Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia Old Age

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs

by Nicola Parry, DVM

Hip Dysplasia (HD) is a common, canine orthopedic condition that involves an abnormally formed hip joint. The hip joint is a “ball and socket” type joint, and in healthy animals the ball and socket should fit snugly against each other. In HD, however, the head of the femur (the ball) fits poorly in the acetabulum (the socket). This allows excessive movement to occur in the joint, resulting in inflammation, damage, and subsequent pain.

Although it can affect any dog breed, HD certainly occurs with a much higher frequency in larger breed dogs. Its exact cause is complex – it arises as a result of multiple factors, both hereditary and environmental. Contributing environmental influences are varied, but development of HD can be encouraged by factors such as repeated episodes of joint trauma, or rapid weight gain and growth rate due to excessive food intake.

5 Common Signs Of Hip Dysplasia

  • Lameness
  • Stiffness
  • Swaying hind limb gait
  • Reluctance to jump or climb stairs
  • Difficulty rising after lying down

5 Ways To Manage Hip Dysplasia

  • Weight Management

Your dog should be at an optimum weight to avoid excessive stress on the hip joint. If necessary, your veterinarian can help with a weight loss regime, as well as ensuring that your dog’s overall nutrition is properly balanced.

  • Exercise

Exercise is necessary, but should not be overdone. Lower impact forms, such as walking or swimming, are best. Running, however, should be avoided.

  • Pain Relief

Your veterinarian will help to effectively manage your dog’s pain by prescribing anti-inflammatory medication. However, you may want to try some all natural solutions before you start your dog on pharmaceuticals.

  • Arrest of Joint Damage

Various products, such as nutraceuticals, are available to help break the cycle of damaging changes in the hip joint, and thus slow disease progression. Collagen supplementation has also been shown to reduce pain and lameness in arthritic dogs, improving their overall activity. Joint Resolution is a non-pharmaceutical product that can help improve your dog’s mobility and flexibility. Its natural ingredients can be effective in reducing soreness and stiffness. One of its components is BioCell Collagen II which helps to rebuild new cartilage in damaged joints, and helps to reduce further joint damage.

  • Surgery

Specialized surgical procedures can help in severe cases. Various techniques are used, ranging from rearranging the pelvic bones or femoral head for more efficient joint function, to hip replacement.

If you should suspect that your dog has HD, have him checked immediately – an earlier diagnosis allows for more effective management of the condition. And although you can’t exactly prevent your dog from developing HD, or even cure it if it arises, there are certainly important ways in which you can contribute to effectively manage this complex condition. In this way you can help to keep him pain-free, and slow the progression of the disease and its associated osteoarthritis. Another important fact to remember is to avoid breeding your dog – given the genetic component of this disease, spaying or neutering of affected dogs can at least prevent the disease being passed on.

Nicola Parry is a veterinarian at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is ACVP board-certified and her career has taken her along various paths, including general practice and academia. She enjoys teaching veterinary pathology, as well as writing for the veterinary, medical and scientific worlds. She currently lives in Massachusetts with her oddball cat, Tiddles

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia Old Age

Is Your Dog Lame?



by Audrey Harvey, DVM


Osteoarthritis is a painful condition of joints that is common in elderly dogs, and those that are overweight.



How to Diagnose Osteoarthritis


The main symptom of osteoarthritis in your dog is lameness. It may be worse in the morning, and after exercise. It may only affect one leg, or your dog may hurt in two or more of his limbs. You may also see behavioral changes; he may be crankier than usual, and he may struggle to jump into the car when you are going on a trip.


Your vet will be very suspicious that your dog has osteoarthritis based on the information you give him, and a thorough clinical examination. They will bend and flex each joint, and look for signs of pain and reduced movement. They may also suggest x-rays to get a more accurate idea of how severe your dog’s arthritis is.


Treating Osteoarthritis in Dogs


It makes sense that preventing dogs from becoming obese in the first place can reduce the occurrence of osteoarthritis. This means that you need to watch your dog’s waistline closely as he grows up, and keep him trim.


If your dog is already stiff and sore, it’s not too late to help him to feel better.


1. Put him on a diet. Other studies have proven that weight loss in dogs that have already developed osteoarthritis can be very beneficial. 


2.  Find a canine physical therapist. One program studied the effect of combining physical therapy with a calorie-controlled diet in dogs that were overweight and who also had osteoarthritis. The results were positive in both the amount of weight the dogs lost and their mobility. A key finding from this particular study was that the physical therapy appeared to result in better outcomes than just restricting the dogs’ diet.


3. Keep up your dog’s exercise. How much exercise he can do will depend on his level of pain and how easily he can move around. Take your dog on a gentle walk each day if possible and gradually build up to longer walks over time if he shows he can cope with it. An alternative for dogs that are very lame would be to take them swimming. With the lack of weight bearing down on their joints they could enjoy this form of exercise and be burning up those extra calories at the same time.


4. Always have a bottle of Joint Resolution handy, and give your dog a few drops every day. This all-natural treatment contains anti-inflammatory herbs to ease his pain and increase joint mobility. BioCell Collagen II will restore damaged cartilage and improve the consistency of the joint fluid. The result is that your dog will be more comfortable.


There’s no need for your dog to suffer from osteoarthritis. Weight management, physical therapy, gentle exercise and Joint Resolution will allow him to enjoy life to the fullest.



Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

How to treat canine knee injuries


Knee injuries are one of the most common reasons that your dog will limp on his back leg, and it may take several months for him to recover. That means you’ll not be able to enjoy his company when you go for your afternoon stroll, and he’ll have to miss out on chasing his favorite ball for a while.


Although knee injuries can occur in any breed, some breeds are more at risk than others. Rottweilers, Newfoundlands, St Bernards and Labrador Retrievers seem to be more prone to hurting their knees. Smaller breeds such as the Bichon Frise and Miniature Fox Terriers can be born with a loose kneecap, which can predispose to joint injury. Lastly, breeds such as Chows who have very straight hind legs may be more likely to injure their knees purely because of their conformation.


In many cases, knee injuries occur while you’re playing with your dog. You throw his ball and he twists to grab it as he runs past, and ouch! He limps back to you on three legs. If he leaps into the air to catch it, he can land awkwardly, and that too is a common cause of injuries to this joint. If your dog is like mine and has dug several short cuts to China in your backyard, he may trip in a hole as he runs, and twist the joint.


It’s obvious when your dog has hurt his knee, as he is suddenly lame, and won’t walk on the sore back leg. You might not be able to tell which part of his leg is hurting, but your veterinarian will be able to confirm that it is the knee that is sore. It’s important to get that diagnosis quickly, so you can plan the best treatment program for your dog.


There are several options for treating a knee injury in dogs.


1. Rest. We’re very familiar with the Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation regime when we sprain a joint. However, your dog may not sit back and let you do this to him. Often, the best we can hope for is rest. This means no walks, no chasing balls, and no romping with the other family pets. Ideally, keep your dog confined in a crate as much as possible, and only take him outside on a leash to go to the toilet. If you’re used to spending lots of time walking and playing with your dog, you’ll feel nearly as frustrated as he does.


2. Pain relief. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as meloxicam will reduce swelling and take away a lot of your dog’s pain. These need to be prescribed by your veterinarian. Be careful: if your dog feels better, he may want to walk and play more than he should, which can make his injury worse. Make sure you follow your vet’s guidelines regarding restricted exercise, even if your dog wants to do more.


3. Weight loss. Any leg injury will take longer to heal if it has to carry excess weight. If your dog is a little generous around the waistline, it’s time for some tough love. It’s even harder to take weight off your dog when you can’t exercise him. Put him on a strict diet, and don’t give in to those big brown eyes. It really is for his own good.


4. Physical Therapy. Your vet can give you guidelines on how to slowly increase your dog’s exercise, and gently bend and stretch his knee, so that it maintains its flexibility and increases its strength. Alternatively, ask for a referral to a specialist physical therapist. How you exercise your dog after his knee injury is as important as anything your vet can do, so follow her directions to achieve the best outcome for your dog. Underwater treadmills and swimming are great for exercising his knee joint without putting any weight on it.


5. Joint Resolution. This product contains glucosamine and collagen, both of which are known to improve joint health and reduce lameness. It also contains herbs which reduce pain and inflammation. It’s a safe and natural way to support your dog’s knee joint as it heals, and you can relax knowing that there are no dangerous side effects.


6. Surgery. If your dog has in fact torn a ligament in his knee, it will leave the joint very unstable and may result in arthritis. The best way of treating a torn ligament is orthopedic surgery to restabilise the joint. Unless you have pet insurance, this will make a huge dent in the family budget. After surgery, all of the above treatment options are useful as your dog recovers from his operation.



Prevention Is Better Than Cure


There are many reasons for trying to prevent your dog from injuring his knee. He won’t be in pain, he won’t miss out on the fun activities you share, he won’t be at risk of developing arthritis in his joint, and he won’t use up all your spare cash with his veterinary care.


Is it possible to prevent these injuries?  It is, to some extent. Don’t let your dog become overweight, or he will put more strain on his knee ligaments as he runs. Don’t throw balls that encourage your dog to jump, because he may land awkwardly and injure his knee.


At the end of the day, dogs will be dogs, and they do hurt themselves. We can only do our best. If your dog does injure his knee, treatment is available that will have him out enjoying his walk with you very soon.




Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Acupuncture, Electropuncture & Aquapuncture- will they help my dog's arthritis?


Unlike conventional veterinary medicine, which is usually comprised of harsh pharmaceutical chemicals, acupuncture is a safer and more exact form of pain relief for dogs that are suffering from ailments, such as allergies, hip dysplasia, paralysis, arthritis and respiratory problems.

Most people think of acupuncture as a healing therapy designed only for humans, but dogs, cats and other animals can benefit greatly from the use of acupuncture. In fact, during the Jin dynasty period of China, about 4500 years ago, the very first case of using acupuncture on an animal was recorded.

This healing modality quickly spread and was first used by veterinarians in the USA in the 1970’s.  It then evolved into aquapuncture and electropuncture.

Acupuncture involves inserting a thin needle into specific points on a dog’s body in an attempt to relieve any pain. Acupuncture is believed to enhance and restore a dog’s natural flow of energy (qi) in their body. The qi energy runs along 12 meridians with each meridian linking up to an internal organ and its operating system. The thin needles are placed at certain points along these meridians to stimulate the flow of qi energy, which in turn benefits the dog’s muscular, skeletal, hormonal and cardiovascular systems.

Western acupuncture specialists explain that there are 365 main acupuncture points in an animal’s body which are all located at little clusters of nerves and blood vessels. Through stimulation of these cluster points with the needles, physiological effects are triggered within an animal’s body, and this actually helps to increase the animal’s own healing abilities within their body.

The acupuncture helps to rapidly release neurotransmitters inside the dog’s body such as endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killers, as well as small amounts of cortisal, which is an anti-inflammatory steroid.

Aquapuncture is another form of acupuncture that some dog owner’s prefer for their dogs. It uses a hypodermic syringe and needle to gently inject a solution into the acupuncture points. For quite a few days after this solution has been injected under the dog’s skin, it will continue to either stimulate or sedate the acupuncture points. The solution is usually comprised of lidocaine, saline, and vitamin B12, together with a homeopathic remedy. Aquapuncture is good for dogs that have severe back or hip pain which is caused from vertebral spondylosis, arthritis or hip dysplasia.

Electropuncture is also another alternative to regular acupuncture. With electropuncture, an electrical device is used to stimulate the acupuncture points in the dog’s body. This is done through the use of wires attached to the acupuncture needles. A mild electrical charge is then sent at variable frequencies through the needle and into the acupuncture point on the dog’s body. Electropuncture is an excellent choice if your dog has severe paralysis.

Most acupuncture, aquapuncture and electropuncture treatments last between 10 seconds and 30 minutes, although it does depend on the ailment for which the dog is being treated. Moreover, some dogs will have to have 4 to 6 treatment sessions before there will be any real improvement, although some dog owners are able to see immediate improvements in their dog’s overall health after just one or two sessions.

Even though the above treatments will not cause your dog any pain, they are time consuming and do require your dog to lie still for long periods of time.

If you don’t think that your dog will be able to withstand an acupuncture session, it is too costly or if you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to enhance your dog’s acupuncture, aquapuncture or electropuncture treatments, there is an herbal tonic that you can try called Joint Resolution.

Perfect for dogs feeling the discomfort of arthritis or hip dysplasia, Joint Resolution’s herbal blend of boswellia, devils claw and licorice work together to reduce inflammation and pain as dandelion eliminates toxins from your dog’s body.

It also contains New Bio Cell Collagen Type II, which aids in building new cartilage, rejuvenating worn tissues and promotes improved joint mobility and flexibility. Joint Resolution is easy to administer via a few drops on your dog’s favorite treat.

There are definitely many all natural and holistic remedies and treatments for your suffering dog to try before going with more harsh methods like drugs and surgeries.

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Does Your Dog Have a Luxating Patella?

What To Do If Your Dog Has A Luxating Patella

It is a beautiful day outside and you and your dog are playing fetch in the backyard. You throw the ball and your dog takes off running after it. But somewhere in midstride, you hear him yelp as you see him lift one of his hind legs off the ground. Not stopping, he continues to chase after the ball running on only three legs. Once he’s got the ball in his mouth and is bringing it back to you, you notice that he is running on all four legs now.

With a dawning realization, you remember that your dog did almost the exact same thing the last time you were out playing fetch with him. Even though it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, it starts to bother you because you don’t want to see your dog in any kind of pain or discomfort.

Does Your Dog Have a Luxating Patella?

You can bet that your dog has a luxating patella , especially if he is a toy or small dog breed. Usually occurring in dogs that have relatively weak muscles, tendons and ligaments, a luxating patella can also occur in medium and large sized dogs whose kneecap groove is too constricted or shallow. When this happens, your dog’s knee will slip inward and then lock up, preventing your dog from bending his leg.

Luxating patella is just a fancy way of saying that your dog has a dislocating knee. Otherwise referred to as a ‘trick knee’, it describes a situation in which your dog’s knee, the visible joint on the front part of the hind leg, slips out of its socket.

It affects each dog in a different way. Sometimes a dog will simply lift his leg off the ground for a few seconds and then continue walking or running on it. Other times, he may keep his leg off the ground for a few days. If a dog has a luxating patella on both of his hind legs, it may cause him to seemingly hop like a bunny.

For some dogs the pain and discomfort of a luxating patella can force them to not walk at all, or at the very least attempt to walk solely on their front legs as they keep their hind legs in the air. A luxating patella can lead to arthritis in a dog’s later years.

Treating a luxating patella

You should always have your dog’s knees checked at least every two years by your veterinarian.

*If you suspect your dog has a luxating patella, the first thing you should do is try to keep your dog as still as possible. No running around and playing fetch – at least until you are able to see a veterinarian.

*Your vet may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or even a steroidal anti-inflammatory. Keep in mind that these medications contain chemicals that have horrible side effects and will usually only deal with the inflammation and not the actual problem.

*Your vet may suggest surgery. However, make sure that your vet is a qualified orthopedic surgeon. Also consider that, besides the surgery costing thousands of dollars, there will always be a 50% chance that the luxation will reappear in the future. Before considering a potentially dangerous surgery, try less evasive measures like as all natural remedies.

*Give your dog a natural supplement that has collagen. Collagen is a protein that is found in joint cartilage that is proven to help in building new cartilage and reducing damage to your dog’s joints.

*Help your dog remain lean or lose weight by cooking fresh foods with lots of vitamin C, and allowing him to have moderate exercise. If your dog is overweight he will experience more discomfort because of the extra weight bearing down on his knee. Take your dog for a walk up a slight incline as this helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the patella. 

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia Food

Is Your Dog Fat?

It’s an unfortunate fact that over 40% of our pet dogs are overweight or obese. The excess weight they are carrying not only reduces their quality of life, but also the length of that life.

Many of the problems that an overweight human has to deal with also occur in our dogs.

One of the most significant effects obesity has on a dog’s body is the increased stress on the joints . The more weight the joints have to carry, the more wear and tear on those joints. The end result is pain and difficulty in moving around.

There is a connection between obesity and the health of your dog’s heart. If your dog is a bit on the heavy side, the heart has to work a lot harder to push the blood through his body. Hypertension, or increased blood pressure, is also directly linked to obesity in dogs. The end result is heart disease, and an increased risk of heart attack.

Overweight dogs are also more prone to sleep apnea. This is a condition in which your dog has difficulty breathing while he’s asleep. Diabetes is more common in obese animals, and an increase in weight can play havoc with regulating a diabetic dog’s blood glucose levels. You can try an all natural supplement like Sleepytime Tonic if your dog is having trouble sleeping (or if you are having trouble sleeping!)

There is another condition we may not always associate with obesity in dogs, and it too can make them quite uncomfortable. Overweight animals often have more skin folds than a lean dog. These folds can trap dirt and debris, and this may lead to skin irritation and scratching. If moisture accumulates in these folds, bacteria and fungi may grow and cause skin infections which can be painful. Click here to read more about caring for wrinkly dogs.

Why Is It So?

There are several causes of obesity in dogs, and you may need help from your vet to determine which is the cause of your dog’s weight problem.

One of the most common causes is simply over eating. All dogs need to eat a certain number of calories per day. This number varies depending on factors such as their breed, size, age, and level of activity. For instance, the more active your dog is, the more calories he will need to eat to provide energy and maintain his body condition. Some dogs just eat too many calories, and don’t use them up by exercising, so the excess is deposited on their waistline.

If a dog has a fast metabolism, it uses up calories very quickly, so it can cope with an increase in food without putting on weight. Dogs with slower metabolisms aren’t so fortunate, and you need to watch closely how much you feed them. Neutering does slow a dog’s metabolism, so a neutered dog won’t need as many calories after their little operation.

There are some medical conditions that can cause your dog to gain weight. Hyperthyroidism and Cushings Disease are two such conditions, and can be diagnosed with a blood test.

Let’s Move That Weight!

There are a few logical steps to getting your dog back to a healthy weight.

Firstly, take him along to your veterinarian for a full checkup. If there is a medical reason for his obesity, you’ll have to deal with that before you try any other strategies.

If all is okay, then look at what he’s eating. You need to feed him a good quality balanced diet with a low fat content. Many dog foods have a feeding guide on the packet, however it’s better to “feed to condition”. If you’re feeding the recommended amount, and your dog is too heavy, then that’s obviously too much for your individual dog. Feed the amount of food that keeps him in good lean condition, even if it is less than the pet food manufacturers recommend. While he’s losing the weight, skip any table scraps or between-meal snacks – they all add to the calorie count.

The other important part of weight loss is exercise. This can be difficult, because a heavy dog often has sore legs, and doesn’t want to walk very far. Swimming is an excellent exercise for an overweight dog, because he can burn calories without putting any weight on his legs. You may also be able to find a dog physical therapist who has an underwater treadmill, so your dog can walk while his body is supported by water. Read more about caring for a dog that likes to swim.

While you’re working hard to help your dog lose that excess weight, don’t forget to treat any obesity related conditions, so he feels more comfortable. Joint Resolution contains natural ingredients to help restore damaged cartilage and reduce wear and tear on his joints.

If you do find any moist itchy skin folds, the colloidal oatmeal in Comfy Dog Shampoo will soothe inflamed skin and make your dog feel so much better. It doesn’t lather excessively, which makes it easy to work into those skin folds, and easy to rinse off. Click here to read more about colloidal oatmeal.

Your dog didn’t gain his excess weight overnight, and he won’t lose it quickly either. Be strong and stick to your plan, and you’ll both enjoy a longer, healthier life together.

DOG for DOG is an all natural dog food and treat company with a mission to help dogs in need. You buy one we give one! 52,000 pounds were donated in 2013

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Acupuncture can be effective in treating canine joint disease

Arthritis and hip dysplasia are some of the the most common conditions that adversely affect our old dogs. It’s a shame to think that their twilight years may be marred by pain and difficulty getting up and about.

Many dog owners would like to try and avoid using potentially toxic pain medication to help their stiff and sore old dogs. Instead, they prefer to look for natural alternatives to manage their discomfort.

Acupuncture has been found to be particularly effective in treating arthritis in older dogs, either on its own or in conjunction with other natural treatments such as Joint Resolution .

Pins and Needles

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and practitioners believe that the body’s vital energy, or Qi force, flows throughout the body in channels. If these channels become blocked, symptoms of disease occur. Stimulating specific points in the body unblocks the channels, allowing the energy to flow freely again.

There are many ways to stimulate these acupuncture points. The one most people are familiar with is the acupuncture needle, which is inserted into the skin. However, an acupuncturist may also use acupressure or laser energy.

How does acupuncture work? There are several theories. although nobody knows for sure. Some followers believe that the needles help release endorphins and other hormones, and others believe that they relieve muscle spasms. The needles may also cause little areas of inflammation in the area, which encourages the body’s healing response.

The real advantage of acupuncture is that in the hands of an experienced veterinarian, there are no adverse effects; it’s quite safe and won’t do your dog any harm.

An Acupuncture “Prescription”

To work out where he needs to place the acupuncture needles, your veterinarian will need to make a Chinese medical diagnosis, which is quite different to the usual western medicine diagnosis. He will will ask questions such as if your pet prefers hot or cold water, if they drink enough, the health of their skin and coat, and several other things.

From there, he will develop a list of points in the body that he will stimulate with needles. Acupuncture treatments are initially given once or twice weekly for around 6 treatments. The needles remain in the dog for 20 minutes, and this doesn’t seem to stress them at all. In fact, many dogs snooze through their acupuncture session. When your dog is feeling better, the treatments can then be spread out a bit further, which is much better for the budget.

It’s important that if you’re looking for acupuncture treatment for your arthritic dog, you find a vet who is skilled in this form of treatment. A veterinarian can become a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist by completing courses through several organisations, but most commonly this is done through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society.

100% Successful?

Unfortunately not. No treatment is completely effective in every animal, not even the conventional pain medications. Some dogs just don’t respond well to acupuncture. If that’s the case, your vet may want to re-evaluate the acupuncture points he’s stimulating, and see that improves your dog’s comfort level.

Because arthritis pain often responds best to the use of multiple treatments, acupuncture can be combined with other medications and natural remedies, such as Joint Resolution . This all natural arthritis treatment contains several ingredients which not only help to restore damaged cartilage, but improve the joint fluid and make it more cushioning. The result is pain free movement, and a better quality of life.

Arthritis, hip dysplasia and luxating patellas can affects dogs at any age but particularly as they age. Fortunately we have safe, natural treatments that can ease their pain, and allow them to again enjoy their daily stroll.

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Can Laser Therapy Treat My Dog's Joint Pain?

Sore Joints Can Ruin Your Dog’s Day

There’s nothing worse than seeing your best friend in pain. If your dog has sore joints, it can affect all aspects of his life. Going for a walk, jumping up on your lap for a cuddle, even strolling over to his dinner bowl – nothing is much fun if he is hurting.

Conventional treatment for joint pain is based around a group of drugs known as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, or NSAID’s. These drugs reduce swelling and inflammation in the joint, and relieve pain very quickly.

Because of the very real risk of side effects with NSAID’s, many dog owners look to more natural ways of easing their dog’s pain. Acupuncture, massage and nutritional supplements such as Joint Resolution can ease painful joints and improve your dog’s enjoyment of life.

More recently, some veterinarians have been using laser therapy to treat pain in dogs. Although there haven’t been any studies into laser therapy in veterinary medicine, many vets find that it does in fact make dogs much more comfortable.

Laser therapy can be used to treat sudden, acute joint injuries such as ligament sprains or strains. It also seems to work well in more long term joint problems such as arthritis in older dogs.

Shine A Little Light On Me

Because laser therapy relies on light rather than heat, this type of therapy is also called phototherapy.

The laser sends a beam of light energy deep into the tissues of the body. This energy has several effects – it reduces inflammation and stimulates the immune system, and it increases blood flow to the area being treated, all of which speed healing. It also appears that the light energy causes the body to produce endorphins – the body’s natural pain relieving chemicals.

Some vets believe that lasers can also affect nerve endings, and may stop them sending pain messages to the brain. This hasn’t been proven.

Many laser machines also have an attachment which can direct a fine beam of light energy. Vets may use this to stimulate acupuncture points, and use it as an alternative to acupuncture needles. It works well in dogs who don’t like having needles poked into their skin, or where their sore area is too deep for a needle to reach.

Nobody has yet worked out exactly how lasers work to relieve pain. There are also no specific guidelines to indicate how to use it – either the best intensity of light to use, or for how long to apply the laser to a sore area. Research in rats shows that the length of time the laser is applied to a part of the body seems to be more important than how intense the light is.

He May Feel Better, But Will It Send Him Blind?

When people think of lasers, they usually imagine the laser pointers used in business presentations or during lectures. These can be dangerous if they’re shone directly into your eyes. However, the lasers used in laser therapy emit very low intensity infrared light, and aren’t powerful enough to cause any heat in the body.

Laser therapy has been used as a treatment method since the 1960’s, and has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration to be used for pain relief. In the hands of a trained professional, these lasers are very safe and are unlikely to cause your dog any harm.

Will It Work For My Dog?

Although many vets are skeptical about how effective laser therapy really is, there are enough case studies to suggest that it’s worth trying it out. It is safe and there are no side effects, so you won’t do your dog any harm by giving it a go.

Vets usually recommend an initial course of laser therapy, treating a dog every second day for a week, then reducing the treatment to once or twice weekly for another two weeks. Most dogs will need ongoing treatment but this may only be necessary once a month, or even less frequently.

Laser therapy is very new to veterinary medicine; vets must purchase specialized equipment to be able to treat their patients. You may find that there aren’t any vets in your area who can offer this treatment, or it may also not fit in the family budget. If that’s the case, check out Joint Resolution to relieve your dog’s joint pain with no unpleasant side effects. Studies have shown that treating your dog daily with Joint Resolution ‘s type II collagen reduces joint pain, and will leave him feeling much more comfortable .

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Your Dog's Arthritis or Hip Dysplasia Can be Managed

Getting Older Doesn’t Have To Hurt

I’ve been very fortunate, even blessed, with my dogs because most of them have lived very long lives. It’s wonderful to have a dog from the time he’s a puppy until he becomes an old dog. You feel like you’ve shared a long, wonderful life with him. But, as your dog becomes older he can often develop some common aches and pains. Older dogs often have a touch of arthritis. It may be a little harder for them to get up and down from a dog bed. They may need some help getting up on a sofa or your bed.

If your dog has a degenerative problem like hip dysplasia then it will usually worsen with age. Both hip dysplasia and luxating patellas, which can be common with some smaller breeds, can lead to arthritis as your dog ages.

I once had a dog that I found in a parking lot late at night. This poor old guy that I named Andy wasn’t a young dog when I found him. It wasn’t easy to coax him into my car at midnight in the rain but I finally got him in. My heart went out to him in particular because he seemed like he had been hit by a car at some point. I took him to the vet the next morning and the vet confirmed what I thought. At some time in the past Andy had been hit by a car and probably hobbled away without treatment. His hips were semi-crippled. He could walk with a definite limp but he had a lot of arthritis . The good news was that Andy was otherwise in pretty good health. I ran an ad trying to find Andy’s owners but no one answered. Andy became part of my family and lived out the next few years with us. Over that time we tried several different treatments for his arthritis. Here are some things that helped Andy:

Say No To Second Helpings

Dogs with arthritis and other joint problems typically do much better if you keep their weight down. Obesity and being overweight put unnecessary stress on joints that are already compromised and cause your dog pain. Carefully monitor how much food you give your dog to eat and watch his weight. Remember to count the calories in treats and table scraps, too.

No Marathons!

Watch your dog’s exercise. Arthritis is usually self-limiting but canine hip dysplasia and even luxating patellas are not always evident, particularly at a young age. If your dog has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia or luxating patellas, don’t let your dog overdo the exercise. Regular, moderate exercise is better than one all-out race in a blue moon. Your dog is less likely to injure himself if you pace his exercise. However, don’t cut out exercise altogether. Exercise is good for keeping muscle tone and that helps your dog in the long run.

Remember that one key to long term health and fitness is to start young. DO let your puppy play and have fun. DON’T make your puppy jog two miles with you or run races. Putting too much stress on a puppy is one way to develop joint problems later.

Live In The Lap of Luxury

As your dog gets older it’s okay to pamper him a little. Think about providing your dog with a comfy dog bed. Some pets with joint problems may appreciate an orthopedic dog bed or even a heated dog bed. If your pet sleeps on the sofa you may want to get him a heating pad. Applying heat to his aching joints can help them feel better.

Everybody In The Pool!

Hydrotherapy and swimming have proven beneficial for many dogs with aches and pains related to joint problems. Swimming is one of the best treatments for arthritis, hip dysplasia and even for post surgical rehabilitation of dogs. If your dog likes to swim he should find swimming easier than doing exercises like walking or running and you can swim with him. If your dog doesn’t know how to swim it’s not hard to teach most dogs. Just be sure that you carefully teach your dog where the steps are in any pool and show him how to get out of the pool. You can ask your vet for more information about hydrotherapy.

Medicate Me

If your dog is experiencing spikes in pain or ongoing pain then you should talk to your veterinarian about anti-inflammatory medications. There are a number of Non-Steroidal-Anti-Inflammatory (NSAID) medications that are being used to treat chronic arthritis and other pain in dogs. There are some side effects with some of these medications so be sure to thoroughly discuss them with your vet before using them for your dog.

You should not try to medicate your dog yourself without talking to your veterinarian. Many over-the-counter drugs are not safe for dogs. Drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be very bad for dogs.

These are all things that we tried with Andy. Many of them worked. Since we had him for several years before he finally passed away we were able to try different things depending on how he felt. We also tried glucosamine-chondroitin tablets which helped his joints.

Herbal Is The Way To Go

There’s one treatment today that we didn’t have when Andy lived with us and that’s Joint Resolution . I wish we’d had it because I think it might have helped him a lot. Joint Resolution is an herbal blend that works synergistically with BioCell Collagen II. It includes Boswellia, devil’s claw and licorice to reduce inflammation and pain. It also has dandelion to eliminate toxins from the body. Just a few drops of Joint Resolution on a treat or in your dog’s mouth can bring relief and make him feel more comfortable.

The BioCell Collagen II in Joint Resolution also contains Hyaluronic Acid and chondroitin which have both been shown to promote healing and tissue rejuvenation. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Expert opinions support the use of chondroitin for improving the symptoms and arresting (or possibly reversing) the degenerative process of osteoarthritis.” So, Joint Resolution has exactly what your dog needs.

Joint Resolution promotes active joints and helps improve your dog’s mobility and flexibility. It promotes strong, healthy connective tissue. And, it’s easy to administer. Since it’s liquid the body absorbs it faster than tablets or pills. Click here to read testimonials about Joint Resolution .

If your dog has arthritis or is suffering pain from canine hip dysplasia or luxating patellas, Joint Resolution can help.

I know that none of us want to see our dogs with any aches or pain but sometimes they go along with getting older. We do want our dogs to get older so we just have to find ways to help our dogs cope with the little aches and pains that go along with age. Many dogs live for years after they begin experiencing some arthritis or having a few problems from hip dysplasia or luxating patellas. There’s no reason why your dog can’t lead a fairly normal life, especially if you follow some of the tips offered here.

Arthritis & Hip Dysplasia

Dog Hip Dysplasia, Luxating Patellas and Arthritis- Causes & Cures

Cure Your Dog’s Aches and Pains

Many medical conditions can cause your dog to have joint aches and pains. Hip dysplasia, canine arthritis and a luxating patella are three of the most common causes for joint pain, but there are also a variety of other factors that could affect your dog. What are these things, exactly?

Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia can be hereditary or environmental. Typically, hip dysplasia involves the bones in the hip forming incorrectly or being strained and not seating properly in their sockets. Over time, the joint may degenerate, causing more and more stiffness and discomfort. Hip dysplasia is more of a problem in large and giant breed dogs.

Luxating Patella: With a luxating patella, a dog like my Beagle has a kneecap that pops in and out of place. This is generally because the groove that holds the kneecap into place is too shallow, and it can easily slide around due to trauma or even in the course of regular exercise. A luxating patella is more of an issue in small and toy breeds.

Canine Arthritis: Just like people, dogs get arthritis, too. In some cases, canine arthritis is a result of a degenerative joint disease, like hip dysplasia or a luxating patella. In other cases, arthritis is caused by inflammatory joint disease and is the result of an underlying medical condition. Arthritis can be as mild as a little stiffness, or it can cause severe pain in your dog, reducing his activity levels and even making him whine or cry.

You can treat your dog’s aches and pains!

Don’t make your dog suffer; treat his aches and pains to improve his quality of life. How can you make your achy dog more comfortable ?

  1. Use natural remedies to manage your dog’s aches and pains.

Natural remedies, such as Joint Resolution , are the best way to help manage your dog’s aches and pains. Compare the price of a $13 bottle of Joint Resolution to the hundreds or thousands of dollars you’d spend on surgery – which can still leave your dog arthritic in old age!

If your dog’s symptoms don’t stem from an underlying cause that requires medical intervention, natural remedies like Joint Resolution are the best way to manage the aches and pains. Mary Lee Somers of Ohio says of her dogs after discovering Joint Resolution: “Now they run like they never had a problem!” Give your dog the freedom to run and play again, and rediscover the joy of being pain-free! To listen to an audio on how Joint Resolution can help your dog to be pain free, c-l-i-c-k here .

Adjust your dog’s diet.

    Believe it or not, diet can actually affect your dog’s arthritis. Feed your dog a high-quality food, and it’s more likely to contain ingredients that promote good joint health. You can also employ neutraceutical supplements, such as fish oil, to help reduce your dog’s arthritis.

    Reduce environmental triggers.

      Things like excessive exercise or cold can worsen your dog’s symptoms. If your dog does have arthritis or joint problems, take it easy with the exercise. Switch to many short play sessions instead of a couple of long play sessions throughout the day. Minimize your dog’s exposure to cold by giving him a warm, soft bed to lie on or heating a room where he likes to spend time, and minimize the time he spends lying on cold floors or outdoors in the winter.

      Talk to your vet about anti-inflammatory medications.

        It’s shouldn’t be your first line of defense, but if your dog is dealing with chronic arthritis, anti-inflammatory medications such as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDs) can help reduce his symptoms. Talk to your vet about starting your dog on NSAIDs to reduce the pain and help live a happy, fuller life.

        Stem cell therapy is expensive, but effective.

          Stem cell therapy is an option to help reduce your dog’s aches and pains. With stem cell therapy, veterinarians take some stem cells from your dog, send them to a lab in California, and get healthy stem cells back which they then return to your dog. The healthy stem cells encourage the growth of more healthy stem cells in your dog, treating the arthritis. For more information about stem cell therapy, click here to learn more .

          Your dog can lead a happy life, even with aches and pains.

          Your dog doesn’t have to suffer from his aches and pains – he can lead a happy life if you’re willing to help. Consider natural remedies, improve his diet, and minimize the triggers that cause his aches and pains, and your dog can lead a long, happy, pain-free life.