less stressed.


These drugs increase the amount of a specific chemical in your dog’s brain called serotonin. This is a neurotransmitter, involved in transmitting chemical messages from a nerve cell to an adjacent cell. It is often called the “feel good” chemical, and will improve your dog’s mood and appetite, and generally make him feel good.


Serotonin also helps your dog learn new behaviors,so if your vet has recommended a training program to change his behavior, it will be effective sooner than if your dog didn’t take the medication.


These effects in combination make anti-depressants an important part of treating behavioral problems in our dogs. However, it can often take 4-6 weeks for them to take effect, so they are certainly not a quick fix.


Canine anti-depressants are very safe, and most dogs will have no problems at all while taking  them. Having said that, there are some potential side effects that you should keep an eye out for.


·         Some dogs are more sleepy than usual when they start the medication. This is usually only a short term problem.


·         Some dogs show signs of gastro intestinal upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Again, this doesn’t usually last very long, and can be resolved by giving the medication with food.


·         Some anti-depressants can lower the “seizure threshold” in dogs, so if a dog has any tendency to have a seizure, even if it has never happened before, it may happen when he starts taking an antidepressant. Some drugs are more likely to do this than others, so if your dog has a seizure when you start giving him anti-depressant medication, your vet may suggest an alternative drug.


·         There is a well recognized condition called “serotonin syndrome” which occurs when there is too much serotonin in your dog’s brain. It too isn’t common, and tends to occur when your dog taking more than one drug that increase serotonin levels in the brain. Affected dogs are depressed with a rapid heart rate and trembling muscles. They recover well when the medication is stopped, but may benefit from muscle relaxants and intravenous fluids. 


Although the risk of side effects from anti-depressants is relatively small, you should try a natural treatment for anxiety and behavioral problems before you resort to these medications.


Sleepytime Tonic contains a number of herbs which lower anxiety, reduce restlessness and help your dog relax. It also contains homeopathic remedies to boost your dog’s confidence and reduce shyness, and alleviate depression.

There are no side effects, and dogs find the natural honey flavor hard to resist.


Unlike anti-depressant medication, Sleepytime Tonic works within 20 minutes, which makes it ideal if your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, or becomes anxious while traveling in the car.


If your dog suffers from anxiety or stress, you can help him feel better naturally, and without any risk of side effects by making Sleepytime Tonic a regular part of his health care program.


*Information in this article is not to replace the advice of your own verterinarian and is the opinion of the author.

Anxiety & Nervousness

My Dog Barks Non-Stop. What can I do?

Causes of Excessive Barking

Even though most people can handle a barking dog, it is when the barking becomes excessive that problems arise. There are many reasons why a dog will bark non-stop, such as:

*Having pent-up energy

*Being improperly confined, such as a dog being locked outside in the rain

*Hearing noises such as thunder or cars passing by

*Being bored because they have been left without any toys to play with

*Having a genetic pre-disposition

*Separation anxiety

Of all the different reasons that a dog will bark excessively, separation anxiety is the most common.

If a dog is used to having his owners around all the time, then he will be more prone to exhibiting signs of separation anxiety when his owners leave him alone for any length of time. Separation anxiety usually occurs after a dog who has become accustomed to having his humans around him all the time, is left alone for a period of time, or after a vacation is over and the owner returns to work or school and the dog is left home alone, or after the dog experiences a traumatic event.

The second most common cause of excessive barking is loneliness. Dogs who are left alone for significant periods of time without being able to interact with their owners, will feel lonely and start to bark.

Other reasons why a dog will feel lonely and bark excessively would be if he was just a mere pup and was stilling learning to amuse himself; or if he is an overly active dog who constantly craves, and needs, an outlet for boundless energy, such as a sporting or herding breed of dog.

Solutions to Your Dog’s Non-Stop Barking

1. The easy solution to fending off your dog’s loneliness barking is to make sure that your dog has plenty of toys to keep him occupied while you are away from him.Try a kong. It’s a hollowed out toy where you can put treats or peanut butter. it will take a while for your dog to get all of the food out. Click here to ready more home-alone solutions .

You can also attempt to retrain your dog’s behaviorism. Some dogs will bark at strangers, people walking past the front gate, and even at other neighborhood dogs. If your dog does this, you should try to stop your dog from barking as soon as he opens his mouth. However, this can be tricky, not to mention exasperating, to catch your dog in the act.

One way to do this is by teaching your dog the ‘quiet’ command. Whenever your dog starts to bark, stand over him with a treat held just above his nose and say ‘quiet’ or ‘shh’. The word you chose doesn’t really matter as long as you always remember to use the same word each time. As soon as your dog stops barking so that he can sniff at the treat, immediately praise him and give it to him. However, each time that you practice this command with your dog, let your dog be quiet for longer periods of time before giving him his treat.

Some dog owners have had success using citronella spraying anti-bark collars on their barking dogs. The citronella spray collar is deemed to be safe and humane. It works by spraying a light mist of citronella in front of your dog’s nose whenever he barks. Dogs do not like the smell of citronella and are usually able to quickly associate barking with the bad scent.

Natural Solutions

Besides trying the above solutions to curb your dog’s excessive barking, natural remedies can also be implemented as well, especially if your dog’s barking stems from separation anxiety. The perfect herbal remedy is Sleepytime Tonic , which can be used to curb your dog’s excessive barking in a very gentle, but successful manner, through the use of specially chosen herbs and other homeopathic ingredients.

Such ingredients include vervain, valerian, skullcap, and passion flower, amongst others. All of these herbal ingredients are known for their wonderful calming properties as well as their power to help soothe dogs that are considered to be overactive, hyperactive, and high strung.

Sleepytime Tonic is a safe alternative to prescription veterinary medications and its natural approach will help to heal any underlying issue that your dog may have.

Just a few drops in your dogs mouth, or in his water dish, will help him to remain relaxed and calm without a thought of barking.

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Acupuncture, Electropuncture & Aquapuncture- will they help my dog's arthritis?


Unlike conventional veterinary medicine, which is usually comprised of harsh pharmaceutical chemicals, acupuncture is a safer and more exact form of pain relief for dogs that are suffering from ailments, such as allergies, hip dysplasia, paralysis, arthritis and respiratory problems.

Most people think of acupuncture as a healing therapy designed only for humans, but dogs, cats and other animals can benefit greatly from the use of acupuncture. In fact, during the Jin dynasty period of China, about 4500 years ago, the very first case of using acupuncture on an animal was recorded.

This healing modality quickly spread and was first used by veterinarians in the USA in the 1970’s.  It then evolved into aquapuncture and electropuncture.

Acupuncture involves inserting a thin needle into specific points on a dog’s body in an attempt to relieve any pain. Acupuncture is believed to enhance and restore a dog’s natural flow of energy (qi) in their body. The qi energy runs along 12 meridians with each meridian linking up to an internal organ and its operating system. The thin needles are placed at certain points along these meridians to stimulate the flow of qi energy, which in turn benefits the dog’s muscular, skeletal, hormonal and cardiovascular systems.

Western acupuncture specialists explain that there are 365 main acupuncture points in an animal’s body which are all located at little clusters of nerves and blood vessels. Through stimulation of these cluster points with the needles, physiological effects are triggered within an animal’s body, and this actually helps to increase the animal’s own healing abilities within their body.

The acupuncture helps to rapidly release neurotransmitters inside the dog’s body such as endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killers, as well as small amounts of cortisal, which is an anti-inflammatory steroid.

Aquapuncture is another form of acupuncture that some dog owner’s prefer for their dogs. It uses a hypodermic syringe and needle to gently inject a solution into the acupuncture points. For quite a few days after this solution has been injected under the dog’s skin, it will continue to either stimulate or sedate the acupuncture points. The solution is usually comprised of lidocaine, saline, and vitamin B12, together with a homeopathic remedy. Aquapuncture is good for dogs that have severe back or hip pain which is caused from vertebral spondylosis, arthritis or hip dysplasia.

Electropuncture is also another alternative to regular acupuncture. With electropuncture, an electrical device is used to stimulate the acupuncture points in the dog’s body. This is done through the use of wires attached to the acupuncture needles. A mild electrical charge is then sent at variable frequencies through the needle and into the acupuncture point on the dog’s body. Electropuncture is an excellent choice if your dog has severe paralysis.

Most acupuncture, aquapuncture and electropuncture treatments last between 10 seconds and 30 minutes, although it does depend on the ailment for which the dog is being treated. Moreover, some dogs will have to have 4 to 6 treatment sessions before there will be any real improvement, although some dog owners are able to see immediate improvements in their dog’s overall health after just one or two sessions.

Even though the above treatments will not cause your dog any pain, they are time consuming and do require your dog to lie still for long periods of time.

If you don’t think that your dog will be able to withstand an acupuncture session, it is too costly or if you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to enhance your dog’s acupuncture, aquapuncture or electropuncture treatments, there is an herbal tonic that you can try called Joint Resolution.

Perfect for dogs feeling the discomfort of arthritis or hip dysplasia, Joint Resolution’s herbal blend of boswellia, devils claw and licorice work together to reduce inflammation and pain as dandelion eliminates toxins from your dog’s body.

It also contains New Bio Cell Collagen Type II, which aids in building new cartilage, rejuvenating worn tissues and promotes improved joint mobility and flexibility. Joint Resolution is easy to administer via a few drops on your dog’s favorite treat.

There are definitely many all natural and holistic remedies and treatments for your suffering dog to try before going with more harsh methods like drugs and surgeries.

Anxiety & Nervousness

Does Your Dog Have a Thunderstorm Phobia?

Winter usually brings inclement weather, including thunderstorms and rain or snow showers. However, the loud out-of-nowhere sound that thunder makes will often leave a dog feeling very frightened.

Even though your dog may not have experienced anything traumatic in his life that is associated with loud noises, he can still develop a fear of thunder. However, most fear-related issues that your dog may have can be quickly and successfully resolved. If left untreated though, your dog’s behavior may become progressively worse.

Some of the most common fear-related behavior problems are destruction and trying to run away from the sound. This may mean trying to escape the sound of thunder by jumping the fence surrounding the yard, if he is outside, or trying to run into his favorite room in the house, if he is inside. Even worse, some dogs will try to dig a hole through the wall to escape! Because your dog will most probably feel less afraid by escaping, the action is reinforced and the next time your dog hears thunder he will try to do the same thing again.

However such behaviors can cause physical harm to your dog and you should try to provide your dog with another outlet for his fear of thunder.

Some dogs may cower down and tremble, or they may ‘latch on’ to you and want to stay by your side until the storm has passed. A few dogs may even become destructive when they hear thunder booming overhead. They may even have accidents inside the house or their crate, even though they are housetrained. A few dogs have been known to jump through a glass window just to escape the loud noise.

If you believe that your dog may have a phobia of thunderstorms, there are quite a few things that you can do for him:

*Ask your veterinarian for advice or for a referral to an animal behaviorist who may be able to shed some light on your dog’s fears and actions.

*Try desensitizing your dog to loud noises. This helps the dog think that thunder and other loud noises are actually fun sounds instead of something to be afraid of. You could try desensitizing your dog by playing a game with your dog during the thunderstorm, or by playing a recording of thunder while your dog is doing something the likes, such as eating, playing fetch etc. Start the recording at a very low volume and gradually increase it as your dog gets used to the loud sound. If your dog starts to cower or try to run away, reduce the volume and try again in a few days. Make it a game but never continue if you feel that your dog is too afraid.

*If you know beforehand that a thunderstorm is approaching and you know that you will not be home to be with your dog, place him in a room in which he will feel safe once the loud thunder starts booming overhead. Play music or leave the television on to drown out the thunder. Leave your dog with a towel or T-shirt belonging to you or another member of your family. The scent on the towel or shirt will help in keeping your dog calm.

*Give your dog a few drops of Sleepytime Tonic to help him better cope with his fear of thunder. It is a very calming tonic that was formulated using wonderful herbs and Bach flower essences. Best of all, there are no side effects and is safe for long term use! A few drops of Sleepytime Tonic can be given to your dog either directly on his tongue or on a yummy treat and will take approximately 20 minutes to start calming your frightened dog. You can give Sleepytime Tonic to your dog before a thunderstorm arrives or you can give it to him during or after to help calm him down.You can even put the liquid remedy in your dog’s water so he will get a little bit every time he drinks.

*If you are home during a thunderstorm, try not to reassure your dog by saying ‘It’s OK’ or ‘You’re fine’. These phrases will just confirm to your dog that there is indeed something to be afraid of! Instead say “Good Dog”.


Your Dog's Ancestors Were Weasels

Nine Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Dog

By Kevin Fisher

1. Your dog’s ancestors were weasels.

Well actually they were tree-dwelling-mammal called Miacis that lived about 40 million years ago in central Asia.

2. Oh and he probably has family in China

Peter Savolainen of the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden studied the DNA of dogs around the world. He found evidence suggesting that all modern dogs originated from a pack that roamed the plains of east Asia about 15,000 years ago. So don’t be surprised if your dog barks in chinese!1

3. Your dog is from a very hardworking family .

Over the years dogs have earned their keep as night watchmen, messengers, shepherds, bomb detectors, soldiers, and even doctors! yes. Dr. Donald Broom, a researcher at Cambridge University Veterinary School showed that a dog can be trained to detect cancer simply by smell. He performed a meticulously controlled double blind study (reviewed by the British medical journal BMI) which stated “The results are unambiguous. Dogs can be trained to recognize and flag bladder cancer.”2

4. He may be older than you think

The old theory of multiplying dog’s age by seven isn’t completely accurate. A dog is able to reproduce by the time he’s one year old (thankfully a little out of reach for even the most precocious 7 year old) and reaches full physical growth by his second birthday. A more accurate formula is to count the first year as 15 human years, the second year as ten human years and every year after that as five years.

5. And yet he’ll always be a puppy

The evolution of dogs from Wolves is a prime example of neoteny or paedomorphism which means that juvenile traits are prolonged into adulthood. This is a natural result of human intervention: young wolves tend to be more social and less dominant than adults. Even traits like soft fuzzy fur, and large “puppy dog” eyes are not entirely natural but the result of human intervention.3

6. He’s better than a blanket

The average body temperature for a dog is 101.2 degrees almost three degrees higher than the average human temperature, so the next time your dog comes over to snuggle on a cold night welcome the gesture with open arms (as I’m sure you do now) and you’ll get the better end of the deal

7. He’s such a cute little killer

If you own a terrier you own a killer. All terriers (The word terrier comes from the Latin word Terra meaning Earth) were bred to be killers of small vermin like rats, badgers and otters. This is one of the reasons most terriers enjoy a good tug of war so much, it’s genetic and goes back to the rapid shaking of the prey upon capture; the coup de grace . It’s not true that playing tug of war will make your dog more aggressive, it’s actually an excellent way to release energy.

8. No matter how many carrots you eat your dog will always see better than you

This is due to the tapetum lucidum, a light reflecting layer behind the retina. It acts like a mirror to focus the incoming light, interestingly that’s also what’s responsible for the strange reflective glow in your dogs eyes at night

9. Prostates and pointing

Dogs are the only other animal that has a prostate (it creates the liquid that makes up 30% of the volume of semen). On a more interesting, less squishy note dogs are one of the few creatures other than man that understand the gesture of pointing.4

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Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Does Your Dog Have a Luxating Patella?

What To Do If Your Dog Has A Luxating Patella

It is a beautiful day outside and you and your dog are playing fetch in the backyard. You throw the ball and your dog takes off running after it. But somewhere in midstride, you hear him yelp as you see him lift one of his hind legs off the ground. Not stopping, he continues to chase after the ball running on only three legs. Once he’s got the ball in his mouth and is bringing it back to you, you notice that he is running on all four legs now.

With a dawning realization, you remember that your dog did almost the exact same thing the last time you were out playing fetch with him. Even though it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, it starts to bother you because you don’t want to see your dog in any kind of pain or discomfort.

Does Your Dog Have a Luxating Patella?

You can bet that your dog has a luxating patella , especially if he is a toy or small dog breed. Usually occurring in dogs that have relatively weak muscles, tendons and ligaments, a luxating patella can also occur in medium and large sized dogs whose kneecap groove is too constricted or shallow. When this happens, your dog’s knee will slip inward and then lock up, preventing your dog from bending his leg.

Luxating patella is just a fancy way of saying that your dog has a dislocating knee. Otherwise referred to as a ‘trick knee’, it describes a situation in which your dog’s knee, the visible joint on the front part of the hind leg, slips out of its socket.

It affects each dog in a different way. Sometimes a dog will simply lift his leg off the ground for a few seconds and then continue walking or running on it. Other times, he may keep his leg off the ground for a few days. If a dog has a luxating patella on both of his hind legs, it may cause him to seemingly hop like a bunny.

For some dogs the pain and discomfort of a luxating patella can force them to not walk at all, or at the very least attempt to walk solely on their front legs as they keep their hind legs in the air. A luxating patella can lead to arthritis in a dog’s later years.

Treating a luxating patella

You should always have your dog’s knees checked at least every two years by your veterinarian.

*If you suspect your dog has a luxating patella, the first thing you should do is try to keep your dog as still as possible. No running around and playing fetch – at least until you are able to see a veterinarian.

*Your vet may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or even a steroidal anti-inflammatory. Keep in mind that these medications contain chemicals that have horrible side effects and will usually only deal with the inflammation and not the actual problem.

*Your vet may suggest surgery. However, make sure that your vet is a qualified orthopedic surgeon. Also consider that, besides the surgery costing thousands of dollars, there will always be a 50% chance that the luxation will reappear in the future. Before considering a potentially dangerous surgery, try less evasive measures like as all natural remedies.

*Give your dog a natural supplement that has collagen. Collagen is a protein that is found in joint cartilage that is proven to help in building new cartilage and reducing damage to your dog’s joints.

*Help your dog remain lean or lose weight by cooking fresh foods with lots of vitamin C, and allowing him to have moderate exercise. If your dog is overweight he will experience more discomfort because of the extra weight bearing down on his knee. Take your dog for a walk up a slight incline as this helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the patella. 

Activities & Fun

Fido's "must-have" winter items

Preparation is the key to a safe and enjoyable winter, especially if you live north of the Mason-Dixon line. The sleet and snow don’t have to get you down. With the right products and the right attitude the season can be an enjoyable one. Here are a few ideas that can make both you and your best friend more comfortable during the shorter days.
Great fitting, warm and totally waterproof, the Cloak & Dawggie new Sport Parka will keep your pet warm and dry! Available in 4 fabulous colors in 10 sizes covering dogs from teacup to very large!
Bubbles n’ Beads is the perfect cold weather product because it cleans and conditions in one go so your dog spends less time being wet (always welcome when there’s a nip in the air). It’s unique microbeads contain both vitamins and conditioners so even though you’re spending less time washing him you’re not skimping on conditioning.
After the wash it’s important to dry well , it’s easier to dry a squirrily dog with a Soggy dog Towel from FarFetched. Soggy Dog’s specially designed pockets help you get a grip on your wet, wriggly friend. Great after a muddy romp or a post-bath pat-down, Soggy Dog minimizes bath time for dogs of all sizes, short-hair or long
Of course if it’s really chilly and you want to skip a few bath times try DryDog Instant Clean , an all natural bath replacement spray. It not only helps to clean your best friend without water but also contains ordenone, an ingredient that traps and removes the bad smells that seem to flourish between groomings. TIP: Keep a rag and bottle at the door to use on after-walk muddy paws
Don’t let your little guy get a chill after bathing just slip him into a great Ruff Ruff and Meow sweat shirt . Hundreds of styles to chose from all in warm fleece and sized to fit perfectly
At some point you’re gonna have to leave the house and salty frozen sidewalks can be a dogs worst enemy. Not only do his paw pads (and nose) get cold but they’re dried out by the salt. It’s always a good idea to rinse and wipe his paws (and nose if he’s been sniffing around) when you come back in from a walk. A great product to use before and after walks is bowWow Butter Balm . Apply a little before you go out (it forms a barrier between the skin and the environment) and a little more after you come in (it will prevent irritation and heal dry skin). Note you should never use Petroleum jelly or Petroleum based products on your dogs pads; petroleum jelly contains petrolatum, which can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested. bowWow Butter balm is all natural shea butter and is perfectly safe
Those winter nights can be cold! Give your dog a heated bed so he’ll stay nice and toasty. The All Season Snuggle Sleeper  uses the award winning Cool Bed III insert for summer cooling and the safe plush heated pillow insert for winter warmth.
If you want to be proactive in keeping your best friend healthy this year Eyemunity is the perfect product. It contains Epicor an all natural immune booster that will not only improve your dog’s overal health but also help prevent tearstains.
I know, shoes for dogs seem lame, but … if you live in an area that snows, you might think otherwise. We recommend the fleece lined variety (think ugg boots for pooches). They feature a waterproof exterior fabric, a fleece lining, self-tightening 3M reflective Velcro straps, treated leather soles and cuffs which come up the leg.
The weather outside may be frightful but with a little forethought and preparation your winter can be… delightful.

Food Itchy Skin & Allergies

What is my dog allergic to?


This guest post is brought to you by Dog Fence DIY’s staff veterinarian Dr. Susan Wright.


Just like people, dogs can be allergic to what they eat, and can develop itchy red skin from these allergies. Before you throw out that new kibble you’re feeding your dog, there are a few things you should know about food allergies in dogs.


Although food allergies can develop at any age, they usually occur in middle aged animals. Dogs don’t become allergic to new foods, they develop an allergy to a food they’ve been eating for a few years. They are often allergic to dairy products, wheat, beef, lamb and corn but can, in fact, be allergic to anything.


Although dogs with food allergies can have upset stomachs and diarrhea, the most common indicator of these allergies in dogs is itchy skin. These poor dogs scratch their face, ears, feet and legs. They can often scratch so much that they traumatize the skin and cause an infection. It can be hard to tell a food allergy apart from a condition known as atopy, which is an allergy to dusts and pollens. The symptoms are very similar.


While skin allergy testing may identify what foods your dog is allergic to, the best way to get a diagnosis of food allergy is with a feeding trial. This isn’t hard, but it takes a lot of commitment from an owner. You will basically need to choose a protein and a carbohydrate that your dog has never eaten before, so he can’t possibly be allergic to them. Turkey or venison can be good options for a protein source, and you can feed him an unusual carbohydrate such as cous cous.


Now comes the hard part. Your dog must eat this, and only this, for eight weeks. No snacks, no training treats, no leftovers from your dinner plate. The idea is that if your dog isn’t allergic to his food, then his skin itch will resolve.


After that eight week period, if your dog’s skin is better, then you can start a food challenge. This is more labor intensive than the food trial. It involves  adding one ingredient to your dog’s dinner, for example beef, for two weeks to see if he starts itching again. If he does, then beef is a no-no for him. If he’s okay then you can add beef to his list of “safe foods”.  Do this with each individual part of his previous diet. When you’re finished, you’ll have a list of foods your dog can safely eat, and those he must never have again. It is a lot of work, and can be frustrating, but the good thing is that when you’re finished, you’ll be able to  manage your dog’s food allergy without using drugs.


While you’re going through this process, you can help ease your dog’s itch by washing him in Comfy Dog Shampoo. It contains colloidal oatmeal which has been proven to soothe itchy skin. Wash him in it weekly, and if you feel he needs extra help, condition his coat with Fur Butter, which also contains oatmeal. If he has developed a particularly itchy area, a quick spray with Itchin’ for Relief will make him more comfortable.


Food allergies are a nuisance, but if you are prepared for a bit of hard work, you can manage them long term without steroids and other harmful drugs. It’s worth the effort.


This guest post was brought to you by Dog Fence DIY’s staff veterinarian Dr. Susan Wright. Dog Fence DIY will help you choose the right system for you and your pet. They will also train you on using your new system. Dog Fence DIY has a variety of underground fence systems at the best available prices.

bad breath

How to get your dog's breath back to puppy perfect

How to Help Your Dog Get His Puppy Breath Back

Everyone loves puppy breath! But give that same dog a few months to get his adult breath and well, not so much.

Bad breath is a common complaint amongst many dog owners and studies have shown that 98% of dogs that have bad breath are usually suffering from periodontal disease, which is a result of plaque buildup.

However, there are a few things that you can do to help restore your dog’s breath back to its original puppy-freshness:

1. Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Most veterinarians advise dog owners to brush their dog’s teeth every day to at least once a week. Before you embark on such a regime, you will first need to get your dog used to having your finger inside his mouth. You can do this by:

  • dipping your finger in beef bouillon and allowing your dog to lick it off by placing your finger in his mouth.
  • Next you can introduce your dog to a toothbrush and make small circles around your dog’s teeth.
  • Eventually you will be able to graduate to using toothpaste on the toothbrush.

Ensure that you only use toothpaste made for pets, as human toothpaste can be harmful if swallowed by your dog.

Brush your dog’s teeth slowly and gently, making sure to reach the back teeth where tartar and plaque are usually more prevalent. But stop after 30 seconds or so as your dog may begin to fuss. You don’t want him to associate fussing with you stopping the toothbrush.

2. Watch What He Eats

Your dog’s diet can help keep his teeth nice and clean. Dogs who eat dry kibble usually have less plaque buildup than those dogs who eat primarily canned wet food. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still brush your dog’s teeth. The abrasiveness of kibble is nothing compared to a good toothbrush and some liver-flavored toothpaste. Yum!

3. Throw Him A Bone

Giving your dog a bone can sometimes be a good thing…as long as it’s a chewing bone that is. Dogs have an inherit need to chew on things as this helps keep their jaw muscles strong, and their teeth sharp and tartar free. Provide your dog with a good quality chew toy such as a Nylabone.

4. Does Your Dog Slobber?

Your dog’s slobber can play an important part in determining how often you need to brush your dog’s teeth. This is because some dogs will produce more acidic saliva while other dogs will actually produce saliva that is more alkaline. Within your dog’s saliva there will also be varying amounts of salts and ions, which accumulate on their teeth forming tartar.

5. Freshen His Breath

Sometimes all your dog needs is a minty breath freshener, such as Dog Smog Remedy . Not only does it contain Spearmint and Peppermint oils, it also contains natural Fennel and Parsley extracts as well. Other key ingredients are Sage extract to help prevent gum disease and Marshmallow extract to help promote healthy gums.

Simply spray 3 to 6 squirts of Dog Smog Remedy, depending on the size of your dog, onto your dog’s tongue and let the natural herbs work their magic on your dog’s breath.

Pretty soon your dog will have puppy-fresh breath!

Hot Spots Itchy Skin & Allergies

Your Dog's Hot Spot Horror!

Hot Spot Horror!

Last week, my brother took my three dogs out for a long hike on a mountain trail that runs alongside a shallow river. Every now and then he’d throw a stick into the water for the dogs to dive in after so that they could cool off a bit. Needless to say, they all arrived back home tired and smelling like wet dogs.

A couple of days later I noticed that one of my dogs, CJ, kept scratching and licking himself in one particular area on his stomach. He seemed to obsess about it so much that I decided to take a look myself. I rolled CJ over onto his back and noticed that he had a small cut on his belly and the surrounding skin was red and swollen. He had licked at it so much that his hair had fallen away around the wound.

After talking with my brother, we deducted that my dog must have scratched his belly on a rock or stick while jumping in and out of the river when they were out hiking. That, coupled with his fur remaining wet for such a long period of time, had caused a hot spot.

Hot spots are also referred to as moist eczema and can be small abrasions on a dog’s skin that are caused by damp moisture. In CJ’s case it was the river water staying on his fur and skin for such a long period of time before he came home. The bacteria in the river water had stayed on his skin long enough to form a tiny bacterial colony. This colony then irritated my dog to the extent of him scratching and licking at the spot for relief, although he was merely making things worse for himself.

Hot spots can be caused by anything that either irritates or breaks the skin, and not just by excess moisture. Dogs can get hot spots from being accidently clipped by the groomer or by being shaved too close to the skin. Other causes are allergies and bug bites, such as from fleas and ticks.

These hot spots may appear as painful, swollen, smelly, areas on your dog’s skin that sometimes will ooze liquid as well. The edges are often red with an oozing center and are sometimes covered with a yellow plaque. Most of the time, their fur would have fallen out around the area due to your dog incessantly licking, scratching and biting at it in an attempt to get relief.

Hot spots can occur on any part of the body but the most common locations are the side of the face, top of neck , rump or base of tail.

While almost any dog can get hot spots, those dogs that have long coats or a history of allergies, ear infections, and flea infestations are most susceptible. Dogs that reside in climates that are warm and humid may also have trouble with hot spots when their undercoats are shed.

If left untreated these hot spots can became progressively worse and spread wider across the dog’s body. ith CJ I used Itchin’ for Relief because it contains a combination of Oat Extract, Litchi and Aloe, which all work together to provide soothing relief from the itchiness. It also contains Neem and Grapefruit Seed Extract which have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, as well as Calendula and Boswellia Serrata for their anti-inflammatory properties too.

Six Ways You Can Treat Your Dog’s Hot Spots, Now!

1. Clip away hair on and around the hot spot.

2. Kill any surface bacteria as soon as possible by using a product like Itchin for Relief which is hypoallergenic and soap-free. This will also provide some temporary relief

3. Wash your dog with an oatmeal shampoo . Oatmeal is an excellent way to break the itch cycle and provide relief. Click here to read more about why oatmeal helps to relieve itchy skin.

4. If possible cover the hot spot. You can put a tshirt on your dog to prevent direct access to the wound, or, put some soft booties on his feet. You can also try Lick Strips which is a little adhesive you place on the hot spot to  deter licking and biting of hot spots. Finally, in lieu of those awful Elizabethan cones try a  . Services the same purpose but is much more Comfy!

5. If your dog is prone to hot spots try a nutritional supplement like vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids.

6. For deeper, internal bacterial conditions put your dog on an immune support product. Try either Healthy Skin Shiny Coat which is a liquid elixir or Eyemunity which is a very effective all natural powder you sprinkle onto your dog’s food. Building your dog’s immune system will help to prevent hot spots for good!