bad breath gas & poop Odor/Smell

5 Quick Tips to Eliminate Unwanted Doggy Odors

Let’s face it. Dogs don’t always smell good. Whether the smell is from their front end, their back end, or just their whole body, the result is the same. Sometimes they’re not all that pleasant to be around.
Here are five quick steps you can take to eliminate that funky dog smell, and avoid being knocked out when your dog wants to sit close to you.
1. If your dog has that strong doggy smell and is itchy, he may have skin infection and inflammation. This can be secondary to allergies, hormonal disorders or nutritional deficiencies. The end result is the same – an overgrowth of bacteria and fungi on the skin.
Treatment is straightforward – your vet will help you diagnose and correct the underlying problem and will prescribe antibiotics to kill the secondary infection. In the meantime, you can minimize the smell by washing him in Bubbles ‘n Beads Shampoo . It will gently cleanse his skin and coat, and its colloidal oatmeal will ease the inflammation and relieve his itching. For days that you don’t wash your dog by Fido is smelly funky, use a dry shampoo like Dry Dog Instant Clean . It’s ingredients capture and eliminate foul smells so you can breathe!
2. Dogs love rolling in smelly things. In fact, the smellier the better. It can be hard to stop him doing this, particularly if you like to take your dog for a walk and let him run free. All you can do to get rid of the smell is to give him a bath. The problem is, if you’re going to bath your dog frequently, you do need to be careful in your choice of shampoo. Many shampoos will dry his coat, and this can lead to scratching.
If you’re going to bath your dog often, then Bubbles’n Beads is the product to use. It’s a gentle, all natural shampoo but more importantly, it contains micro beads full of conditioning vitamins, which break open at skin level and deliver their conditioners right to the root of the hair. The result is a soft luxurious healthy coat, no matter how often you bath him. If it’s too cold to bathe your dog, or you just need relief from the smell immediately, try Dry Dog Instant Clean, a spray-on bath replacement with aloe and kiwi.
3. Dental disease is a common cause of bad odor around your dog’s head. Have a look inside his mouth, and check for reddening of the gum line, and any build up of calculus on his teeth, particularly those at the back of his mouth. A study has shown that 85% of dogs over 3 years of age have some degree of gum disease, so even if his teeth and gums don’t look so bad, they may still the source of the stench.
Purchase a toothbrush and paste specially formulated for dogs. Don’t use your own as human toothpaste contains soap and since dogs can’t spit… well you get the idea! Also, consider changing his diet to see if it improves his breath, and give him a regular spray of Dog Smog Remedy . Its peppermint and fennel botanical extracts will freshen his breath in no time. And then be sure to make brushing your dog’s teeth at least a weekly activity to avoid tooth decay.
4. Now to a less pleasant topic. Dogs have two little anal glands at each side of their anus, and they contain a foul smelling fluid. Every time your dog ummm poops, a little of this fluid is expressed to leave a little of your dog’s scent behind. Similarly, when two dogs meet and sniff under each others tail, they’re smelling each others unique perfume. Don’t you wish they’d just shake hands?
In most cases, dogs don’t have too many problems with these glands. However, they can become blocked and infected, and in extreme cases, they may abscess. As you can imagine, this doesn’t smell very good at all. If this happens, your dog may need veterinary treatment to resolve the problem, but you can avoid it happening again. Feeding your dog a high fiber diet can make his feces bulkier, which will put pressure on the glands, and keep them drained. To learn more about this problem, click here.
5. We’re all familiar with the unpleasant odor of dog flatulence. There are many causes, but most cases of foul smelling flatulence are associated with poor digestion of food. Changing your dog’s diet to a highly digestible, low residue food can help. Whatever diet you choose to feed him, it’s a good idea to add digestive enzymes to his food to improve digestibility. Again, Dog Smog Remedy will come to the rescue. It is simply sprayed in the mouth, and contains digestive enzymes to help break down his food and reduce the bad odor at the other end.

What you should know about your dog's ear infection

One of the most common reasons for a dog to visit their veterinarian is an ear infection. In fact, ear infections are the #1 reason why people take their dog’s to the vet.

The skin lining a dog’s ear canal is very similar to that on his body, which means that anything that affects his skin, may also have an effect on his ears. Any changes in the ear canal skin can allow bacteria and fungi to multiply and cause infection. Your dog will scratch his ear, shake his head and cry. If you look inside his ear, it’s often red, it may smell bad, and in some cases, you’ll see a discharge around the opening of his ear canal.

Ear Ye! Ear Ye!

There are several causes of ear infections in dogs.

  • The first is the conformation of a dog’s ear. Floppy ears, such as those belonging to Cocker Spaniels and similar breeds, are particularly prone to infection. This happens because the pendulous flaps keep the canals moist, and prevent air circulation in the ears. The result is a warm moist canal that allows the growth of bacteria and fungi.

  • Medical conditions can also predispose to ear disease. Illnesses, particularly hormone disorders such as an under active thyroid gland , can lead to changes in the skin lining the ear canal, and a similar secondary infection.
  • A third cause of ear problems in dogs is allergies. Allergic reactions to food, or to dusts and pollens, can not only make a dog’s body itchy, but can cause redness, irritation and inflammation in his ear canal.
  • It’s still possible for dogs without any of these conditions to have ear problems – examples are dogs who swim regularly, or those who have very hairy ear canals. In both cases, the result is moisture in the ear canal, and infection.

    Sore Ears Can Stick Around

    Unfortunately, ear infections can be difficult to clear up, and may last several weeks. These more chronic infections are most likely to be caused by allergies, or by floppy ears.

    You’ll need to visit your vet to determine the underlying cause of your dog’s ear infection. He’ll look at the shape of his ears, and examine his outer ear canal. He’ll then look inside his canal with an otoscope, and have a close look at a sample of discharge under a microscope. This sample can tell him if there are any parasites present, and what bacteria and fungi are present. Depending on what he finds, he may recommend the sample be sent to a laboratory to find out what antibiotics could be used to kill the infection.

    There are three steps to treating a chronic ear infection:

    1 Clean the ear gently, to remove any discharge in the canal. Clip the hair around the opening of the ear canal to allow air to circulate. Try all natural Ear Wipes to make the job easier.

    2. Regularly use a product that dries out the canal. This helps prevent a moist environment which, as we’ve already seen, allows bacteria and fungi to multiply.

    3. Use a suitable antibiotic or anti-inflammatory ear drop as prescribed by your veterinarian, to kill the infection and ease your dog’s discomfort. In some cases, your vet may recommend antibiotic tablets as well as drops .

    Chronic ear infections can really rack up the vet bills. In order to keep those infections at bay, try an all natural, over the counter solution like Ear Aid – a two step process that both cleans and deodorizes, heals and protects your dog’s ears. If it works on your dog, you’ll save fortunes!

    Keep It Clean

    If your dog’s chronic ear infection is caused by an allergy, your vet will help you take steps to keep it under control.

    However, if his ear problem is caused by floppy ears, or regular swimming, keeping it clean and dry will make it less likely that bacteria will grow in his ear, and less likely that he’ll develop an infection.

    Although ear infections are common, using Ear Aid regularly will keep your dog’s ears healthy and pain free. ‘Ear ‘Ear!!

    Grooming Itchy Skin & Allergies

    Doggie Dandruff- How Embarassing!

    Dogs, like people, can have dandruff. However, unlike people, they’re not at all embarrassed by it, and they don’t mind it showing up on their dark coat. For their owners, it’s more of a problem. It’s not fun to cuddle and play with your dog, and have little white flakes of skin fall all over you.

    What Causes Dandruff In Dogs?

    Dandruff and flaky skin in dogs are usually caused by a condition called seborrhea sicca.

    Normal round skin cells become dry and flat scales of keratin as they age and move up to the surface of the skin. It’s normal for these scales to flake off. In dogs with seborrhea, the skin cells are too quick to turn into the keratin scales, so there’s an excess of these scales on the skin. They fall off in much larger quantities, causing small white dandruff flakes. These dogs also usually have abnormal oil glands in the skin. The glands don’t produce enough oils, which results in drying and scaling of the skin surface, flaky skin and dandruff.

    Some breeds of dogs have a genetic tendency to seborrhea. This is called primary seborrhea, and it’s something that isn’t ever cured, but is just managed. Breeds which suffer from primary seborrhea include German Shepherd Dogs, American Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds and Dachshunds.

    Most dogs with flaky skin suffer from secondary seborrhea, where there is a primary underlying disease causing the excessive skin flaking. The primary disease could be as common as a flea allergy, or could be an internal disorder such as an under active thyroid gland, or a nutritional deficiency.

    In many cases, the changes to the surface of the skin allow the normal skin micro-organisms to multiply, causing infection. The result is red, itchy, irritated and often painful skin.

    Controlling The Crusts

    It can be very difficult to treat flaky skin in dogs, and it will take commitment from both you and your vet. It’s important to find out what the underlying cause is, because unless you treat that, you’ll never get the dandruff under control. This can mean blood tests to check hormone levels, low allergy food trials to see if a food allergy is involved, and in extreme cases, a skin biopsy.

    While you’re working on that challenge, there are steps you can take to treat the secondary dryness and scaliness that’s affecting your dog’s good looks.

    1. If your vet feels there is a secondary infection, he may prescribe antibiotics or anti fungal medication to get that under control.

    2. An appropriate shampoo can work wonders in removing excessive skin flakes and making your dog much nicer to hug. Bubbles’n Beads contains some rain forest remedies to help combat skin infections, and also plant ingredients which reduce skin flaking and soothe inflammation. It’s micro beads deliver nourishing vitamins and conditioners to the skin, and it will replenish cells to heal damaged skin.

    3. Because seborrhea is usually secondary to an internal problem, it’s important to also treat it internally. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an all natural supplement which works from the inside to eliminate toxins that affect your dog’s skin, and relieve itching and inflammation.

    Your and your dog’s social life needn’t be affected by his dandruff. By using a combination of Bubbles’n Beads, and Healthy Skin Shiny Coat, you’ll find your dog’s skin is less flaky, and his coat is in great condition. You’ll be proud to be seen with him.


    Does Your Dog Shed All Over You?

    Dealing with dog hair is a normal part of owning a dog. Every dog sheds to some degree. Even “non shedding” breeds such as Poodles and Pulis do lose their hair, but not as much as other breeds. Some dogs shed once a year, some dogs twice. Some do it over a period of weeks, and others do it all at once. Now that can be impressive!

    Shedding is usually seasonal, and is most influenced by the amount of light a dog is exposed to. Because many of our pet dogs live inside with us, they’re exposed to fairly constant light. This means that they’re more likely to shed continuously, rather than in cycles.

    What’s Normal?

    Many people take their dogs to their veterinarian, concerned that their pet is losing too much hair. However, there may not be anything medically wrong with your dog, and your vet may not be able to do much about it. If your dog’s hair coat looks healthy, and you can’t see patches of bare skin through the hair, it’s not likely to be a medical problem.

    Active dogs appear to shed less than dogs that are couch potatoes. The increased activity helps them loosen the hair, and it falls out easier. Elderly dogs or overweight animals are less active, so the hair isn’t naturally worn off as it would be if they were out walking or playing.

    Female dogs lose their coat twice yearly. This is related to their hormonal cycles. Also, bitches that have raised a litter often shed more than normal, and end up with a thin sparse coat.

    However, there are times where excessive shedding is related to an illness such as hypothyroidism, or follows an anesthetic or surgery.

    Five Steps to Help Control Shedding

    If you’re concerned that your dog is losing too much hair, and you feel like you’re living in a blizzard, it’s important to have your dog examined by your vet. If everything is normal and he can’t find any reason for the hair loss, then it’s most likely a management problem.

    While you can’t stop your dog shedding, here are 5 steps you can take to keep our dog’s coat in the best condition, which results in less hair for you to sweep up.

    1. Make sure your dog is on a good quality diet like that from The Honest Kitchen .

    2. To keep a coat healthy, you need to treat it from the inside. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an all natural tonic for dogs which detoxifies their system and results in a general improvement in their health. This leads to a more lustrous shiny coat.

    3. Give him plenty of exercise, to encourage the hair to fall out.

    4. A gentle shampoo and towel dry will also help remove any loose hairs. Bubbles ‘n Beads two in one shampoo and conditioner is the perfect product to keep your dog’s coat in great shape. It contains a blend of 14 amino acids to improve coat strength, and its conditioning microbeads deliver conditioning vitamins directly to the hair follicle. The result is a stronger, shinier, healthier coat. The beads also act as an exfoliant which helps to ease away hair.

    5. Regular brushing is very good for his coat’s condition, as it spreads skin oil along the hair and adds a healthy shine. Try the Furminator grooming tool, it is amazing!

    Dog hair is supposed to shed. Keeping your dog’s coat in good condition will reduce the amount of hair he loses in your home, and save you time spent in doing housework – time you can then spend playing with him!

    Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia Food

    Is Your Dog Fat?

    It’s an unfortunate fact that over 40% of our pet dogs are overweight or obese. The excess weight they are carrying not only reduces their quality of life, but also the length of that life.

    Many of the problems that an overweight human has to deal with also occur in our dogs.

    One of the most significant effects obesity has on a dog’s body is the increased stress on the joints . The more weight the joints have to carry, the more wear and tear on those joints. The end result is pain and difficulty in moving around.

    There is a connection between obesity and the health of your dog’s heart. If your dog is a bit on the heavy side, the heart has to work a lot harder to push the blood through his body. Hypertension, or increased blood pressure, is also directly linked to obesity in dogs. The end result is heart disease, and an increased risk of heart attack.

    Overweight dogs are also more prone to sleep apnea. This is a condition in which your dog has difficulty breathing while he’s asleep. Diabetes is more common in obese animals, and an increase in weight can play havoc with regulating a diabetic dog’s blood glucose levels. You can try an all natural supplement like Sleepytime Tonic if your dog is having trouble sleeping (or if you are having trouble sleeping!)

    There is another condition we may not always associate with obesity in dogs, and it too can make them quite uncomfortable. Overweight animals often have more skin folds than a lean dog. These folds can trap dirt and debris, and this may lead to skin irritation and scratching. If moisture accumulates in these folds, bacteria and fungi may grow and cause skin infections which can be painful. Click here to read more about caring for wrinkly dogs.

    Why Is It So?

    There are several causes of obesity in dogs, and you may need help from your vet to determine which is the cause of your dog’s weight problem.

    One of the most common causes is simply over eating. All dogs need to eat a certain number of calories per day. This number varies depending on factors such as their breed, size, age, and level of activity. For instance, the more active your dog is, the more calories he will need to eat to provide energy and maintain his body condition. Some dogs just eat too many calories, and don’t use them up by exercising, so the excess is deposited on their waistline.

    If a dog has a fast metabolism, it uses up calories very quickly, so it can cope with an increase in food without putting on weight. Dogs with slower metabolisms aren’t so fortunate, and you need to watch closely how much you feed them. Neutering does slow a dog’s metabolism, so a neutered dog won’t need as many calories after their little operation.

    There are some medical conditions that can cause your dog to gain weight. Hyperthyroidism and Cushings Disease are two such conditions, and can be diagnosed with a blood test.

    Let’s Move That Weight!

    There are a few logical steps to getting your dog back to a healthy weight.

    Firstly, take him along to your veterinarian for a full checkup. If there is a medical reason for his obesity, you’ll have to deal with that before you try any other strategies.

    If all is okay, then look at what he’s eating. You need to feed him a good quality balanced diet with a low fat content. Many dog foods have a feeding guide on the packet, however it’s better to “feed to condition”. If you’re feeding the recommended amount, and your dog is too heavy, then that’s obviously too much for your individual dog. Feed the amount of food that keeps him in good lean condition, even if it is less than the pet food manufacturers recommend. While he’s losing the weight, skip any table scraps or between-meal snacks – they all add to the calorie count.

    The other important part of weight loss is exercise. This can be difficult, because a heavy dog often has sore legs, and doesn’t want to walk very far. Swimming is an excellent exercise for an overweight dog, because he can burn calories without putting any weight on his legs. You may also be able to find a dog physical therapist who has an underwater treadmill, so your dog can walk while his body is supported by water. Read more about caring for a dog that likes to swim.

    While you’re working hard to help your dog lose that excess weight, don’t forget to treat any obesity related conditions, so he feels more comfortable. Joint Resolution contains natural ingredients to help restore damaged cartilage and reduce wear and tear on his joints.

    If you do find any moist itchy skin folds, the colloidal oatmeal in Comfy Dog Shampoo will soothe inflamed skin and make your dog feel so much better. It doesn’t lather excessively, which makes it easy to work into those skin folds, and easy to rinse off. Click here to read more about colloidal oatmeal.

    Your dog didn’t gain his excess weight overnight, and he won’t lose it quickly either. Be strong and stick to your plan, and you’ll both enjoy a longer, healthier life together.

    DOG for DOG is an all natural dog food and treat company with a mission to help dogs in need. You buy one we give one! 52,000 pounds were donated in 2013

    Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

    Acupuncture can be effective in treating canine joint disease

    Arthritis and hip dysplasia are some of the the most common conditions that adversely affect our old dogs. It’s a shame to think that their twilight years may be marred by pain and difficulty getting up and about.

    Many dog owners would like to try and avoid using potentially toxic pain medication to help their stiff and sore old dogs. Instead, they prefer to look for natural alternatives to manage their discomfort.

    Acupuncture has been found to be particularly effective in treating arthritis in older dogs, either on its own or in conjunction with other natural treatments such as Joint Resolution .

    Pins and Needles

    Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and practitioners believe that the body’s vital energy, or Qi force, flows throughout the body in channels. If these channels become blocked, symptoms of disease occur. Stimulating specific points in the body unblocks the channels, allowing the energy to flow freely again.

    There are many ways to stimulate these acupuncture points. The one most people are familiar with is the acupuncture needle, which is inserted into the skin. However, an acupuncturist may also use acupressure or laser energy.

    How does acupuncture work? There are several theories. although nobody knows for sure. Some followers believe that the needles help release endorphins and other hormones, and others believe that they relieve muscle spasms. The needles may also cause little areas of inflammation in the area, which encourages the body’s healing response.

    The real advantage of acupuncture is that in the hands of an experienced veterinarian, there are no adverse effects; it’s quite safe and won’t do your dog any harm.

    An Acupuncture “Prescription”

    To work out where he needs to place the acupuncture needles, your veterinarian will need to make a Chinese medical diagnosis, which is quite different to the usual western medicine diagnosis. He will will ask questions such as if your pet prefers hot or cold water, if they drink enough, the health of their skin and coat, and several other things.

    From there, he will develop a list of points in the body that he will stimulate with needles. Acupuncture treatments are initially given once or twice weekly for around 6 treatments. The needles remain in the dog for 20 minutes, and this doesn’t seem to stress them at all. In fact, many dogs snooze through their acupuncture session. When your dog is feeling better, the treatments can then be spread out a bit further, which is much better for the budget.

    It’s important that if you’re looking for acupuncture treatment for your arthritic dog, you find a vet who is skilled in this form of treatment. A veterinarian can become a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist by completing courses through several organisations, but most commonly this is done through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society.

    100% Successful?

    Unfortunately not. No treatment is completely effective in every animal, not even the conventional pain medications. Some dogs just don’t respond well to acupuncture. If that’s the case, your vet may want to re-evaluate the acupuncture points he’s stimulating, and see that improves your dog’s comfort level.

    Because arthritis pain often responds best to the use of multiple treatments, acupuncture can be combined with other medications and natural remedies, such as Joint Resolution . This all natural arthritis treatment contains several ingredients which not only help to restore damaged cartilage, but improve the joint fluid and make it more cushioning. The result is pain free movement, and a better quality of life.

    Arthritis, hip dysplasia and luxating patellas can affects dogs at any age but particularly as they age. Fortunately we have safe, natural treatments that can ease their pain, and allow them to again enjoy their daily stroll.

    Anxiety & Nervousness

    Why does my dog sleep so much?

    Why does my dog sleep so much and how much is normal?
    You may find it hard to believe, but adult dogs can sleep for as much as 12 hours out of 24! This does vary with the breed of the dog; the larger breeds tend to need a bit more sleep than other breeds. You’ll also find that growing pups also need more nap time, and over the course of a day and night, they’ll snooze for anything up to 16 hours. Although dogs sleep more than we do, they also wake more frequently, so they tend not to get a long period of unbroken sleep.
    These figures vary – a dog with an active lifestyle will obviously sleep more than a couch potato. Also, if you’re out at work all day, there may be nothing for your dog to do, and he may sleep just because he’s bored.
    Dogs can have rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, just as we do. They may twitch, yelp and move their legs as if they’re running. They can look quite funny. Most vets will agree that dogs do dream during these REM phases.
    Sleeping Like A Baby
    You can expect your baby puppy to sleep a lot, but there are some pups that seem to sleep way more than they should. These pups may be unwell. If you’re concerned about how much your pup is sleeping, it would be a good idea to have him checked by your vet. He may have a simple infection, or he may have a congenital defect such as a liver shunt, which can make him very ill.
    On the other hand, some pups are like naughty children, and just will not go to sleep at bedtime! These pups need to learn what bedtime is all about. It’s a good idea to teach them to go to bed in a warm cozy crate, so when they go into the crate, they know it’s sleep time. If they’re noisy, don’t pat them or talk to them, that only gives them attention when they do the wrong thing. If they’re particularly raucous, you may need to put their crate in another part of your house. A gentle tonic such as Sleepytime Tonic will help relax your restless pup, and allow both of you to have a good night’s rest.
    Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
    As they age, dogs can naturally sleep more, but again, if they’re sleeping excessively, it can be an indication that they have a health problem. These dogs may have an underactive thyroid gland which can slow down their metabolism. They will usually gain weight and will generally act more sluggish. A simple blood test will tell you if your dog has a thyroid problem, and giving him thyroid hormone in tablet form can have him back to normal in no time.
    Another cause of excessive sleepiness in an elderly dog is heart disease. If his heart isn’t pumping blood around his body efficiently, he’ll tire very quickly, and you’ll notice he’s not as active as usual. Again, have your vet examine him; the appropriate medication will make a big difference to his well being.
    When older dogs don’t settle at night, it can be a nightmare for their owners. Some elderly dogs pace the floor, and are anxious and just can’t get comfortable. It can be very hard to get up to go to work the next day, if your old dog has kept you awake all night!
    There are few possible causes for this behavior, but unfortunately it’s not always easy to figure out what’s going on. Your first step is to have some blood tests done to make sure there aren’t any health issues that aren’t obvious from the outside.
    In many cases, vets can’t find a reason for this behavior, and all you can do is try a range of treatments to see if any of them bring relief.
    There is a condition in elderly dogs known as geriatric cognitive dysfunction. It basically means they are going a little senile with age. They tend to have abnormal sleep/wake cycles, which may cause night waking, restlessness, anxiety and barking. Treatment for your dog can include anti-anxiety medication, sedatives or natural calming tonics such as Sleepytime Tonic to help you both get some sleep.
    Some old dogs can be unsettled because of arthritis. If their joints are sore, they may find it very hard to get comfortable when they lie down. Pain relief can make a big difference to these dogs, and vets will usually suggest a trial of anti-arthritis medication to see if it makes any difference.
    Unfortunately some of these old dogs are very wakeful and restless because they have a brain tumor. Your vet can advise you best on how to manage this, but there may not be much you can do for these old souls.
    Help Me Make It Through The Night
    There are steps you can take to help dogs of any age have a restful night, so you’re both recharged and ready for the next day. Crate training is a great idea to teach your dog that when he’s in his crate, it’s sleep time. A good walk in the afternoon can help him expend any excess energy, and he’ll sleep better in a quiet environment without distractions.
    Sleepytime Tonic is a relaxing elixir which will help to relax your dog, ready for bedtime. Its gentle combination of herbs and homeopathic medicines are completely safe, and work gently to relax even the most restless dog. It’s a valuable addition to your doggy tool kit, no matter how old your dog.

    Caring for Wrinkly Dogs

    Lili the Pug gets special care by her owner Jeannine.

    Caring for Wrinkly Dogs

    Some of the most popular breeds of dogs today are breeds with wrinkles — cute little Pugs, stout Bulldogs, Shar Peis, and many of the Mastiff or Molusser breeds. These breeds may have wrinkles only on their faces or they may have wrinkly skin all over their bodies. In either case, their owners may have fallen in love with them before realizing that it takes some extra effort to care for a dog with wrinkly skin. Without special care these dogs can develop serious skin problems. But if you’re willing to give your dog’s wrinkles some regular maintenance you can prevent these skin problems from occurring.

    Wrinkles are beautiful

    If you have a dog with facial wrinkles, such as Pugs, you should use a very gentle wipe to clean their wrinkles on a daily basis. If you begin wiping your dog’s wrinkles when he’s a puppy he should have no problem with this daily regimen. He will probably enjoy the attention. If you have acquired an adult dog with a wrinkled face, you may have to help him get used to the idea. Clean your dog’s wrinkles slowly, give your dog lots of treats, and you can help him adapt to having his wrinkles cleaned.

    Pre-Moistened pads are very good to use to clean your dog’s wrinkles. They’re alcohol-free and safe to use on even the youngest puppy. Try Eye Pads , they don’t contain any pharmaceuticals or chemicals. You can rub Eye Pads with and against the grain of your dog’s fur to thoroughly clean inside the folds of his wrinkles – but always rub very gently. You don’t want to irritate your dog’s skin. Eye Pads contain all-natural colloidal silver that helps prevent the growth of bacteria.

    More wrinkles!

    Some breeds, such as Shar Pei and the Mastiff breeds, have wrinkles all over. Their wrinkles need to be wiped all over their bodies. When wiping these dogs you should pay special attention to anyplace where your dog may seem to be itchy. This can be a sign that there is dirt collecting in the folds of the wrinkles. This can lead to irritation and even an infection if you don’t clean your dog frequently. This is one of the reasons that dogs with wrinkly skin can have skin problems.

    In addition to this daily wrinkle care you should take special care to bathe your wrinkly dog at least once a month with a gentle shampoo to soothe any irritated skin. Shampoos with colloidal oatmeal are especially good for dogs with wrinkly skin and for skin irritations such as itchy and dry skin. Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo is a good choice for dogs with wrinkly skin and skin irritations.

    You’ll need to gently — very gently — scrub between all of your dog’s wrinkles during each bath. Make sure that you rinse your dog completely, too. Rinsing your dog is perhaps even more important that the bath itself since any shampoo residue left behind can cause skin irritations, especially between your dog’s wrinkles. Dogs with wrinkles are particularly prone to itching and rashes so be very careful to rinse away all traces of shampoo. If you use a conditioner make sure that you use an all-natural conditioner that will soothe your dog’s skin.

    There’s no need to blow dry a wrinkled dog. They tend to already have dry skin and blow drying them will likely dry out the top layer of skin and may leave moisture in the folds of their skin. Simply towel dry a wrinkly dog and let him air dry.

    See what the vet thinks

    All dogs should see the vet at least once a year. Your wrinkly dog is no exception. When you take your wrinkly dog to the vet, ask your vet to pay special attention to your dog’s skin. Make sure that he or she checks the folds of your dog’s wrinkles and looks for any skin irritations or other problems. Whether your dog has face wrinkles or wrinkles all over his body, see that your vet gives your dog’s skin a thorough going over. If your vet finds any skin problems he or she will probably prescribe a topical spray or cream to help the symptoms.

    Wrinkly dogs are all beautiful in their own unique ways. If you have a wrinkly dog take extra special care of his skin and your dog’s wrinkles shouldn’t give you any trouble at all.

    Activities & Fun

    Ten things to consider before traveling with your dog

    TRaveling with your dog When it comes to traveling with your dog planning can mean the difference between a memorable, trip and a nightmare vacation that you’ll never forget. Before you board that train, plane or automobile here are a few things to consider.
    1. Microchip your dog. If (heaven forbid) the worst happens and you’re separated make sure he is wearing ID and has been chipped. You can contact one of the many companies that perform the service ( Crystal Tag , HomeAgain , Microchip ID (AVID) or you can ask your local pet store if they offer microchipping. It can seem like an expensive luxury but the peace-of-mind it affords is priceless.

    2. Training. Unruly, uncontrolled behavior will often be amplified in unfamiliar environments. If your dog is scared or uncertain he will express these emotions by being uncooperative, impatient and excitable. Your dog will look to you for reassurance and calm so if you have trouble providing that for your dog it’s time to attend an obedience school. You will be taught how to handle a variety of situations but most importantly you’ll be taught how to exert your authority as leader of the pack and nothing calms a dog more effectivly that knowing he is in the good hands of his pack leader.

    3. Make sure you are armed. With poop bags, a leash some treats, and it’s also a really good idea to have a bath replacement spray like Dry Dog Instant Clean to deal with the odors of a confined dog. However if the smell is emanating from the inside of your dog opening the car window will only help so much. We always prep our traveling dogs with Dog Smog Remedy a few days in advance of the journey. Not only does it help with bad breath but the digestive enzymes in the formula diminish bad gas, and I’m sure I don’t have to point out how that can ruin a road trip.

    4. Should he even come along? If you’re on business or won’t have a lot of time to spend together it may be a better idea, no matter how painful, to leave your little guy at home. If you have a friend or a family member willing to take him that’s always preferable however there are many excellent kennels available that will provide a welcoming environment for your baby. The best way to find one is by referral, from your vet, someone at the dog park, from a friend; it’s hard to beat experience when looking for someone to watch over your most precious possession.
    5. If you’re flying, can you bring your dog in the cabin with you? If he’s small enough it’s much better option for all concerned. Check with your airline about the regulations regarding traveling with your best friend and make sure you have an airline approved carrier .

    6. Prepare for calm. There are many products on the market that will help to calm your dog before traveling but if you’re looking for an all-natural, highly effective solution Sleepytime tonic is perfect. It’s a great idea to start the program a few days in advance of departure with a few drops twice a day in your dog’s mouth, (or if he resists this you can put it on a treat or in his water). By the time you leave he’ll be much calmer, more relaxed and ready for the adventure.
    7. Road trip!. The car is by far the best way to travel with your dog. Usually the back seat is a familiar location and perhaps he even has his own blanket and car toys. However if your dog only rides with you to the vet it might be a good idea to prepare for the trip by taking him to the dog park, or to the store (for treats) so he starts to associate the car with good things. Needless to say take plenty of water and stop often for a walk and a bathroom break, and don’t forget the poop bags and the leash.
    8. Stay! Remember that just because a hotel allows dogs that doesn’t mean that they actively welcome them, and here the internet is an invaluable tool. Do plenty of research before you leave the house. Make sure that the hotel has an area to walk and play with your dog. Check the fine print about liability associated with bringing your dog to the hotel.

    9. Camping. Now here is a great vacation for a dog; back to the wild, lots of open space and room to run off leash. But beware, many state and national parks do not allow dogs. If you have a smaller dog please be vigilant and make sure your little guy does not stray too far into the woods alone. Nature can be cruel and uncompromising; You see a wonderful ball of love and fluff but there are plenty of creatures out there who see a tasty morsel.

    10. Emergencies. The last thing you want on any vacation is a medical emergency but it does happen and it’s smart to be prepared. If your dog has medical issues don’t forget to bring any medication and it’s always a good idea to bring his medical records and the phone number of your vet back home.
    Vacation can be a relaxing, rejuvenating experience for the whole family and a little planning can be the difference between getting away from it all and feeling all alone and helpless
    Mattes & Tangles

    No More Mattes and Tangles

    No more mattes and tangles

    If you have a dog with short hair then you probably don’t spend much time worrying about mattes and tangles. But, if your dog has long hair you may spend a considerable amount of time not only thinking about mattes and tangles but trying to come up with ways to prevent them or get them out of your dog’s coat. Even with frequent brushing some dogs seem to get mattes overnight.

    100 strokes a night

    The best way to prevent your dog from getting mattes is, as you might expect, to brush his coat frequently. Your dog may have a single or double coat but your long-haired dog can have either hair type, depending on the breed. The beautiful Maltese, with his long, flowing coat, is single-coated, so you shouldn’t think that having a single coat means that a dog will have less hair. A double-coated dog has an outer layer of guard hair and an inner layer of softer hair that usually acts as insulation. Collies, Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds are examples of double-coated dogs. A single-coated dog only has one layer of hair but it may can be of different textures, depending on the breed.

    Whether your dog has a single coat or a double coat, if your dog has medium or long hair you can avoid most mattes and tangles by brushing him several times a week. Use a good brush, such as a boar bristle brush or boar bristle with nylon bristles mixed in, to brush through your dog’s coat. (Boar bristles help spread the natural oils in your dog’s coat and don’t break the hair.) Then you can go over his “furnishings” (the long parts of his coat that hang down, such as chest hair, leg hair, hair below the stomach) with a pin brush. Pin brushes have metal pins set into a brush back. They allow you to brush through and gently separate the hair. Finally, you can comb out your dog’s hair after you have carefully brushed it out to leave every hair in place.


    When you’re brushing your dog’s coat, if you do find a mat or tangle you can take your comb and gently work it loose a few strands at a time. If you brush your dog frequently then any mat or tangle you find should be fairly easy to work loose.

    You can also use Ruff to Smooth on mats and tangles. The emollients in Ruff to Smooth can help loosen mattes and tangles when you’re grooming. Just spray a little on and work through the mat. Then use your comb to work the tangle out.

    An ounce of prevention

    You can also prevent matting by using shampoos that don’t overly strip the coat of natural oils. Using harsh shampoos can result in the coat matting. Use gentler shampoos that are free of Sodium Laurel Sulfate and which don’t strip the coat. Follow up with a conditioner after shampooing. Fur Butter leaves the coat silky and easy to brush while providing colloidal oatmeal to heal dry, itchy skin.

    To prevent tangles from ever occurring you can use Ruff to Smooth on your dog right after his bath. After you bathe your dog you can lightly mist his coat with Ruff to Smooth and it will keep the hair from tangling while you brush him out.

    If you’re ever brushing your dog and you find a mat that is too much to tease out, you may, on occasion, have to trim it out. If you do, be very careful when using scissors with any mat. Try to stay away from cutting near your dog’s skin. It can be very easy to cut your dog and that’s the last thing you want to do. Cut just a little snip of hair in the mat and try to work on it with your comb.

    Brush your dog frequently and he can be gorgeous and matte-free. He’ll also enjoy grooming a lot more if you don’t have to deal with mats and tangles. Try to prevent mattes and tangles and you’ll both be happy.