By Kevin Fisher
It’s November and in most parts of the country winter is imminent. (It’s even getting a tad chilly here in Southern California!) Time to winterize your house with a little weather stripping and a few extra blankets; time to to winterize your car with anti-freeze and an ice scraper. It’s even time to start thinking about winterizing your best friend! No you don’t need to weather strip or de-ice your dog but there are a few things to bear in mind as the shorter days draw in.
It goes without saying that if you live in a cold weather area you should have a warm place for your dog to sleep . The back yard is no longer good enough unless your little guy has a somewhere to get out of the wind and the rain (but you knew that already didn’t you)
If you bathe your own dog make sure you use warmer water, preferably inside and spend a little extra time drying and brushing. Bubbles n’ Beads is the perfect cold weather product because it cleans and conditions in one go so your dog spends less time wet. If you want to skip a few bath times try DryDog Instant Clean , an all natural bath replacement spray that not only helps to clean your best friend but contains ordenone, an ingredient that traps and removes the bad smells that seem to flourish between groomings. TIP: Keep a rag and bottle at the door to use on after-walk muddy paws
Don’t leave your dog alone in the car; If the engine is left running there’s a possibility of carbon monoxide infiltrating the car, if the engine is not on it may just get too cold.
Salty frozen sidewalks can be a dogs worst enemy. Not only do his paw pads (and nose) get cold but they’re desiccated even further by the salt. It’s always a good idea to rinse and wipe his paws (and nose if he’s been sniffing around) when yo come back in from a walk. A great product to use before and after walks is bowWow Butter Balm . Apply a little before you go out and it forms a barrier between the skin and the environment and a little more after you come in will prevent irritation and heal dry skin. Note you should never use Petroleum jelly or Petroleum based products on your dogs pads; petroleum jelly contains petrolatum, which can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested. bowWow Butter balm is all natural shea butter and is perfectly safe.
Be vigilant on walks, this is the season for antifreeze and some of which can spill on driveways, It’s a particularly lethal product because it tastes and smells good to your dog but contains ethylene glycol, which can be deadly even in small quantities.
If your dog is out in the cold and starts shaking or shivering get him inside as soon as possible. If the shaking doesn’t stop within ten minutes of being inside it’s a good idea to call your vet.
Like people, dog’s seem to be more susceptible to illness in the winter , so be alert for the warning signs; loss of appetite, drinking an inordinate amount of water or just general lethargy. Never give your dog over-the-counter medications meant for humans unless you’ve spoken to your vet first. Some products that are perfectly safe for humans are toxic to dogs; aspirin, in the wrong dosage can cause toxicity, pseudoephedrine can be very harmful or even deadly to pets, even breath fresheners can contain both menthol, (which can be irritating to the mouth and the stomach) and xylitol (which can cause liver damage).
If you want to be proactive in keeping your best friend healthy this year Eyemunity is the perfect product. It contains Epicor an all natural immune booster that will not only improve your dog’s overal health but also help prevent tearstains. Click here for more information on this product
But the winter is not all bad news, many people, and dogs find the chill in the air invigorating. (I’m definitely not one of them, 20 years shoveling snow in in New York were enough for me:-) As a dog owner you not only have a loyal playmate but you have your own personal heating unit; your dog’s body temperature is a few degrees higher than yours so cuddle up and enjoy the exothermia!
Author: Alex Valentino
Can you believe that about a third of the body’s cells are dying at any given time and each cell has to eventually be replaced? And there are so many chemicals and toxins in the world today, that our bodies have to work even harder.
Accumulated toxins as well as normal dirt and debris encourage germs and parasites to flourish. They can also lower energy levels by overburdening normal bodily functions. This toxin buildup may not cause any one particular disease but can make a dog more susceptible to infectious diseases and inflammation.
Luckily there are ways we can help our pets. The first is exercise, the second is a day of fasting and the third is regular grooming, which is what we are going to focus on here.
You may wonder why we have to wash our dogs at all. Wolves in the wildlife never get bathed and they seem to do just fine without all of that pampering. The main reason we have to wash our pets is because they were bred to have abnormally long, curly or fine hair which gets really dirty and matted. Certainly dogs will try to self groom with their tongues and paws but with their long coats, they usually can’t do the job alone. Nor should they. Dirt and debris left in the coat is dangerous for two reasons.
1. Your dog will try to clean their fur by licking it. So they will ingest things like lint, flakes of paint, debris from automobiles and even asbestos fibers all of which can cause many internal problems.
2. These same toxins in the fur can cause skin irritations which leads to itchy skin.
Here are a few of solutions:
1. Wash your dog with an all natural shampoo every week or every month depending on the type of dog you have and your lifestyle. Click here to read more about how often you should wash your dog.
2. Brush your dog daily. Unlike humans who absorb most environmental allergens through their noses and mouths, dogs tend to absorb allergens through the skin. Weekly bathing can prevent itchiness , washing allergens away before they get a chance to penetrate the skin. Also, frequent brushing stimulates skin health by bringing secretions from oil glands onto the skin. It also helps to remove mattes from building up.
3. Give your dog a detoxifier to help eliminate toxins more quickly. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an herbal tonic that you give to your dog by mouth. It helps to reroute the toxins to the kidneys and bowels so the skin will be healthier.
So contrary to popular belief washing your dog every week to every month IS good for your dog and the reasons are more than just skin deep.
How To Save $600 on Dog Grooming
photo by Critter McDonell
We’re all looking for ways to save money. Maybe you’re using coupons at the grocery store, cutting down on the number of Venti Caramel Macchiatos you drink or purchasing new clothing less frequently.
This year I was able to slash my dog grooming bill in half (sorry groomers!). I have two dogs that need to be groomed every month but since I’ve been looking for ways to save I decided to try and stretch the grooming appointments from every month to every two months… and it worked!
In all fairness to the grooming community, I certainly can’t groom my dogs anywhere as well as a professional groomer… but good enough especially since it saves me $600 a year.
Rub A Dub Dog
I have two white fluffy dogs that need to be bathed every single week or else they become a shade of gray. So, I am now a master bather– four times each month those dogs are in the tub with me. Since they are small I literally take them in the shower with me. I figure, I’m going to get wet anyway so I might as well incorporate it into my shower. Here’s the process:
1. I shampoo my own hair while the dogs get the pre bath shower drizzle.
2. Then, after they’re sufficiently wet, I lather them up in Bubbles n Beads shampoo . This is the best shampoo to use on dirty dogs, which mine are. We live at the beach and these dogs drag in copious amounts of sand everyday. Usually the sand ends up in the bed or couch but often times it’s sticky and difficult to remove from their skin. Bubbles n Beads contains microbeads which not only deliver conditioners to the hair follicle but they also act as a gentle exfoliator to remove the sand and dirt. Best of all is that it’s ALSO a conditioner, so you save a step right there.
3. While I’m washing my face and conditioning my hair I apply a deep conditioner on each dog and let it sit for the remainder of the bath. I already used a conditioner in step 2, however, I have long haired dogs and they need the deep conditioning. If you have a short haired dog, then skip this step! This deep conditioner leaves the coat super soft and silky and helps the coat stay cleaner, longer.
4. I remove myself and dogs from shower and dry them. If it’s the summer they can air dry and if it’s the winter I use my hair dryer on a low setting.
The Devil is in the Details
Of course grooming a dog is not JUST about bathing the dog. Here are the other areas I focus on throughout the month
1. Eyes- my dogs are prone to tear stains , so I use Eyemunity , an all natural powder I sprinkle in the dog’s food to boost their immune system to help fight the bacteria that cause the tear stains. I also wipe their eyes clean every few days to get rid of excess debris and gunk. Read more about tear stain s.
2. Ears- If you don’t keep you dogs ears in check they could develop a nasty infection that’s hard to eliminate. The best thing is to prevent this from happening in the first place. Every week when I wash my dogs I also treat their ears. It’s a quick and easy two part program that takes literally less than a minute to complete. You wipe out your dog’s ears then put a couple of drops of serum in their ear. DONE! And you’ve saved yourself a fortune in veterinary bills! Read more about Ear Infections .
3. Teeth- Sadly, I have fallen short on my duties in this area. “They” say brushing should be done several times a week but I’m lucky if I do it once a month. But, I know I have to improve in this area or my poor dogs will be toothless by the time they are 10. Small dogs especially have the chance of bad teeth as they age. So, brush your dog’s teeth! I do tend to use breath spray on my dogs to make their kisses more pleasant. Try Dog Smog Remedy !
4. Nails- Oucch! This is one thing I leave to the groomer because if you’re not careful YIKES!
5. Mattes & Tangles- with my long-haired dogs I have to be sure to brush them often. When they do get a matte I spray a detangler directly onto the matte and work it out with a brush. This will save you money at the groomer as they will normally charge you more if the dog is full of mattes. Read more about Mattes & Tangles.
TIP: your dog might be nervous the first few times you try to bathe/care for him yourself. Try giving your dog some Sleepytime Tonic about 20 minutes before you plan to start the process. This all natural remedy helps to calm a nervous anxous dog.
So, here’s how I came up with the $600 a year savings. Each dog costs $50 per session to be bathed and cut and I used to go every month. That’s $100 a month or $1200 a year. Now I go every two months so I save half and I don’t compromise my dog’s health or beauty! Here’s to happy savings!
To read more about how to groom your own dog, check out these articles:
Save Money & Groom your Own dog
Grooming an Anxious Dog? Try these tips
Photo by Tiffany Hayden
There’s no doubt about it, some breeds of dogs just plain smell bad. When you start to look at why, you’ll find that in most cases these dogs fall into three categories.
- hereditary skin disease
- poor conformation
- activities the dog enjoys
Size, Shape and Conformation
Some breeds of dogs are unfortunate enough to have the type of conformation that leads to skin infections. Consider, for example, the British Bulldog. These handsome dogs have many skin folds on their face and around their corkscrew tail, which can trap moisture and become infected with bacteria. This doesn’t smell good at all. Sharpei dogs are similarly affected. If you own a breed of dog with multiple skin folds, it’s important that you wash them regularly and thoroughly in these folds, to reduce bacterial growth. You can try pre-moistened towelettes specially designed for a dog’s delicate skin to get in between the folds to remove the odor-causing bacteria. The best shampoo for really smelly and dirty dogs is Bubbles ‘n Beads , a combined shampoo and conditioner. This shampoo really cleans and leaves your dog smelling just like fresh laundry. To read more about caring for wrinkly dogs, click here .
Another source of dreadful doggy odor is the ears. Dogs with floppy ears, such as Spaniels, tend to have less air circulation in the ear canal, which prevents the canals from drying out. You can help keep your dog’s ears clean, healthy and smelling better by regularly using Ear Wipes to dry them out and remove debris. If your dog develops itchy ears, you may find that Ear Clear is a great help in reducing any swelling and discomfort in his ear.
Dental disease is known to be more of a problem in toy breeds of dogs, or those breeds with flattened noses. Vets believe that having the same number of teeth in a smaller space leads to overcrowding, and the accumulation of food scraps between the teeth. This certainly doesn’t smell good, especially when your dog wants to kiss you. You may need to visit your veterinarian to have your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned, before you get up close and personal again. When this is done, make sure you clean his teeth regularly to keep his breath fresh.
Hereditary Skin Conditions
Skin allergies such as atopy are considered to be hereditary in nature. This means they’re more likely to occur in some breeds than in others. Breeds that are commonly affected by atopic dermatitis include German Shepherd Dogs, Labrador Retrievers, Schnauzers and many terrier breeds.
The inflammation associated with skin allergies can change the surface of a dog’s skin, such that the normal bacteria and fungi that live there multiply and cause infection. This infection smells foul and can itch dreadfully. When a dog scratches the itch, he traumatizes his skin, which predisposes to further infection, and a vicious cycle ensues. You may well be familiar with the rancid smell of a dog with a skin infection.
Managing these allergies involves reducing your dog’s reaction to the allergen with antihistamines or corticosteroids, and treating him to control the secondary infection. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or anti fungal medication to do this, but you can play an active role by choosing an appropriate shampoo.
Comfy Dog Shampoo followed by Fur Butter both contain colloidal oatmeal, which will ease your dog’s itch and stop him scratching. This will allow the infection to heal. You can use this shampoo as often as every day, and it will gently cleanse your dog’s coat and leave it smelling fresh.
Some dog breeds may be more adventurous than others and this curiosity will often lead them to things that may cause odor such as rolling in road kill, swimming in the lake or pool, rolling in the mud and killing various vermin and critters. You have probably noticed that bigger dogs are typically more smelly than say, a 5 pound Maltese. Probably the smaller dog is indoors, bathed frequently and pampered while the larger dog may be outdoors playing and not bathed very often. Also, there is just more of a larger dog to get smelly!
If you happen to own a breed that is predisposed to smelling bad, you may be in for a bit of hard work. It’s worth it. Tackling the cause of your breed’s odor head on will mean that you can have a close relationship with your dog, without the smell.
When your dog is itchy, it’s distressing for both of you. Wouldn’t it be great if there was something you could do to give him instant relief? Well, you’ll be happy to hear that there is.
1. Check the ingredients on his food . One of the most common causes of itchy skin is allergies and specifically food allergies. A vet will almost always recommend changing an itchy dog’s food. Especially if he’s being fed “kibble” type dry food which usually contains fillers and preservatives. Ingredients to watch out for include corn wheat or soy which are common allergy triggers. Switch to a more natural food like Honest Kitchen or Grandma Lucky’s and of course make sure your dog always has plenty of fresh water.
2. Check for fleas; another common cause of itching, but be careful, even if you can’t see fleas, they may still be causing your dog grief. The lower back and base of the tail are typical spots for flea bites. As if the bites themselves weren’t bad enough dogs who are allergic to flea bites can scratch for several weeks after one flea bite. Of course we recommend all-natural anti itchy spray ! Not only is it a safe and effective way to repel the little buggers but the formula contains no poisons or pesticides so even if your dog licks it off, it’s perfectly safe.
3. Fish Oil has been shown to help with itching and also has anti inflammatory qualities. As an added benefit it also helps to make the coat shiner and more manageable. You can buy fish oil specifically for your pet from but your own pills are perfectly fine. If he balks at swallowing a pill (and we suspect he will) just puncture the outer skin of the capsule with a pin and squeeze the contents onto his food. Or make life easier and but it in a liquid form and just pump it in the food.
4. Wash your dog Bathe your dog regularly so that you get rid of dust and pollen that may have settled on his fur. (Bath time tips fort itchy dogs ) Use a colloidal oatmeal shampoo to reduce his skin inflammation and itch. Colloidal oatmeal has been approved by the FDA to ease itchy skin. Click here to read more about colloidal oatmeal .
5. Cover it up! If your dog is scratching the same spot over and over, cover it up with a doggie Tshirt or doggie booties. By placing a barrier between your dog’s claws and the abrasion you allow the irritation to heal and hopefully your dog will start thinking about something else!
6. CHILLAX! If your dog is licking and scratching all night long keeping the both of your up, give him a few drops of a doggie calming tonic. Your dog may be working himself into a frenzy and the scratching becomes a nervous habit. The Tonic won’t cure the itchy skin, but it WILL relax and calm the both of you so you can both get some much needed sleep! If you think your dog’s scratching is all in her mind, here are a couple of articles you may want to read. Your dog’s constant scratching could be a habit and Is your dog’s scratching all in his mind?
7. Spot On! If your dog has a particular part of his body he’s really scratching or chewing at, consider using an anti itch spray. This is a convenient, easy to use spray with a unique nozzle to direct the spray to where it’s really needed. That way you’re not wetting the whole coat, and wasting the product on areas of the body where it’s not needed. Its all natural ingredients quickly soothe the itch of hot spots. You’ll notice your dog stop scratching straight away.
8. Treats with Benefits You treat your dog anyway, don’t you? So why not give treats with benefits? These super yummy jerky treats have ingredients baked right in to soothe a dog’s itchy skin.
Of course, if these tips above don’t work, a trip to the vet may be necessary.
Antihistamines such as Benadryl may help stop your dog’s itch. This medication actually blocks the release of histamine in cells, which causes the reddening and itching of the skin in response to an insect bite or allergy. Antihistamines are very safe drugs, but not all dogs show improvement when they’re treated with them. In fact, only about 30% of dogs are more comfortable when they’re given antihistamines. If you’d like to try this medication, speak to your vet about an appropriate dose and frequency for your dog.
Anti-itch medication usually contains corticosteroids. These drugs also block the inflammatory response, but do so much more effectively, so virtually all dogs will respond to treatment. An injection of corticosteroid by your vet will ease the itch very quickly. She may suggest that you follow that with corticosteroid tablets or creams, to extend the effect. Keep in mind that there are potential side effects if you use these drugs, and it’s important that you use as low a dose as possible to reduce the risk. Combining corticosteroid medication with an oatmeal Shampoo and anti itch spray will mean you don’t need as much medication to stop your dog scratching. This is much better for his health.
Constant itching and scratching can lead to a secondary infection, and worsening of your dog’s skin problem. It’s good to have some effective tools in your arsenal to nip that scratching in the bud. That way, you’ll both get some rest.
Photo by Leslie Robbins
Some breeds have a reputation for being itchy. These include West Highland White Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds.
There are plenty of old wives’ tales relating to the care of our dogs. Is this just another one, or are some breeds really more itchy than others?
Breed Specific Skin Problems
There are definitely skin problems that occur in one breed much more than others. In many cases, there is a genetic component to these problems which explains why they’re more common in that particular breed, and not others.
One example is Epidermal Dysplasia in West Highland White Terriers. The term “dysplasia” means abnormal growth. This condition is caused by abnormal development of skin cells, which leads to inflammation and secondary infection with Malassezia yeast. The result is hair loss, and constant itching and scratching, which first appears at 12-18 months of age. This is a frustrating condition – treating the infection often resolves the itching but because of the underlying problem with the skin cells, it recurs as soon as medication is stopped. There are other specific skin diseases that occur in other breeds, and many of them are also suspected to be hereditary.
Are Allergies Hereditary?
Given that the majority of severe itching problems are caused by allergic reactions, it makes sense to look at whether or not some breeds are more allergic than others.
The most common allergy in dogs is flea bite allergy. Dogs with this problem can itch for several weeks if they’re bitten by just one flea, and they can bite and scratch themselves raw. As far as scientists can ascertain, there is no breed predilection for flea allergy.
The situation is similar to food allergy – there are no breeds that are particularly likely to develop this condition.
However, there is lots of evidence that atopy (or allergy to dusts and pollens) is more common in some breeds than others, and this does suggest that it may be hereditary. In fact, atopy occurs more frequently in some lines within those breeds.
Just to complicate things, some studies have suggested that atopic dogs are more likely to develop flea bite allergy. So, if that’s the case, can we then suggest there may in fact be a hereditary component to flea allergy dermatitis? Veterinarians aren’t sure about that one yet.
Managing Your Itchy Breed
Depending on the breed of dog you own, and the potentially hereditary skin condition you’re dealing with, your veterinarian may prescribe specific medication to alleviate his itch.
In the meantime, there are steps you can take to manage his condition.
1. Wash him in Comfy Dog Shampoo . It contains colloidal oatmeal which is well known for relieving itchy skin. It also contains herbal extracts to reduce inflammation and soothe red irritated skin. If you can follow up the shampoo with Fur Butter , your dog will have relief for longer.
2. Make sure he is never bitten by a flea. If he has an underlying atopy, he’s likely to also be more sensitive to fleas. This makes it even more important that you keep those little critters away. If you regularly apply Flea The Scene, he’ll not be bothered by fleas any more.
3. If he has a specific itchy spot, Itchin’ For Relief can help. It’s all natural ingredients relieve the itch, and its convenient nozzle makes sure you get the spray exactly where it’s needed.
4. If your dog has a skin problem that’s possibly hereditary, don’t breed from it. That’s easy to do with conditions that show up early in life. However, with skin allergies, they may not raise their ugly head until your dog is 2 or 3 years old. By this time, many purebred dogs have already had litters.
5. Make sure your dog is eating a no grain diet. Sometimes dogs are allergic to their food. Check out
If you take the time to correctly manage your dog with a hereditary skin disease, not only will he be more comfortable but you can reduce the incidence of that disease in the breed. That’s a win-win situation.
To get more tips on how you can stop your dog’s constant scratching, click below to get our free ebook. Written by vets and holistic pet practitioners, it’s jam packed with ideas and solutions to make your dog’s life more comfortable.
Do Your Dog's Ears Smell Like Dorritos?
Photo by Nikki Figular
Under normal circumstances, your dog’s ears shouldn’t smell bad at all. They shouldn’t be red, or itchy, or have a discharge. If your dog shows any of these symptoms, his ears need attention.
Up Close And Personal
One of the most enjoyable aspects of owning a dog is always having something to cuddle. It’s not so nice cuddling them when their ears are stinky.
Foul smelling ears are an indication that something isn’t quite right in the ear canals. When you bathe or groom your dog, it’s important that you get close to his ears and have a sniff. Identifying problems early will allow you to start treating the ears straight away, and have him feeling more comfortable very quickly.
Ear mites can cause a bad smell in the ears, as well as an obvious build up of dark crumbly material. They also make the ears extremely itchy, and are easily spread from one dog to another. If they’re not treated, a secondary infection can develop, which hurts and can be more difficult to resolve. You can easily treat ear mites by using an insecticidal ear drop from your veterinarian.
Ears that don’t dry out very well are a perfect environment for bacterial growth and infection, and the resultant bad smell. Examples are dogs with floppy ears which don’t allow air circulation, and even dogs who swim frequently. These dogs benefit from using a product that dries up excess moisture in the ear canal.
The third main cause of smelly ears is skin allergies. Irritation and inflammation of the skin due to allergies also extends to the ear canal. Your dog will dig and scratch at his ear with his foot, desperately trying to relieve the itch. These allergies lead to secondary infection with bacteria and fungi, which is also itchy, painful, and smelly. Smelly ears are often related to an allergy to food, or to dusts and pollens in the environment.
Get Some Fresh Air Into Those Ears
You can tackle your dog’s stinky ears by treating the cause of the smell, which is usually an infection. To do this, you’ll need to take your dog to your vet for an ear exam. She’ll take a sample of his ear discharge and examine it to identify the bacteria that’s causing the problem. She’ll then clean the ears and prescribe an appropriate antibiotic, and also some pain relief.
You’ll still need to deal with the primary problem. If your dog is a water baby, then make sure you clean and dry his ears after he swims. If the infection was caused by ear mites, your vet will advise you on what to use to kill them. If he has allergies, it’s a good idea to start a food trial to rule out any food sensitivity. Your vet may prescribe anti-itch medication such as Benadryl to stop him scratching and traumatizing his ears, and encouraging further infection.
Ear Clear is a useful tool to have in your arsenal for treating ear infections. It’s an all natural product, containing antimicrobial herbs and tea tree oil, and will help to reduce any infection and swelling in your dog’s ear canal. Extra virgin olive oil will soothe the ear canal, and help break up any wax accumulation. Finally, lavender oil is anti-bacterial and anti-itch, and makes your dog’s ears smell a lot more pleasant.
A bad smell means that something is wrong in the ears, and that something usually hurts. Treating the cause of the smell will not only have you snuggling up to your dog again, but will have him feeling more comfortable. That’s a win-win situation for both of you.
When your dog is itchy, it’s distressing for both of you. You feel helpless as they scratch, chew and rub their skin. They can really do themselves a lot of damage with their vigorous scratching, so it’s important to do everything you can to relieve their irritation.
Bath Time Tips For Itchy Dogs
Bathing your itchy dog is an important part of his treatment, but it needs to be done properly, with an appropriate shampoo. However, you first need to try and identify the cause of the itch.
One of the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs is fleas. It’s important to use an effective flea control product to stay on top of these little parasites. Many of these products are applied to the skin, and frequent bathing may reduce their effectiveness. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo such as Bubbles’n Beads with your topical flea treatment to get the best flea control for your pooch.
Allergies frequently cause distressing itching and scratching. Whether it be a food allergy or an allergy to pollens or plants, bathing is very helpful in washing off allergens from the skin and coat. Colloidal oatmeal can remove toxins from the skin, and give your dog up to 3 days relief from scratching. Wash him with Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampo o, and for longer lasting results, follow up with Fur Butter Conditioner. Both products contain colloidal oatmeal and herbal ingredients to relieve itching and soothe inflammation.
Skin itching can also be caused by secondary bacterial infection, in which case you may need to wash your dog in Chlorhexidine, to kill the bacteria. Your vet will guide you in how to use this product.
How often should you bathe your itchy dog?
If you’re using Chlorhexidine, you may need to shampoo every day or every second day to keep the bacterial infection under control.
Alternatively, with Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo, most vets will recommend shampooing twice weekly as a starting point, and will reassess your dog as time goes by.
If you’re using Bubbles’n Beads in conjunction with flea control products, it’s a good idea to try and avoid bathing any more frequently than every two weeks. That way you’re less likely to need to reapply the flea control more often than the manufacturer recommends. Click here to read more on how often you should wash your dog
How Not To Wash Your Itchy Dog
Just as there’s a right way to wash your dog, there’s also a wrong way to do it.
Don’t use a human shampoo. They’re too harsh for most dogs, and may dry their skin and coat. Dry skin often leads to itching, so you’re right back where you started. Use a quality dog shampoo containing colloidal oatmeal, such as Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo, and it will gently cleanse your dog’s skin and coat, and ease that annoying itch. Click here to learn more about why you shouldn’t use your own shampoo on your dog.
No matter what you use to bath your itchy dog, avoid lathering and rubbing him too hard. This can traumatize his sensitive skin, and leave him itchier than before. If his skin is inflamed, vigorous rubbing may also be quite painful. Gentle lathering will do just as good a job, and will feel much better on your dog’s skin.
Washing your dog is one of many things you can do to ease your dog’s itch. Do it right, with the right product, and not only will his skin itch improve, he’ll feel a lot happier in himself.
It wasn’t me, it was the dog!
Dogs are renowned for having really bad smelling flatulence, and sometimes their breath isn’t a whole lot better. In spite of that, they never seem embarrassed, and still make lots of friends at the dog park.
We may laugh but if your dog has either of these problems, it’s not that funny. They’re a lot less pleasant to cuddle up to. Even worse, if your dog is flatulent, you may be blamed for the smell!
By far the most common cause of bad breath in dogs is dental disease. Plaque accumulates on the teeth; this is a soft sticky build up of bacteria which can be found predominantly on those big upper molars at the back of the mouth. This leads to inflammation of the gum, calculus formation, and loose teeth. Not only is this painful, but it smells.
Some foods can also cause bad breath. A well known example in people is garlic – if you’ve eaten it as part of your meal, you’ll often have no friends for a little while.
Let’s look at the other end. All dogs produce gas in their gastro-intestinal tract, as part of the normal digestion of food. Most of the gas that passes from the intestines doesn’t smell at all. Any bad smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide, better known as rotten egg gas.
Some dogs swallow large amounts of air while eating, especially if they gulp their food. This has to go somewhere, and while dogs will burp, a lot of it often comes out the other end. This isn’t usually offensive, but can be quite loud.
The foul smelling flatulence is usually due to poor digestion of certain nutrients, such as protein or fiber. When partially digested food reaches the large intestine, it ferments and releases excess gas. Some dogs also like to eat rotten food or other unsavory items, and this too adds an unpleasant odor to their wind.
If your dog is excessively smelly at either end, it’s important that he’s checked by your vet. There are some less common medical causes of flatulence , such as intestinal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease that need medical treatment. Similarly, dental plaque needs to be removed – it doesn’t just cause bad breath, but can lead to more serious conditions such as heart valve damage, and kidney disease. This is usually done under general anesthetic – most dogs won’t voluntarily lie back and open wide.
Although you’re not likely to stop his flatulence altogether, you can reduce the smell.
1. Feed your dog several smaller meals a day, rather than one large meal. This will help to increase the digestion of nutrients, and reduce the amount of partially digested food reaching the large intestine. Less fermentation means less gas production.
2. Encourage your dog to eat slowly by putting an appropriate sized clean rock in his dinner bowl. He’ll have to dig around the rock for his kibble, and he won’t be able to quickly gulp his food. This will reduce the amount of air he swallows.
3. Change his diet to a highly digestible, low residue prescription diet. Your vet can recommend a suitable food for your dog. This too results in less nutrients reaching the large intestine, and reduced fermentation and gas production.
4. Digestive enzymes can help. These can increase the breakdown of nutrients in the diet and help improve digestion and absorption. The result is again less fermentation.
Dog Smog Remedy attacks your dog’s bad smell from both ends. It can be sprayed in your dog’s mouth, just like a breath freshener,and the peppermint and fennel will stop bad breath in its tracks. It also contains digestive enzymes which help break down food, and reduce the amount of noxious gas your dog produces.
Try these steps to wipe out your dog’s smell, and you’ll be cuddling on the couch again in no time. Better still, your friends and family won’t avoid you any more.
Many people believe their dog’s scratching is just a habit, and it’s all in his mind. Is that possible?
Certainly, the reasons for a dog’s scratching can be all in his owner’s mind. Some people believe that their breed has a unique itch that’s just a part of that breed. One example that comes to mind is the so called “Sussex scratch”, a stress relieving itch which apparently only occurs in Sussex Spaniels. Veterinarians will tell you that there is in fact no such thing as a breed related itch, and closer examination usually reveals an underlying cause for the scratching, such as an allergy.
All In The Mind
There’s no doubt that dogs can develop an obsessive compulsive disorder, and that it often manifests as self mutilation. These dogs can lick themselves until their skin is raw, or bite their tail until they bleed.
However, many cases of self mutilation are caused by pain or itching that we can’t see, and it can be very difficult to find the cause of this. Dogs will do the strangest things to relieve pain or itching, including excessive biting, chewing and scratching.
Dogs with anxiety can also self mutilate as a form of stress relief. Dogs also seem to experience phantom pain, and tail docking as a pup can hurt later in life.
Solve The Riddle
It can be difficult to manage these cases of apparent psychological scratching.
The first step is to look for a physical reason for the scratching. This may not be obvious, and it can take a great deal of investigation to either diagnose, or rule out, a cause for the self mutilation. Dogs are limited in how they can respond to pain; their response commonly includes scratching and chewing. Your dog would be miserable if there was in fact a physical cause of pain or irritation, and it wasn’t treated.
If, after a thorough investigation, your vet feels that your dog’s itch is in fact psychological, you will need to relieve anything that’s bothering your dog while you redirect his self mutilating behavior. There are several things you can do to help him.
1. Every time he scratches, interrupt him and divert his attention. Watch him constantly so as soon as he does scratch, you can give him an alternative behavior, such as chewing a Kong.
2. Physically stop him scratching and biting – bandage the affected area (or put on tshirt on him if it covers the area), use an Elizabethan collar (or a Comfy Cone), or use a medicated spray to numb the area and make it taste bitter.
3. Mental stimulation and some exercise has been shown to reduce the likelihood of these behaviors developing. Also, early obedience training will give him a good repertoire of acceptable behaviors, so he’s less likely to develop compulsive behaviors.
4. If your vet feels your dog has an anxiety problem, she may prescribe a course of anti anxiety treatment. This can make it easier for him to learn new behaviors without the added burden of feeling stressed. You can get an all natural herbal product like Sleepytime Tonic without a prescription and it works wonders. Helps to calm your dog so you can both get some rest.
5. Treat any irritation in the skin that has developed from his constant scratching. Wash him in Comfy Dog Shampoo ; its colloidal oatmeal will ease his itch and reduce inflammation. You can, if you wish, follow it up with Fur Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment for an enhanced effect. If he has small patches where he constantly itches, a spray with will soothe his irritated skin.
Psychological scratching can be difficult to diagnose, and difficult to manage. It’s important that it’s diagnosed early; the sooner you start treatment, the better the chance for a happy outcome for you and your dog.