Flea Treatments Itchy Skin & Allergies

What's Worse, the Fleas or the Chemicals to Kill the Fleas?

Flea Control in the News

What’s a dog to do? The itching . The misery. The fleas! But there are so many options. Your dog can’t really tell you which one he prefers. How can you safely fight fleas?

Pyrethrins not so safe

The Environmental Protection Agency is taking a close look at all kinds of flea and tick control products. The EPA has been reviewing the safety of pyrethroid-based flea products for some time. They ordered some of these products to be phased out and insisted on new labeling for other products. Pyrethrins are the active ingredient in many over-the-counter flea and tick products. They affect the nervous system of the pests on your dog. They may not be as safe as previously thought.

Taking another look

Now there is news that the EPA is also taking a new look at spot-on pesticide treatments, sprays, collars and shampoos. This includes Frontline, Frontline Plus, Advantage, Revolution and other popular topical treatments. Frontline contains fipronil; Advantage contains imidacloprid; and Revolution contains selamectin.

These products have been thought to be safer than the flea control products containing pyrethrins. Topical flea products are generally applied between the shoulders or along the back, in an area where the dog can’t reach to lick the product off. These products are also either absorbed into the skin or into the hair follicles. Again, this means that the dog can’t lick the product off. The active ingredient continues to work for several weeks.

The new EPA notice indicated that they had seen a “recent sharp increase” in reported adverse reactions. Some of the reactions were mild skin irritations but there were also reports of seizures and deaths. One expert indicated that the EPA may be most concerned about less expensive topical flea treatments sold over-the-counter in retail stores and not with products such as Frontline and Advantage, which are usually sold through veterinarians.

This doesn’t mean that you should stop using Frontline and Advantage. If you live in an area where fleas are a serious problem you have to weigh the pros and cons of the various flea treatments, or of letting your dog go untreated for fleas. The chances of your dog having an adverse reaction to a topical flea treatment, especially Frontline, Advantage or another product sold by your vet, are still very small.

All-natural alternatives

If you live in an area where fleas aren’t bad you may want to try an all-natural approach to flea prevention. Try some of these alternatives:

  • An herbal flea collar can help keep fleas away. Remember to wash your hands after handling it because it will likely contain herbs that you shouldn’t ingest.

  • Flea the Scene contains natural ingredients that repel fleas and soothe the skin. It has emollients to moisturize the skin and sunscreen to provide some protection from the sun. This is perfect if you need something to protect your dog when you’re headed to the dog park or the beach. It’s safe for humans, too.
  • Cedar mulch around your house and plants will help keep fleas away.
  • Some people recommend adding garlic and brewer’s yeast to their pet’s diet. Other people think that garlic can contribute to problems with anemia in dogs. Use your best judgment.
  • Add a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water or food each day. Apple cider vinegar is good for all kinds of things and it helps the immune system, too. It seems to make the skin less inviting to fleas.

If you live in an area where fleas are bad each year you don’t have to give up using Frontline or Advantage. The EPA has not said that they are dangerous to use. But it never hurts to look for natural solutions when they will work instead.

Dog Conditioner Mattes & Tangles

Eliminating Static in Your Dog’s Coat

Eliminating static charge doesn’t have to be a pain

Static charge can build up in your dog’s coat just as it can in your own hair. Have you ever been brushing your hair and gotten zapped by a little charge? It hurts, doesn’t it? Well, your dog doesn’t like it either! My dogs have long hair that require frequent brushing so I have to do what I can to keep the static out of their coats when I’m brushing them. It’s not always easy.

Static can be caused by dry, cool air in your house or rubbing and building up an electrical charge on the carpet or an area rug. Any type of friction can build up some static so even brushing your dog can create static if you do it vigorously enough. But there are some solutions!

Reduce the friction!

Sometimes increasing the humidity in your home can reduce the static charge in the atmosphere and in your dog’s coat. You may wish to get a humidifier for you house to raise the humidity. This can be good for both you and your dog. They are not as expensive as you might think. You can get a decent one for under $50. Check out our favorite one on Amazon.

Grooming Shouldn’t be a Shocking Experience

Your dog’s hair is usually most prone to building up static when he has been recently bathed and dried because there are fewer natural oils in his coat to help keep it under control.

You can try two things. First, use a conditioner after you shampoo your dog. This will add more moisture to the coat. Try a deep conditioning treatment for dry coats. This will adds tons of moisture in the coat and will leave it super soft too!

You can then  take the charge out of your dog’s coat by using a spray-on conditioner or detangler before brushing your dog. This is effective because it adds in moisture so that brushing your dog is a less “shocking” experience.  The great thing about a spray on product is that you can use it anytime, whenever you notice that your dog’s coat has static. You don’t have to wait until bath time to “take charge.”

You can also spray it directly on your dog’s brush before you brush him. This will help reduce the static that the brush could cause when you use it on your dog’s coat.

Dogs are not laundry!

Some people like to rub their dogs with a dryer sheet to reduce static since they reduce static in clothing. However, some dryer sheets contain chemicals which can be dangerous for dogs. They’re probably all right used lightly on your dog’s coat but you should be very careful not to leave any lying around where your dog could make a snack of one. The same advice goes for when you use dryer sheets with the laundry. Be careful not to leave them where your dog can get to them, either before or after they’ve been used in the dryer.

If you do like the simplicity of rubbing a dryer sheet on your dog, get the ones from Grab Green. They don’t have gross animal fat on them and they’re about as natural as you can get.

You should not use anti-static laundry sprays on your dog’s coat. The chemicals in these sprays can be dangerous for your dog, particularly if he licks his coat.

Prevent build up

If you have a certain area of your home set aside for brushing and grooming your dog you may want to consider getting a rubber mat for the floor. Rubber will help prevent an electric charge from building up in the area. This is a great idea for groomers who have to deal with lots of static charge.

No more static

Raise the humidity in your home and use products designed for dogs instead of laundry and you should see a reduction in the amount of static in your dog’s coat. No one likes the ouchies that go along with static, least of all your dog!

Itchy Skin & Allergies

A dog's poor immune system can lead to itchy skin & coat problems

by Carlotta Cooper

It’s not safe out there!

Good health can be very hard to maintain in today’s world. For both humans and dogs, our bodies are constantly under stress from pollutants in the atmosphere and toxins in the food we eat, the water we drink and everything around us.

What’s for dinner?

If you feed your dog kibble then you have no control over the ingredients in the food. Manufacturers may use cheap ingredients as long as they technically meet the government’s requirements. Even if you buy holistic or organic kibble there can be some ingredients that may not be good for your dog. Fish meal, for instance, must, by law, be preserved with the toxic preservative ethoxyquin, the same ingredient used in making tires.

If you cook at home for your dog or feed your dog a raw diet, then you can have much more control over what he eats. But these diets, too, have some drawbacks. Creating a nutritionally balanced diet for your dog by yourself is one of the biggest concerns. There are also concerns about e. coli, salmonella and other bacteria when you work with these foods yourself.

What’s up doc?

Some people also believe that we are over-vaccinating our dogs today. Perhaps we are introducing too many toxins directly into their system by some annual vaccinations that dogs may not need. Studies are being done to find out if dogs can get by with fewer vaccinations.

As a result of all of this exposure to toxins, dogs today can often have poor immune systems or they can have skin and coat problems. Fortunately, there are some good ways to improve your dog’s skin and coat. Make sure you’re feeding the best quality food that you can like that from The Honest Kitchen . Avoid ingredients that you know are not good for your dog. Talk to your vet and limit vaccinations to the minimum. It’s best not to get all of your dog’s vaccinations at one time. If your dog must get several vaccinations then space them out.

An all-natural detoxifier

To improve your dog’s skin and coat we recommend Healthy Skin Shiny Coat , an all-natural detoxifier. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat works by helping your dog’s liver, kidneys and lymphatic system eliminate toxins from his body. It can help relieve itchy skin and restore luster to a dull coat because it removes the toxins from your dog’s body.

Remember that dogs can’t perspire the way that we do. They don’t sweat. They can only pant and cool themselves through their paw pads. It’s harder for them to get rid of the toxins that build up in their bodies. When they do build up toxins in their bodies it’s often shown in their skin and coat. Your dog may itch and scratch and be miserable. That’s when you need to help him get rid of the toxins.

Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is easy to use. You just put a few drops in his mouth or on a treat, or even in his water and it begins to work. Over time the formula works by removing toxins. Your dog will stop itching and you will see a general improvement in his skin and coat.

Itchin’ to feel better

If your dog does have skin and coat problems you should also work on the outside to make him feel better. Itchin’ For Relief is an all-natural anti-itch spray. It contains Neem, Oat Extract and Aloe, along with other ingredients, to help soothe your dog’s itchy skin. You can also try products that are oatmeal-based.  Colloidal oatmeal helps to soothe dog’s dry itchy skin and also provides temporary relief from insects and poisonous plants. Click here to learn more about the benefits of colloidal oatmeal .

Healthy and Shiny again

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to limit and remove the toxins from your dog’s body. Provide your dog with a healthy diet paying close attention to the ingredients; limit vaccinations to the essentials; try to remove the toxins from your dog’s body; and use good products on your dog’s skin and coat to reduce skin and coat problems. If you follow these tips then your dog will soon have fewer toxins in his system and his skin and coat will be looking healthy and shiny again.

Anxiety & Nervousness Grooming

Grooming an Anxious Dog? Try These Tips

Grooming an anxious dog? Try these tips

Whether it’s trimming nails or trying to bathe a dog, if you’re a dog groomer then you probably see anxious dogs on a daily basis and if you have an anxious dog then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about! No matter how experienced you are, how good at your job, and how much effort you put into keeping a dog calm, there are some dogs that simply don’t like to be groomed. Maybe they’ve had a bad experience. Or perhaps the sound of clippers makes them nervous. It could be a lot of things. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to help calm nervous dogs.

A little bribe never hurts

Bribery may be illegal with humans but, when it comes to dogs, a little bribery will often get you what you want and there are no laws against it. Many dogs are very food-motivated. If you’re grooming a dog who is only slightly anxious then you can frequently help him overcome his nervousness by giving him a treat reward for being a good boy (or girl). This is a great way to help a puppy when he’s getting his first “big boy” hair cut or having his nails trimmed. If he’s never had a bad experience and he’s simply a little uncertain you can ease him through the entire grooming process by giving him a treat at each step. Clip a nail — give a treat. Clip another nail — another treat. And so on. Many puppies can’t wait to jump up on the grooming table if you practice this method.

Music soothes the savage…

If you’re bathing a dog who is seriously afraid, such as a dog who freezes up as soon as the water hits him, singing and crooning to him can help. Playing music in the grooming salon is often relaxing to dogs. Some groomers find that dogs enjoy having a television with nature programming on in the shop. This may not take away all of their anxiousness but it can help relax some dogs. Grooming products with soothing natural scents, such as lavender, can also help calm a nervous dog. You may want to try something like a lavender between bath spritz. The pure essential oil will help to soothe your dog.

An all-natural solution

You may also wish to try an all-natural solution such as Sleepytime Tonic to help an anxious dog. Sleepytime Tonic is a relaxing tonic that is perfect to help calm a nervous dog. It’s a herbal and a Flower Essence-based formula that can ease your dog into a calmer more relaxed state. It contains valerian and scullcap, two herbs that have been used for centuries in Europe to encourage relaxation and sleep. If you’re using it for a dog that you’re going to groom you can put a couple of drops on a treat or place a few drops directly into the dog’s mouth. Sleepytime Tonic works in about 20 minutes so you can give a dog a treat with a few drops on it when he first arrives and he will be ready for a bath or grooming in just a few minutes.

Grooming can be very stressful for some dogs and Sleepytime Tonic can help relax the dog so he won’t be so distressed about the whole process. You will be able to trim the dog’s nails, clean his ears, bathe him and finish his grooming without causing him the kind of upset that disturbs some dogs so much. Sleepytime Tonic is perfectly safe and completely non-toxic. But of course, get permission from the dog’s owner first.

The finishing touch

Remember, too, that simple brushing is often relaxing for many dogs. Try to begin grooming with brushing and let the dog relax a little so he feels more comfortable before you spring something on him that could cause him to become anxious, such as trimming his nails. Finish up with treats and lots of petting. Don’t forget to tell your client dog what a good boy he’s been and how great he looks. He’ll be happy to see you next time.

bad breath Odor/Smell

Do you have a smelly, dirty dog?

by Carlotta Cooper

Stinky Dogs!

Have you ever been happily petting your dog, thinking how lucky you are to have such a wonderful best friend, looking deeply into his soulful eyes — when all of a sudden he lets out a burp that makes the house shake? You probably pull your face back fast enough to get whiplash. The odor certainly makes you start wondering what’s in the food you feed your dog.

Or, there’s the classic situation when you’re sitting with your dog and you start noticing a strong noxious odor in the room. You look at your dog but he continues to wag his tail and look quite happy. You know that toxic smell came from him but he’s not saying a word.

Sometimes it seems like dogs delight in finding the smelliest things they can to roll in and play with when they’re outdoors. Dogs actually do like to roll in garbage and dead animal carcasses. Dogs have a very different idea of what smells good than we do. They can actually like playing with stinky things. In the wild, wolves will even roll in such things in order to disguise their own scent. It helps them get closer to their prey.


For most encounters with garbage and smelly dead things a good bath will take care of the problem. You can use a shampoo and conditioner like Bubbles n’ Beads which has a clean laundry scent to replace the eau de varmint smell your dog has chosen. If your dog has smelly skin because of a bacterial infection then Bubbles n’ Beads can help with that odor, too. It contains antimicrobial tea tree and lavender oils.

If your dog has a close encounter with a skunk one good de-skunking remedy is to bathe your dog in the following solution:

1 quart (or liter) of 3 percent Hydrogen Peroxide

1/4 cup Baking Soda

A small amount of dish detergent, such as Dawn

Bathe your dog as soon as you find him after he meets the skunk. The skunk’s spray will most likely be hurting his eyes. You may have to bathe more than once but the first bath will noticeably reduce the odor.

Going Grunge

Most people like to give their dog a bath at least once a month (to learn how often to wash your dog click here .) That’s fine for most dogs and most breeds. It’s often enough to keep a dog clean and yet it doesn’t strip all of the natural oils from your dog’s coat. If you need to stretch the time between baths you may notice that your dog starts to smell a little rank. To be frank, you may want to walk down wind of him. If that’s the case and your dog is getting a little grungy, then something like Dry Dog Instant Clean can keep you and your dog in the same room together. Dry Dog Instant Clean is a dry shampoo that you can use instead of a bath. Or, you can use a canine cologne like Fur Breeze which also removes doggy odor.

His Breath Could Stop A Train

If your dog has chronic bad breath (not just an occasional burp), you should check his teeth. Many dogs develop gum disease by the age of three. Frequent brushing with a pet toothbrush and toothpaste will help prevent dental problems for your dog and keep his breath pleasant. Make sure that you don’t use human toothpaste. It can contain artificial sweeteners which are toxic to dogs. Check your pet sore for doggy toothpaste. It comes in flavors such as beef and peanut butter and most dogs love them. Dog Smog Remedy is also a great help for bad doggy breath. It’s an all-natural breath freshener that contains peppermint and fennel. You can spray it in your dog’s mouth or add a few drops to his food or water. A breath freshener like Dog Smog Remedy really helps when your dog has eaten something disgusting and temporarily has bad breath.

Noxious Fumes

Dog Smog Remedy is also a digestive aid so it can help with problems from your dog’s, um, other end. If your dog has problems with flatulence (or gaseous eruptions) Dog Smog Remedy can help neutralize the digestive enzymes in your dog’s stomach that are causing the excess gas. Of course, if your dog has a continuing problem with gas then you should re-evaluate his food and overall diet. Something he’s eating may not be agreeing with him. Some foods, especially those high in plant content, including corn and soybeans, can be harder for a dog to digest properly.

You should not give your dog over-the-counter medications for flatulence or stomach problems, such as Pepto-Bismol, without the advice of your veterinarian. Human medications can contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs.

No More Bad Smells

Dogs seem to be smelly in a lot of different ways, but I guess the same could be said of people. Heaven knows we have plenty of ways to fight bad odors for humans! As far as I know there aren’t any doggy deodorants but there are other ways to help your dog smell good. You can make his breath smell better, make his skin and coat smell good, and help him fight noxious emissions. Anything that makes your dog smell good will make it more fun to spend time with him so these are all good things to know.

Grooming Shampoo

Save Money & Groom Your Own Dog!

by Carlotta Cooper
DIY Grooming
I have an online friend who is remodeling his home in Brentwood. He tells me about importing a marble fireplace and installing a remote control for his bathroom fixtures. I don’t quite have the heart to tell him that my home is decorated in Modern Dog. I have a crate that could house a family of three in my living room and a dog grooming table pushed against a window. I use the table a) for my potted plants; and b) when I groom my dogs.
With five big, long-haired dogs I do groom them myself. It’s not as hard as you might think and, with the economy the way it is right now this could be the perfect time for you to consider washing and grooming your own dog at home. At the very least, some of these ideas may help you stretch the time between visits to the grooming salon.
No More Bad Hair Days
You may not be able to duplicate the look that a dog groomer gives your dog, especially if you have a breed that requires some clipping, but there are many things that you can do to lengthen the time between visits to the grooming salon.
For dogs that need a little “boost” between baths, many people like to give a waterless bath. Dry Dog Instant Clean is a bath replacement spray, waterless shampoo and dry bath. All you have to do is spritz it on your dog and the spray cleans without using any water. Dry Dog contains ordenone which eliminates bad doggy odors. A waterless bath can help your dog go a few more weeks before getting a bath or seeing the dog groomer so it can help stretch your grooming dollars.
Rub A Dub Dub
If you decide to bathe your dog yourself and your dog hates it, you can help him feel better about the whole activity with an herbal elixir like Sleepytime Tonic . Sleepytime Tonic is great at calming a nervous or anxious dog whether your dog is afraid of fireworks, storms or just getting a bath.
There’s no one best way to bathe your dog. Some people like to take their dogs into the shower with them. Other people put their dog in the bathtub. If you have a small dog you may prefer to use the kitchen sink although I have found that I end up as wet us the dog! Do make sure you use warm water — test the water on yourself before using it on your dog. And, make sure that you rinse the lather thoroughly from your dog. Soap residue can be a skin irritant and cause your dog to itch and to scratch at his skin. It can even result in hot spots that make his skin break out. If you’re not sure how often you should wash your dog read this article.
Another thing to note is the type of shampoo you should use on your dog. Be sure to use one specially formulated for a dog’s skin and that addresses the particular problem your dog might face. For example, does your dog have itchy skin ? What about a dull coat ? There are shampoos for virtually every problem. One thing to note is you should not use your own shampoo on your dog.
100 Strokes!
Whether you have a short-haired or long-haired breed the most important part of grooming your dog is regular brushing. Contrary to popular opinion, many short-haired breeds are terrible shedders. Breeds like Labrador Retrievers and Beagles (and their mixes) can shed copious amount of hair on a daily basis. It takes regular brushing to keep that hair from spreading throughout your home. Long-haired breeds are more apt to shed hair in tumbleweed formation — the hair sticks together and is easily seen and swept up.
If your dog has a few tangles you can make brushing him much easier by using a product such as a detangler that you can spray on your dog while brushing to remove tangles and leave in his coat for added conditioning. I like a product called Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer . It conditions the hair and makes it easy to brush. And, the lavender scent is very soothing to your dog. When you’re brushing and combing your dog it’s best to spray the coat with something first. Brushing and combing a completely dry coat can cause the fur to break. Using a good detangler such as Calming Aromatherapy Spritze r can prevent tangles and mats from forming.
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
All dogs need to have their ears cleaned weekly. Otherwise they can develop ear infections which, left untreated, can lead to hearing loss. You also need to trim your dog’s nails weekly. Some people use nail clippers or scissors for this job. Other people prefer a rotary grinding tool which sands off a little nail at a time. Either kind of tool is fine. The important thing is to trim your dog’s nails regularly so they don’t get too long.
Don’t Cry For Me
Do you have a breed that gets tear stains? Some dogs, especially small dogs, tend to get tear stains. According to a veterinary ophthalmologist, around 20 percent of small dogs, such as Maltese, get tear stains on their faces. Tear stains can lead to yeast infections and other problems if they’re not cared for. The problem may be the water in your area, your dog’s diet, allergies, or other things. You may need to talk to your vet to find a solution.
If your dog has tear stains it’s very important to keep the area around his eyes wiped clean. You can do this by using products that help to clean the eyes externally and to clean the body of the bacteria that cause the tear stains internally. The Eye Pack is a two part program to solve the problem inside and outside without using antibiotics.
Remember to see a vet if your dog has a continuing problem with tear stains . There could be an infection involved.
Whether you decide to groom your dog at home or you just want to stretch the time between sessions at your dog’s grooming salon, there are some good alternatives available to dog owners. You may not feel like rushing out to get your own grooming table but you may enjoy brushing your dog and spending time with him. Grooming your dog can be a good way of bonding and spending quality time together. And isn’t that what it’s really all about?

Flea Treatments

Are those flea and tick products safe?

Following a number of high profile deaths involving over the counter flea shampoos the EPA has begun a major review of the safety of these products.
Of course this all comes a little too late for owners who have watched their animals go into seizure and die after administering pyrethroid based flea treatments. A recent study by The Center For Public Integrity (1) puts the number of fatalities over the past five year at around 1600. That’s right one thousand six hundred! So many that the EPA has actually ordered some of these items to be phased out and insisted on new labeling restrictions on those left on the market. (2)
Some experts also suggest that over-the-counter flea and tick remedies pose a threat to human health.
The active ingredients in these products are pyrethroids, the synthetic version of a toxin derived from, of all things chrysanthemums. They are what’s known as “axonic” poisons and work by disrupting normal brain activity, essentially paralyzing the offending insect. They are very effective on fleas and ticks and have the added benefit of being gradually degraded by sunlight so they pose no lasting environmental dangers.
That’s the good news.
Unfortunately recent studies have also linked pyrethroids to autism in children and a disruption of normal hormone activity in sensitive people. Not to mention the aforementioned 1600 pet deaths.
I am not a Luddite and I know that there are very few things in life that come without a downside. I have said before that in areas with large flea and tick populations, some of which carry debilitating diseases, it would be irresponsible for owners not to protect their pets. For the vast number of pet owners the benefits of these products far outweigh the risks. However I do think that every owner needs to be fully informed when they are administering what is essentially poison to their best friend. Especially when there are other, lest toxic options.
A recent Humane Society report suggests a few alternatives; “You might want to consider several topical products (available through veterinarians) that are insecticides designed to have fewer toxic effects on the nervous systems of mammals: imidacloprid (found in Advantage®), fipronil (in Frontline®), and selamectin (in Revolution™)”. These products  have the advantage of being applied to areas where most dogs can’t reach with their mouths and they are usually quite effective, however they do take time to work, come with bathing restrictions and have a limited useful life.
So what if you’re just going to the beach and want to protect your little guy (and yourself) from biting insects. Isn’t there a product you can use that is safe, gentle and effective. Well not surprisingly I would suggest Flea the Scene , an all natural, insect spray that you can use as often as needed. The formula works for up to 4 hours and employs a proprietary combination of natural ingredients that have been used for many years on horses. It is mildly waterproof, smells great is a great complement for Frontline and Advantage and best of all it’s perfectly safe even if your dog licks it off.
Finally, you might be tempted to use a human spray on your dog, the thinking being “Well if it’s safe enough for me then surely it’s fine for Fido”  Well stop for a moment and think; When was the last time you sprayed yourself with something and then licked it off?” (And no, any activity involving whipped cream doesn’t count) We both know that the minute you’ve finished spraying your dog will decide to check out the new flavoring you’ve added to his fur, and DEET (the active ingredient in many over the counter flea sprays) is not Good Eats.
As we move into spring and summer this is going to become an increasing problem, especially in the Southern States. Intelligent owners will do their homework and weigh the risks against the benefits. Here are a few of the recommendations from the EPA itself about choosing a flea and tick product
“When using any pesticide product, consumers should carefully read and follow label directions each time they use a product”  (3)
It’s good advice worth heeding.

Anxiety & Nervousness Itchy Skin & Allergies

Are Flower Essences Good For My Dog?

Flower Essence Essentials

One of my dogs, Beau, has a terrible fear of thunderstorms and fireworks. I don’t know why he’s scared of them. He wasn’t scared when he was a puppy and my other dogs aren’t afraid. But, as he’s gotten older he’s become more and more spooked by loud noises associated with storms and fireworks. One loud BOOM and he comes running to me and wants to climb up in my lap. You should probably know that Beau weighs almost 100 pounds, so when he tries to get in your lap, you know it! I feel so sorry for him.

We’ve tried different things to help Beau including flower essences such as rescue remedy. When we give Beau a few drops of one of the flower essences he’s able to calm down and relax enough to get through his fear until the storm passes or the fireworks are over. Sometimes he’ll relax enough to take a nap.

You may have heard of flower essences — you may have even used one for yourself or your dog — but most people don’t really know what they are or how they work they’re just happy because for many, they work.

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are the diluted essences of various types of flowers and plants. They’re often used in homeopathy and are a little similar to herbal remedies but there are some major differences.

When were flower essences invented?

Dr. Edward Bach, a famed British physician, first developed flower essences in the 1930s. He gave his name to his 38 Bach Flower Remedies.

How do flower essences work?

Dr. Bach believed that illness of the mind and body was the result of imbalances in the spirit. Flower essences work holistically to heal and repair these imbalances.

Flowers are gathered at the right time, immersed in water and exposed to sunlight or moonlight in order to infuse the water with their essence. Then the water is added to a substance such as glycerin so it can be bottled.

Dr. Bach identified flower essences to calm anger, ease anxiety (and fears, such as thunderstorm phobias), and give confidence, among other things. Today there are many more than the original 38 flower essences thanks to other people who have continued Dr. Bach’s research.

Should you give flower essences to your dog?

By all means, yes. Animals seem to respond just as well to the effects of flower essences as people do. They have many of the same kinds of emotional imbalances as people — anger, anxiety, fear — and can benefit just as much from the use of flower essences.

There are no side effects from using flower essences. There are no actual plant extracts or materials in a flower essence remedy so there is nothing to ingest that would interfere with other medication or cause you harm. If you take the wrong flower essence you won’t see any effects at all. When you or your pet take the correct flower essence you will see a subtle, gentle improvement in your condition.

Flower essences work holistically. They bring healing to the spirit so your body and mind can heal and they do the same for your pets.

How do you use flower essences?

Flower essences are very easy to use. You can give them to your pet with a dropper or by spraying them. You can put several drops (it doesn’t take many) in your pet’s mouth or put a few drops on a treat or in your pet’s food or water. You can also spray it on your pet’s paws where he will lick it off, or put a couple of drops on your finger and apply it to his gums or inside his ears, where it will be easily absorbed.

Which flower essences should I use for my dog?

Choosing the right flower essence depends on your dog’s problem. Is he anxious? Is he fearful because of things that have happened in the past? Is he in shock? There are many good flower essences for treating different kinds of fear and anxiety as well as the general purpose rescue remedy. Rescue remedy has helped many dogs overcome fear and anxiety. However, when you can blend flower essences with herbal extracts, you’ll achieve a synergy making the combination stronger. One such example is  Sleepytime Tonic .

Sleepytime Tonic

Sleepytime Tonic is a Bach Flower-based remedy but it also contains an herbal formulation created by Robert McDowell, the world’s leading authority on applying Western herbal medicines to canine health problems. The formulation in Sleepytime Tonic combines herbs and homeopathic medicine so that the metabolic and nervous system imbalances are all addressed together. The flower essences and the herbal mix work together synergistically to help your dog’s anxiety.

According to McDowell, “The herbal mixes are not toxic in any way, are free from side effects and are simple and safe to administer at home.”

And, Sleepytime Tonic works in just 20 minutes to calm your dog. It’s a wonderful herbal elixir for dogs who have problems with travel or who are anxious about trips to the vet or fireworks and thunderstorms.

Healthy Skin Shiny Coat

You can use another flower essence-based remedy to detoxify your dog’s system and save him from itchy skin.

Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an all-natural detoxifier that works with your dog’s liver, kidneys and lymphatic system to eliminate toxins.

If your dog has a dull coat or itchy skin it’s often because his body has an accumulation of toxins. This can be from dog foods or other sources. Anti-itch shampoos and conditioners (and changing dog foods) are helpful, but Healthy Skin Shiny coat is a great way to help remove the toxins from your dog’s body.

After giving your dog Healthy Skin Shiny Coat for a little while you will see a reduction in skin problems, less itching and a general improvement in your dog’s overall health.

The holistic approach

Flower essences are a safe and effective way to address many of your dog’s problems, from behavioral issues to anxiety and itching skin. Naturally you should consult with your veterinarian for any acute or ongoing health problems. But, for problems that can be treated holistically, flower essences and herbal mixes such as Sleepytime Tonic and Healthy Skin Shiny Coat can do wonders.

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Your Dog's Arthritis or Hip Dysplasia Can be Managed

Getting Older Doesn’t Have To Hurt

I’ve been very fortunate, even blessed, with my dogs because most of them have lived very long lives. It’s wonderful to have a dog from the time he’s a puppy until he becomes an old dog. You feel like you’ve shared a long, wonderful life with him. But, as your dog becomes older he can often develop some common aches and pains. Older dogs often have a touch of arthritis. It may be a little harder for them to get up and down from a dog bed. They may need some help getting up on a sofa or your bed.

If your dog has a degenerative problem like hip dysplasia then it will usually worsen with age. Both hip dysplasia and luxating patellas, which can be common with some smaller breeds, can lead to arthritis as your dog ages.

I once had a dog that I found in a parking lot late at night. This poor old guy that I named Andy wasn’t a young dog when I found him. It wasn’t easy to coax him into my car at midnight in the rain but I finally got him in. My heart went out to him in particular because he seemed like he had been hit by a car at some point. I took him to the vet the next morning and the vet confirmed what I thought. At some time in the past Andy had been hit by a car and probably hobbled away without treatment. His hips were semi-crippled. He could walk with a definite limp but he had a lot of arthritis . The good news was that Andy was otherwise in pretty good health. I ran an ad trying to find Andy’s owners but no one answered. Andy became part of my family and lived out the next few years with us. Over that time we tried several different treatments for his arthritis. Here are some things that helped Andy:

Say No To Second Helpings

Dogs with arthritis and other joint problems typically do much better if you keep their weight down. Obesity and being overweight put unnecessary stress on joints that are already compromised and cause your dog pain. Carefully monitor how much food you give your dog to eat and watch his weight. Remember to count the calories in treats and table scraps, too.

No Marathons!

Watch your dog’s exercise. Arthritis is usually self-limiting but canine hip dysplasia and even luxating patellas are not always evident, particularly at a young age. If your dog has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia or luxating patellas, don’t let your dog overdo the exercise. Regular, moderate exercise is better than one all-out race in a blue moon. Your dog is less likely to injure himself if you pace his exercise. However, don’t cut out exercise altogether. Exercise is good for keeping muscle tone and that helps your dog in the long run.

Remember that one key to long term health and fitness is to start young. DO let your puppy play and have fun. DON’T make your puppy jog two miles with you or run races. Putting too much stress on a puppy is one way to develop joint problems later.

Live In The Lap of Luxury

As your dog gets older it’s okay to pamper him a little. Think about providing your dog with a comfy dog bed. Some pets with joint problems may appreciate an orthopedic dog bed or even a heated dog bed. If your pet sleeps on the sofa you may want to get him a heating pad. Applying heat to his aching joints can help them feel better.

Everybody In The Pool!

Hydrotherapy and swimming have proven beneficial for many dogs with aches and pains related to joint problems. Swimming is one of the best treatments for arthritis, hip dysplasia and even for post surgical rehabilitation of dogs. If your dog likes to swim he should find swimming easier than doing exercises like walking or running and you can swim with him. If your dog doesn’t know how to swim it’s not hard to teach most dogs. Just be sure that you carefully teach your dog where the steps are in any pool and show him how to get out of the pool. You can ask your vet for more information about hydrotherapy.

Medicate Me

If your dog is experiencing spikes in pain or ongoing pain then you should talk to your veterinarian about anti-inflammatory medications. There are a number of Non-Steroidal-Anti-Inflammatory (NSAID) medications that are being used to treat chronic arthritis and other pain in dogs. There are some side effects with some of these medications so be sure to thoroughly discuss them with your vet before using them for your dog.

You should not try to medicate your dog yourself without talking to your veterinarian. Many over-the-counter drugs are not safe for dogs. Drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be very bad for dogs.

These are all things that we tried with Andy. Many of them worked. Since we had him for several years before he finally passed away we were able to try different things depending on how he felt. We also tried glucosamine-chondroitin tablets which helped his joints.

Herbal Is The Way To Go

There’s one treatment today that we didn’t have when Andy lived with us and that’s Joint Resolution . I wish we’d had it because I think it might have helped him a lot. Joint Resolution is an herbal blend that works synergistically with BioCell Collagen II. It includes Boswellia, devil’s claw and licorice to reduce inflammation and pain. It also has dandelion to eliminate toxins from the body. Just a few drops of Joint Resolution on a treat or in your dog’s mouth can bring relief and make him feel more comfortable.

The BioCell Collagen II in Joint Resolution also contains Hyaluronic Acid and chondroitin which have both been shown to promote healing and tissue rejuvenation. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Expert opinions support the use of chondroitin for improving the symptoms and arresting (or possibly reversing) the degenerative process of osteoarthritis.” So, Joint Resolution has exactly what your dog needs.

Joint Resolution promotes active joints and helps improve your dog’s mobility and flexibility. It promotes strong, healthy connective tissue. And, it’s easy to administer. Since it’s liquid the body absorbs it faster than tablets or pills. Click here to read testimonials about Joint Resolution .

If your dog has arthritis or is suffering pain from canine hip dysplasia or luxating patellas, Joint Resolution can help.

I know that none of us want to see our dogs with any aches or pain but sometimes they go along with getting older. We do want our dogs to get older so we just have to find ways to help our dogs cope with the little aches and pains that go along with age. Many dogs live for years after they begin experiencing some arthritis or having a few problems from hip dysplasia or luxating patellas. There’s no reason why your dog can’t lead a fairly normal life, especially if you follow some of the tips offered here.

Anxiety & Nervousness

Home Alone Solutions for the Stay-at-Home Dog

Easing Your Dog’s Anxiety

For lots of us who work there is a painful moment every morning when we leave the house. You’re in the car, ready to back out of the driveway, when you look back at the house and you see your dog staring mournfully at you from the window. He looks at you like you’re abandoning him forever. At that moment you feel enough guilt to sink into the earth and die. You’re leaving your poor dog home alone all day. You’re his best friend and all you can imagine is how sad and lonely he’s going to be without you.

Wherever you live, or however many pets you have, you probably experience some version of this guilt when you leave your home. (My dogs used to stare at me out the living room window when we lived in town. Now that we live in the country they gather at the back gate and watch me as I get in the car.) In actuality, many pets are well-adjusted and cope very well to their owners’ daily absences. However, they all seem to have the sad, guilt-inducing look down pat. And, quite a few pets do seem to become lonely and bored during the day. Some even suffer from separation anxiety .

Your pet can show his loneliness and boredom in a lot of different ways. I once had an Irish Setter who took out her frustration at being left alone in the house by “redecorating.” Unfortunately, her idea of redecorating the house included things like digging holes in sofa cushions and strewing books all over the living room. She even unwound cassette tapes and ran around the room with them. When I came home it looked like she’d had a party.

Other pets can chew on your things, claw and scratch at doors, or potty in the house from anxiety. Dogs are very social animals and it’s not usually part of their nature to be alone. Whether they are fearful for themselves when left alone or fearful for you out in the big, bad world, they can become nervous if they are alone with nothing to do.

Fortunately, there are some good ways to combat loneliness and boredom. Here are my top 10 ways:

1. Herbal Remedies Sleepytime Tonic is very helpful at soothing and calming dogs who are stressed at being left alone. It’s a natural herbal product that can help your dog relax while you’re away from home. Sleepytime Tonic contains herbs such as valerian, passion flower and Skullcap and Back Flower Essences to help your dog relax when he’s anxious. These herbs have been used for centuries for relaxation and calming purposes. You can give the tonic to your dog orally or put it in your dog’s water supply so he can get a little several times a day to help him stay calm while you’re away from home. Sleepytime Tonic works well for dogs with all kinds of anxiety — whether it’s separation anxiety, nervousness from fireworks, or anxiety about traveling.

2. Training- You can work on desensitizing your dog to your absences. Go through all the motions for leaving the house — take your keys, your purse, your briefcase — whatever. Leave the house for just a couple of minutes and come back. Let your dog see that you don’t always leave the house for long periods of time. Start the car and come back inside. Let your dog get used to seeing you come and go for these brief periods until they start to feel better about seeing you leave.

When you leave the house keep things very low-key. Don’t have emotional scenes with your dog or your dog will think there is something to worry about. Likewise, when you come home, keep things quiet and calm. Let your dog know that coming and going are not a big deal. Don’t act like leaving your dog is the end of the world.

3. Activities Galore! Make sure that your dog has lots of things to do while you’re away at work. There are plenty of great interactive toys on the market these days. There are toys that:

  • challenge your dog to find the treat and test his IQ
  • toys within toys
  • talking toys
  • toys that let you record a message for your dog.
  • light up and flash laser lights
  • There’s even an ice lick toy that your dog has to lick to get to the toys and treats inside (probably best as an outside toy). One fun toy has bacon, chicken and peanut butter-scented bubbles!

These great interactive toys can entertain even the sulkiest dogs. Check around and you may find something that will interest your dog. You don’t have to limit yourself to bones and chew toys.

  • Don’t forget the old favorite Kongs — they’re still great for keeping a dog busy trying to get the treat out!

4. Virtual Pet Barriers – If your dog tends to destroy things while you’re away from home you may want to consider setting up a dog room. You could confine him to one room or one part of the house where he can’t cause much damage. It’s easy to do this if you use dog gates (or baby gates). You can also use virtual pet barriers. A virtual pet barrier is a training system for your dog. You plug a transmitter dish into a wall socket. Your dog wears a spray receiver collar. When your dog approaches a designated off-limit area the dish emits a low frequency signal. If your dog ignores the signal his collar will release a spray to let him know that he’s gone past his boundary. Your dog learns quickly to respond to the signal and doesn’t get sprayed. This way you can teach your dog to stay out of rooms where you don’t want him to go. You can also teach him to stay away from other things he shouldn’t bother, such as garbage, Christmas trees, and so on. There are similar virtual pet barriers for outdoor use.

5. Clean Water – You can also look into self-dispensing water and food bowls. Maybe your dog hates to drink old water? Maybe he would be happier if he had some fresh food to eat while you’re away from home? There are some good self-dispensers on the market that could keep your dog happy while you’re away.

6. Catch some zzzzzs in style – Don’t forget to provide your dog with a nice bed while you’re away from home. There are plenty available. Your dog may prefer your expensive sofa or even your bed, but it’s nice if he has his own bed available, too.

I know that it sounds like you’re providing your dog with food and provisions for weeks instead of eight hours, but if you can make him happy while you’re at work you’ll both be a lot happier.