Flea Treatments Itchy Skin & Allergies

Can I Wash my Dog If He's on Frontline or K9 Advantix?

You’ve just given Rex his monthly flea and tick treatment, and now he’s come in from the garden looking like he’s found the biggest and best mud pool in town. He may be overjoyed but you’re not. He needs a bath NOW! But will a bath wash away his flea treatment?
It’s a common question and given the expense of monthly applications of Frontline or Advantage, you don’t want to apply any more than is necessary. So what should you do?
According to the manufacturers’ instructions, you should wait for 48 hours after applying Frontline or Advantage before bathing your dog. The main ingredient in Frontline, fipronil, stores itself in the dog’s oil glands, reapplying itself constantly through the hair follicles. Meanwhile, Advantage’s main ingredient is imidacloprid, which coats the skin.
Although both claim to be waterproof, some dog owners have found that the treatments do seem to be less effective after bathing. Regular washing with medicated or flea shampoos can dry the skin, making flea treatments weaker and less likely to work. There’s also the problem that many commercial flea shampoos contain harsh chemicals. Do you really want to apply those on top of the regular monthly treatment? One alternative is to use a natural shampoo after flea treatment applications; a gentle shampoo (like Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo) can help moisturize the skin while cleansing.
Or perhaps you want to consider a switch from chemical flea and tick treatments to something more earth friendly. Most natural products can be used on their own, or as a complement to Frontline and Advantage.

Some natural alternatives to try include:

    • Garlic and brewer’s yeast tablets. Added to your dog’s food, or given as a daily treat, these are full of nutrients to help improve your dog’s skin and coat, plus you have the added bonus of repelling fleas and ticks. The scent of the garlic and yeast is secreted through the skin, keeping those pesky bugs away.
  • Some essential oils are great at repelling fleas. Since essential oils can cause irritation when applied directly to the skin, I prefer to add a few dabs to my dog’s collar, or add a few drops to a small spray bottle of water and apply a few squirts over their coat. Cedar, lavender, citronella, and rosemary oils all work well and have helped keep my pets tick free.
  • Flea the Scene offers the best of all things: essential oils that both repel fleas and soothe the skin, a range of emollients to moisturize the skin, and a sunscreen to offer protection from the rays. It can be used with or instead of a medical flea and tick application. What’s more, it’s safe for humans too so I can simply give us all a quick spray before we head off to the park. No bugs, no sunburn, and we all smell great!


Disguise Your Dirty Dog

Disguise Your Dirty Dog

I love when my dogs are smelling fresh and clean and looking white, bright and vibrant. However, there are those weeks when I just can’t wash them, due to cold weather, or just plain laziness.

Of course I am the one who suffers the consequences- less than aromatic odors wafting through the house, sand in the bed (I’m all for total body exfoliation but this is too much), a grubby muzzle, and a build-up of pet dander which in turn makes me sneeze.

There’s also the social stigma of having a dirty dog. On our daily walks I feel like such a bad pet parent as we walk by other dogs who are looking clean and pristine. I might as well have the scarlet “D” emblazoned across my chest. (D for Dirty!)

The good news is that I think I figured out how I can get away without bathing my dogs for a few extra days and not suffer the aforementioned consequences. Here are 4 steps in disguising your dirty dog.

1. Take 2 minutes to brush your dog. This will remove any loose debris.

2. Wipe your dog’s face with convenient Eye Pads to get rid of any eye gunk and a grubby muzzle- Eye Pads are pre-moistened towelettes that smell like lavender. You can also use them on your dogs ears and God forbid, to remove any poop cling-ons (people with long-haired dogs will understand)

3. Spray them with Dry Dog Instant Clean – it’s a spray on bath replacement (think dry shampoo) and has ingredients that will help eliminate those bad odors and leave a nice clean smell.

4. Here’s the real secret weapon- put a t-shirt on your dog. This will disguise how manky your dog really looks. All people will notice is their nice clean face and pleasant smell. I know, most of you guys and some girls are thinking that you don’t want to dress your dog for fear of looking like a dork. Well, we’re not suggesting that you dress them in a tutu but a practical and fun t-shirt that is comfortable and funny. We like the ones from RuffRuffandmeow and no, we aren’t getting paid to say that!

Now you know my secrets. So when we see each other walking down the street with clothed dogs, we can just give each other knowing looks and keep right on walking.

Tear Stains

Are White Dogs and Tear Stains Inseparable?

Are White Dogs and Tear Stains Inseparable?

Maltese, Bichon Frises, Shih Tzus… all adorable and all prone to brown tear stains around their eyes. The staining is by no means limited to these breeds of dogs; it can occur in many light colored dogs, but particularly the smaller breeds. The good news is that there are things you can do to leave your pampered pet stain-free.


As is often the case, the best way to treat the problem is to first determine the cause. The five most common causes of tear staining are:

1. Ear infections. If you notice a lot of tear stains that coincide with ear infections, the two are probably linked.

2. Red yeast. Excess tearing turns the wet fur around the eyes into a breeding ground for bacteria, of which the most common is red yeast, hence the brownish tinge to the stains.

3. Blocked tear ducts. Some breeds of small dog are prone to blocked tear ducts which can cause excessive tearing.

4. Allergies. Cigarette smoke, certain shampoos, and chemicals are just some the irritants that can make the eyes water. Alternatively, an allergy to something internal, ie. food, can also cause tearing.

5. Water. It sounds so simple but drinking water is also the easiest cause of tear staining to overlook. Depending upon the mineral content in your local water supply, staining around the face may occur.


Although there are various antibiotics, steroids, and other medications that can be prescribed to treat tear staining, since it can be on ongoing problem, it is better to treat the source of the problem with natural products . A natural remedy may take a little longer to show results but it will be better for your dog in the long run.

First, if you think your pet’s drinking water may be the source of the problem, switch to using distilled water. Also be sure to avoid allergens where possible.

Some pet owners have found that using supplements to change the pH value of the actual tears can help by creating a hostile environment for yeast. Antacids or any other calcium carbonate tablets may help, as may a teaspoon of white cider vinegar in your pet’s drinking water. Be warned that vinegared drinking water will definitely take some time to get used to, so if you choose to try this method, introduce the vinegar slowly, gradually increasing the amount.

Be sure to keep your dog’s ears clean to prevent infections which can lead to staining.

One of the most effective treatment methods is to take a two-pronged approach – using wipes to clean the face and a nutritional supplement to build up the body’s defenses from within. The Eyepack from Happytails Canine Spa Line includes a pack of Eyepads , containing colloidal silver, golden seal and eyebright, to wipe away tear stains without harsh chemicals. Also included is the Eyemunity nutritional supplement, a blend of enzymes, herbs and epicor to add to your dog’s food to strengthen their immune system. Using both together has been shown to have great results and returns your pet’s face to its natural gleaming white condition.


Looking for Ways to Volunteer? Check out Canine Companions for Independence

Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is the most amazing organization. It’s a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs like the one in the photo.

Basically, people in wheelchairs (children and adults) are given these highly trained dogs to help them with day to day tasks. The bond that the dog and student form is deep and very endearing.

Before we decided to make CCI our charity of record we went down to CCIs facility in San Diego and watched the new teams work together– it was like a first date. The dog and student were figuring each other out, how each other moved and reacted to the world. The dogs were so cute and so willing to work and help out. It literally brought tears to our eyes!

CCI is looking for volunteers…Every assistance dog starts as a puppy that needs a loving home. You can raise a dog and change a life. Volunteer puppy raising is an incredible way to help children and adults with disabilities live more independent lives.

How you can help:

  • raise a puppy for 15 months
  • feed it, love it and teach it
  • tell a friend about us

To learn more go to

Los Angeles-based happytails sells and markets problem-solving spa, grooming & wellness for the dog about town. happytails Canine Spa Line uses the finest (“better than human quality”) ingredients available to pamper, soothe and beautify today’s harried hound.

To read about the boy in the photo, click here


Top five signs that she loves her dog more than you

Top five signs that she loves her dog more than you
A man’s guide to winning the Fluff Wars!

by Kevin Fisher

We’ve all been there, your relationship is chugging along nicely and then all of a sudden she meets someone new. Suddenly you’ve been replaced! By whom? George Clooney? George Bush? George of the Jungle? Whoever he is he’s a bum! he’s a weasel! He’s a rat! Sadly he’s none of the above. In fact he’s a she (Sacre Bleu) and he’s a dog!

Overnight your drooling, panting and inappropriate scratching has been replaced by… well drooling panting and inappropriate scratching… emanating from a 6 pound ball of fur and frolic named Fluffy!

How can you possibly compete? It’s been many decades since you were described as cute, you are not in the least bit fluffy (in fact you are virtually hairless) and worst of all you resist all of her efforts to dress you up in adorable little outfits and parade you through the town.

In the interests of relationship harmony and progress I offer The top five signs that she loves her dog more than you (and a few suggestions on how you can defend against them) .

Sign #1. The Pick up problem . She’s delighted to watch her new love poop on the sidewalk. She picks up the “leavings” with pride and delight (no matter how runny they are), but ask her to pick up your DRY cleaning and whoa…that’s way too much trouble.

Sign #2. Sleeping Dogs . Now the sleeping arrangements revolve around her new love’s habits and peccadillos. Of course the little fluff-ball prefers to sleep between the two of you (and what the fluff-ball wants the fluff-ball gets). Before you can say “flannel nightgown” you’re victim of the dreaded “Canine Contraceptive” which ensures the end of your sex life, the end of your happiness and of course the end of your lineage. Your counter move? Sleepytime Tonic ! a few drops in the dog’s mouth before bedtime will ensure that sleeping dogs do indeed lie. And while fluffy gets down to some serious snoozy business you can get up to some well deserved monkey business! (if you want to extend the animal metaphors this would be a great time to try doggie style)

Sign #3. Holiday Blues . It’s Christmas morning, she and the dog have already spent an hour opening one anothers gifts. You arise in anticipation of a wonderful morning, skip downstairs with visions of sugarplums dancing in your head. there they are in the middle of the living room floor, she looks up from a 6 foot pile of paper, toys chews and treats and tells you she completely forgot to buy you anything… but here, would you like a nice chewable bone? Before you go ballistic why not try a little Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer . Spray a little on Fluffy (you’ll get big points for helping to make her coat soft and manageable) the essential oil of lavender will help to keep you all calm, mellow and full of the Christmas spirit…well at least you will be if you add several glasses of highly alcoholic egg nog.

Sign #4. How does that make you feel? She suspects that Fluffy has serious mental issues that will take months of therapy to overcome. (while your slavish devotion to the Cleveland Browns goes completely untreated) They can’t be apart for more than a few seconds or risk permanent and irreversible trauma. On the other hand she keeps on forgetting your name, or worse, calling you Fluffy (needless to say not your actual name). My advice? A quick spritz of Shimmering Mist . The finishing spray not only smells marvelous but imparts a memorable hint of glitter to the dogs coat.

Sign#5 Speaking of therapy . The dog gets Reiki massages daily and spends 55 minutes every other week discussing his feelings with a trained professional..topics covered include food, poop, and sleep…in fact they’re the only topics ever discussed. that wouldn’t be so bad if not for the fact that that seems to be all SHE talks about these days!

In conclusion. If you are the victim of any of these scenarios you have my sympathies. Fluff wars rarely end well (remember the great Maltese conflict of 1695 or the Boxer rebellion of 1899) you really only have two options: either find a new girl or if you’re really smart and want to fight fire with fire (or fluff with fluff) go out and get your own dog! I suggest a nice Bichon, chihuahua or French Poodle, something small and fluffy…well if this relationship doesn’t work out it’s always a good idea to have your very own chick magnet!

Activities & Fun

Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy

Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy

by Frances McCaskill

Dogs are social, active creatures and like people need attention, activity, structure and in many cases a job! Without daily interaction with your dog trouble will ensue! Bored and neglected dogs get frustrated which can manifest itself in a variety of ways including: being destructive in the home, and health issues such as obesity, excessive paw licking and depression.

A while ago I adopted a nine-year-old Queensland Heeler who was clearly down in the dumps. She had spent the last few years left to her own devices in the back yard, excluded from family life in the house, she was only walked occasionally. She was overweight, her coat was dull and she seemed older than her years. My heart went out to this girl, especially when I found out in addition to being in bad condition she suffered from acute separation anxiety .

This was a very intelligent dog that needed some life and a sense of purpose breathed back into her, so it became my mission to cheer her up. Hiking became a part of our daily routine, the exercise did us both good. After she relentlessly shoved tennis balls in my lap I discovered she was a ballaholic, so then came regular trips to the dog park where I stood endlessly throwing the ball for an exuberant dog! As a herding breed her true calling was to herd cattle, so off we went to herding classes where she got to round up sheep. Now we had a hobby together that we both looked forward to. Within a matter of months this down trodden dog was transformed and I had developed a great bond with her. The years and the weight seemed to melt off her, there was sheen to her coat and a glint in her eyes, her energy was back and so was her confidence!

When we make that commitment to bring a dog into our lives it is vital that we provide daily activity and stimulation for this member of the family.

Here are a few activity suggestions for you and your canine companion:

Dog Park – A daily trip to the local dog park is a great way to socialize your dog, particularly beneficial for dogs that are left alone all day, they can run around off leash, play ball, tug of war, hang out with their buddies!

Hiking – Whether it’s a stroll in the neighborhood or a hike in the hills every dog needs to get out and about in new surroundings, exercise, take in the new smells, mark its territory and greet dogs along its path.

Running – Need a running partner, interested in cross-country running? Certain dogs can fulfill this role and will provide great camaraderie.

The Beach – I have yet to meet a dog that does not enjoy a good invigorating run on the sand, play with the tide, chase the birds, what Retriever doesn’t like to swim and fetch a stick from the water? Don’t forget to bring some Dry Dog Instant Clean to wipe your dog down and get rid of the sand afterward. Click here for more info about taking your dog to the beach.

Rollerblading – Leash up and rollerblade with your dog, off road of course! Great for high-energy dogs that benefit from a daily run. Only recommended for people that are adept skaters!

Sheep Herding – A fantastic sport for the herding breeds who were bred to herd livestock and without fulfilling this instinct and the need to be mentally stimulated can become a challenging companion.

Agility – A fast moving sport where dogs are directed off leash by their handlers through a obstacle course to include the A-frame, dog-walk, weave poles, seesaw, pause table, collapsed tunnel, pipe tunnel, different types of jumps and hurdles to include a tire, triple and double jumps. This sport does wonders for building confidence, obedience and teamwork skills.

Obedience Classes – Weekly classes are very beneficial for teaching your dogs good manners, every dog should learn basic commands for both practical and safety reasons. Hyper dogs may have a hard time focusing, we suggest trying Sleepytime Tonic so that your dog gets the most out of his class.

Massage – What better way to bond with your dog by showing your love for him by giving him a massage. This can be enhanced by the soothing smells of lavender by spraying your dog with Ruff to Smooth.

Therapy – Enroll your dog in a class to become certified as a therapy dog. Friendly, confident, calm, patient dogs ideally suited for this job. As a therapy dog the pair of you will visit nursing homes and hospitals to interact with the patients to bring joy to their day. Just google ‘therapy dogs’ for more info. A dog that enjoys petting and hugs will be greatly rewarded!

Odor/Smell Shampoo

Getting Rid of Bad Dog Smells

Bubbles n Beads Shampoo & conditioner contains gentle ingredients to help remove doggie odor

Getting Rid of Doggie Odor

Few things are guaranteed to brighten my day more than a huge furry cuddle with my dogs, and I admit that I love that fresh, clean dog smell. But if your canine pal smells far from fresh, the last thing you want is a display of pet affection, so what do you do when your dog (to put it politely) stinks? Bad odor can be a symptom of many different conditions, and determining the cause is key to finding a cure.

One of the simplest, and often overlooked, causes of a smelly dog is their curious nature. Has Buddy been rolling in something you’d rather not think about? Perhaps that dead squirrel in the garden? Or has a skunk been on the defensive? Luckily, as foul as these may smell, they are easily treated by a good bath and no medical intervention is needed. A tomato juice bath is widely reputed to remove skunk smell.

Other smells may be signs of an infection. For example:

  • Bad breath may indicate gum disease or dental decay, or a more serious condition such as diabetes or kidney problems.
  • Stinky ears can be a sign of mites, allergies, or some other chronic infection.
  • Smelly skin may be the result of a bacterial (pyoderma) or fungal (dermatitis) infection. Bacterial infections, sometimes accompanied by hair loss and pimples, are usually easily treated. Bubbles’n’Beads , a shampoo and conditioner, contains antibacterial tea tree and lavender oils to remove the odor and replace it with something more nose-friendly.
  • Yeast infections, on the other hand, may be caused by allergies or a reaction to steroids or antibiotics. Finding the underlying cause is an essential part of treating the infection.

Then of course, there are those smells that are released from your dog’s other end.

  • There is little mistaking the strong smell caused by blocked anal glands but a vet can show you how to safely empty them.
  • Flatulence can also cause problems. Some gas may be normal but frequently occurring emissions can be caused by food allergies, in which case a change of diet will help. Some Dog Smog Remedy , a breath freshener and digestive solution added to your pet’s drinking water can aid bad breath or gas by neutralizing digestive enzymes.

Once the source of the odor has been found, you can work on getting rid of it. In the case of infection or allergy, it may take some time for treatment to work or a change of diet to take effect, but there are still steps you can take to help reduce the bad smell in the meantime. Dry Dog Instant Clean , a spray on bath replacement or dry shampoo,  offers an alternative to frequent washing, and Fur Breeze can be used to help remove smells or whenever your dog wants to smell a little fancy.

Sometimes just giving your dog a bath does the trick. If you didn’t take a bath for 3 months you might be smelly too! There are lots of opinions on how often you should bathe your dog but if you’re like me, I sleep with my dog, so I prefer to wash my dogs weekly. Many people shy away from it for fear of drying out their dog’s coat. But there are many high quality dog shampoos available that will not dry out the coat so it’s probably worth the wash to avoid the unbearable doggie smell!

Serious dog odor shouldn’t be ignored (and most of us can’t ignore it for long), but once the underlying cause has been discovered, there are plenty of treatments and products available to ensure that you are soon enjoying cuddles with your pet again.


My Dog Has Acne!

My Dog Has Acne!

by Fiona Young-Brown

No doubt many of us have unhappy memories of pimples during our teen years, but who knew our dogs could also get acne? As it happens, young dogs go through the trials of puberty too, and that may include dog pimples. I had never heard of such a thing until my husky pup Sam developed a small bald spot on his chin, covered in little pink pimples.

The condition is more common in younger dogs, usually appearing at around five or six months of age, however since the acne may also be cause by allergies or hormonal imbalances, it is not restricted to younger dogs. The larger the dog, the greater the chance of developing pimples, so your Great Dane or German Shepherd is more likely to experience acne than the Shih Tzu next door. As for what it looks like, doggy acne usually appears as little red pimples or pustules on the chin and around the lips.

Before going any further, it is vital to mention that under no circumstances should you use acne treatments designed for people on your pooch’s pimples. The levels of benzoyl peroxide will be far too high for use of animals.

It is always a good idea to check with your vet at the first signs of any skin condition. The vet may want to run a few tests to rule out other more serious conditions, such as mange and ringworm. If the pimples are being caused by an allergic reaction to something in your dog’s food, the vet may also be able to advise you. Once more serious illnesses have been ruled out, you can move on to treating it to ensure that the pimples don’t return. Common treatments prescribed by your vet may include skin wipes (with animal appropriate levels of benzoyl peroxide, a topical skin treatment), steroids, or antibiotics.

Understandably, not everyone feels comfortable using steroid or antibiotics treatments, and may prefer to reach the root of the problem. Fortunately, there are also a number of more natural remedies you can do at home. My dog Sam is incredibly inquisitive when he’s out and about and gets into all kinds of dirt and other things filled with bacteria,  so one of my first concerns was making sure the pimples did not get infected. Each day, I would hold a warm washcloth over the area to open the pores, then gently clean the affected area with a mild shampoo . If you have an aloe vera plant at home, a small dab of the gel can also help to ease any itchiness.

Another convenient option that doesn’t involved wetting the dog’s face with shampoo are pre-moistened wipes. Believe it or not the antibacterial ingredients in the Happytails Eyepads make them an ideal wipe for the entire facial area. They contain witch hazel, which is a gentle astringent, colloidal silver, a very effective natural antibiotic and golden seal which is a natural antimicrobial agent.

For a more long-term solution, an all natural or raw diet has proven to be helpful for avoiding all sorts of skin complaints. Common allergens in commercial food, including wheat, soy, gluten and corn, can all cause acne in some dogs. Switching to an organic diet of meat and vegetables, with some added salmon oil for essential fatty acids can help enormously.

Fortunately, puberty-related acne usually resolves itself after a few months, as your puppy’s growth hormones settle. In the case of allergies, an organic diet like the one mentioned above can have quick results but the diet must be continued to prevent recurring outbreaks. With a little care and attention, you can not only clear your dog’s skin of pimples, but also ensure that our beloved pet has a lifetime of healthy, beautiful skin.

Itchy Skin & Allergies

Is Your Dog Addicted to Scratching?

Your Dog’s Constant Scratching Could be a Habit

I have two dogs that both eat a healthy no grain, raw diet. One is a constant scratcher, the other rarely scratches.

Brie, the itchy dog, is a Westie mix. True, this breed is notorious for their itchy skin but with many dogs what starts out as a real problem, develops into a habit even after the underlying cause is cured.

We discovered that Brie had sand fleas. We live at the beach and she plays on the sand every single day. Since we wash her at least twice a week and were well past flea season, we didn’t suspect fleas were the cause of her distress. Once we found out what the problem was, we treated her immediately with a whole host of remedies until every last flea was gone.

Weeks went by and she was still scratching. We double checked and there were no fleas. But she scratched with determination and could hardly walk down the street without stopping for a scratch. She would even wake us up at night with the sounds of her biting, licking and scratching. Finally she started to develop actual lesions from the constant scratching, which only made her want to scratch those areas more.

It seemed to be a never-ending cycle until I noticed that Brie seemed to forget about her discomfort when she was playing, eating or chewing on a bone. Distraction seemed to be an excellent method- so we gave her a full schedule of bone chewing, game playing and toys to occupy her time.

Restraint is also another tool we used. You could try an e-collar (if you do look up Comfy Cones for a softer alternative) but what I did is purchase a a soft pair of inexpensive booties ($5.99) so that if she did scratch her paws wouldn’t have direct contact with her skin.

In addition, when she woke up at night and started scratching, I gave her Sleepytime Tonic , an all natural herbal blend that helps to calm dogs. This relaxed her enough so that she forgot about the itch and went back to sleep.

Amazing! Between her full agenda of bones and bully sticks, Sleepytime Tonic and her booties, scratching levels are down to a few times a day!

Itchy Skin & Allergies Shampoo

Flea Season is Over! Why is My Dog Still Itchy?

Flea Season’s Over! Why is My Dog Still Itchy?

As we head into the cooler months (it’s actually quite cold in many places already) we can finally rest knowing that flea season is finally over – right? Unfortunately, for many pups out there, the itchy skin they’ve suffered from during flea season only continues at the same itchy level past flea season. Why can’t these poor dogs get any relief?

There are numerous reasons that dogs continue to have itchy skin past flea season . From a poor diet to other health conditions such as allergies, many dogs will continue to suffer from skin ailments throughout the year. Many dogs also suffer skin allergies that cause them to scratch and itch all of the time. There are a variety of irritants that can cause a dog to itch including mold, food allergies and even skin infections. Some dogs will itch excessively due to stress as well. However, one reason that many people simply don’t realize is that their dog might just have plain and simple dry skin!

It really makes perfect sense when you think about it. As the days get colder, does the water in your daily shower get hotter? I know I begin cranking up the heat when it gets cold outside. The same is true for my house as well. I’m a cold natured person, so the heater gets cranked when the days get cold. But, the effect that I and other people suffer from during this time of the year is dry skin. The hotter showers dry your skin out and the heater in your home sucks the moisture out of the air. This leaves us with dry skin and dry skin itches!

The same is true for your dog. As the days get colder and you crank up the heater, your poor dog is losing moisture out of his or her skin. If your dog is suffering from allergies, not only might they have dry skin, but they are also suffering from other ailments that cause them to be itchy. This itchiness may be even worse if the dog has flea allergies as well. The problem with all this itching and scratching is that the skin is constantly irritated and never has a chance to heal. No matter what the cause if of the itchiness, this can cause your pup to develop a secondary skin infection as well.

Now, how do you remedy your dry skin? How does a nice shea butter lotion sound? Or, what about a bath of an oatmeal based skin conditioner? There are products similar to these that are designed for your dog and provide the same relieving effects that you seek in your lotions and bath conditioners.

Colloidal oatmeal products provide a variety of benefits to pets year round and not just during the winter when they have itchy skin. Colloidal oatmeal products can be used year round should your dog find himself bitten by bugs or in a patch of poison ivy. This is because colloidal oatmeal is capable of pulling out irritants that get into the skin and hair. After a warm oatmeal bath, pets begin to feel the effects of the colloidal oatmeal in no time. They will also benefit from smooth skin and smell better afterwards too. However, when you do use these products in your pet’s bath, be certain that you don’t make the water too hot! A lukewarm bath is ideal to sooth irritated, itchy skin.

Colloidal oatmeal is not the same as the oatmeal you eat for breakfast. This is oatmeal that has been ground into a fine powder. When you add it to water, it creates a milky dispersion, rather than congealing as regular oatmeal would. Colloidal oatmeal has a specific anti-itch property to it that makes it perfect to relieve your dog’s itchy skin during the winter months. When your dog’s skin is itchy and irritated, the skin has a high pH level. Colloidal oatmeal helps to lower the skin’s pH back down to normal and it takes away the need to itch. So, not only will your dog benefit from having the irritants removed from their skin, they also lose that urge to itch. Not itching provides your dog’s skin time to heal and recover from whatever has been irritating it.

There are several products available that contain all of the healing effects of colloidal oatmeal. One of those products is Fur Butter. This product is ideal for dogs with long hair and helps to control itching and irritation. Fur Butter also utilizes shea butter to moisturize the fur. Another product is Comfy Dog . This shampoo is ideal for those dogs that really suffer from dry and irritated skin. This shampoo helps to relieve swelling, inflammation, hot spots, and insect bites in addition to the itchy skin caused by the winter months. Both of these products are ideal natural steps that you can take to relieve the itch of winter and you can keep using it when flea season comes back around as well.