Grooming Itchy Skin & Allergies Shampoo Skin Disease

Try ‘Shampoo Therapy’ to help your dog’s itchy skin

There is a common misconception that you shouldn’t bathe your dogs very often and that doing so can make skin conditions worse.  Most veterinarians treat skin disease through a combination of steroids and antibiotics. But if you’re like me, you want to stay away from harsh drugs and try all natural courses of action first.  The use of ‘shampoo therapy’ to treat skin conditions may be the most overlooked natural therapy for dogs with skin disease.

You might not realize it, but your dog’s coat acts like a magnet for all kinds of dust, dander, toxins, yeast, bacteria and allergens. A weekly bath is essential for removing these potential hazards; especially if your dog has allergies. These substances can actually CAUSE the allergies.

In addition, shampooing will also help to remove dead skin cells that linger on the surface of the skin. These dead skins cells can form the foundation for a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and yeast.  Regular bathing may also decrease your dog’s need for oral antibiotics or anti-fungal medication.

You might be under the impression that bathing your dog so frequently will remove the natural oils from your dog’s skin and coat. This absolutely can occur. It is also why it is imperative that you exercise extreme caution when you are choosing the shampoo you will use for your dog’s weekly bath.

In order for shampoo therapy to be effective, you need to make sure you are using a shampoo that is natural, hypoallergenic and moisturizing. Oatmeal shampoos are an excellent choice. 

They will help to improve the condition of your dog’s skin and coat while providing relief from scratching. Look for products that contain colloidal oatmeal instead of the inferior oat extract that many dog shampoos use.

Colloidal oatmeal is simply oatmeal that is ground down to a fine powder. And because the powder granules are so tiny, they will readily absorb water or moisture. This then acts as a ready made moisturizer, binding itself to the skin in a protective layer. Check out an oatmeal shampoo for dry & itchy skin.

Another thing to avoid is using human shampoo on dogs. Click here to find out why

When you choose a product to use for your dog’s shampoo therapy, it is not only important to pay attention to whether the product is all natural but also the ingredients that are used. The right formula will contain a full spectrum of all the most important ingredients to provide your dog with maximum healing.

These ingredients include botanical extracts of peppermint that serve as a natural insect repellent, burdock for an anti-inflammatory agent, Indian frankincense and calendula, which have been used for centuries for soothing irritation and healing. Finally, it is important to make sure that the shampoo you use does not overly lather. Why is this important? Lather can be difficult to rinse out, resulting in soap residue that is one of the most common causes for canine itching.

When shampoo therapy is performed correctly and the right shampoo is used, you will notice that your dog has fewer allergic outbreaks and the condition of the coat and skin is greatly enhanced.




How to wash a really dirty dog



Dogs get dirty. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to keep them clean, they still manage to pick up dirt, dust and sometimes worse! No one really knows why dogs roll around in dead things, manure, and anything else that is particularly smelly, but the odds are good that at some point your dog is going to get filthy!


It is quite possible to wash your dog so that you gently and effectively remove the grime from his fur without drying out his coat.


Before You Shampoo


If your dog is absolutely coated in dirt and smells to high heaven and you have a large dog, start the washing process outside even if you would prefer to use a bathtub or a hydrobath. You may be able to get a substantial amount of the dirt off with a gentle hosing. The key word here is gentle; a strong jet of water on his body could be quite painful. It might take several minutes before you got your dog clean enough that you won’t mind touching him.


Once you’ve done that, you can either take him directly to the bathtub, or continue washing him where he is. Choose your shampoo carefully; the product you use will need to be gentle on his coat while removing the dirt. Bubbles ‘n Beads is the perfect choice. This two-in-one shampoo and conditioner contains micro-beads full of vitamins and conditioners, as well as coconut oil and amino acids. These help to dislodge the dirt in his coat, and clean his fur without stripping its natural oils.


It’s Soap Time!


Apply Bubbles ‘n Beads to your dog’s wet coat, and lather it up so that the shampoo penetrates right down to his skin. This will allow the vitamins and conditioners in the micro-beads to reach the hair follicles, where they will be of most benefit.


Make sure you work the lather into all parts of his coat. Start at his head, and work backwards along his body, down his legs, and right to the end of his tail. Although Bubbles ‘n Beads is very mild and doesn’t sting, it’s a good idea to keep the lather away from his eyes. You can expect your dog to try and shake off the lather, so be prepared to get a bit wet.


Leave Bubbles ‘n Beads on your dog’s coat for a full minute, to allow the micro-beads of conditioner to moisturize the shafts of his hair. After this, it’s time to rinse him off. You can use a bucket or a hose but again work from head to tail and remove all traces of lather from his fur. For best results, if you are washing your dog in the tub, use a handheld shower head. If you feel it’s necessary, you can give your dog a second shampoo with Bubbles ‘n Beads; it is very gentle and won’t dry his hair out at all.


When your dog is clean and there is no more shampoo in his coat, let him shake off the excess water. There is nothing quite as affectionate as a wet dog so if you aren’t already damp, you will be now!  Grab some towels and rub him all over until he is almost dry. Voila, your dog is now clean, and the ‘clean laundry’ scent will last for several days!

Grooming Odor/Smell Paws Shampoo Tear Stains

Time To Winterize Your Dog

Winter Dogs

By Kevin Fisher
It’s November and in most parts of the country winter is imminent. (It’s even getting a tad chilly here in Southern California!) Time to winterize your house with a little weather stripping and a few extra blankets; time to to winterize your car with anti-freeze and an ice scraper. It’s even time to start thinking about winterizing your best friend! No you don’t need to weather strip or de-ice your dog but there are a few things to bear in mind as the shorter days draw in.
It goes without saying that if you live in a cold weather area you should have a warm place for your dog to sleep . The back yard is no longer good enough unless your little guy has a somewhere to get out of the wind and the rain (but you knew that already didn’t you)
If you bathe your own dog make sure you use warmer water, preferably inside and spend a little extra time drying and brushing. Bubbles n’ Beads is the perfect cold weather product because it cleans and conditions in one go so your dog spends less time wet. If you want to skip a few bath times try DryDog Instant Clean , an all natural bath replacement spray that not only helps to clean your best friend but contains ordenone, an ingredient that traps and removes the bad smells that seem to flourish between groomings. TIP: Keep a rag and bottle at the door to use on after-walk muddy paws
Don’t leave your dog alone in the car; If the engine is left running there’s a possibility of carbon monoxide infiltrating the car, if the engine is not on it may just get too cold.
Salty frozen sidewalks can be a dogs worst enemy. Not only do his paw pads (and nose) get cold but they’re desiccated even further by the salt. It’s always a good idea to rinse and wipe his paws (and nose if he’s been sniffing around) when yo come back in from a walk. A great product to use before and after walks is bowWow Butter Balm . Apply a little before you go out and it forms a barrier between the skin and the environment and a little more after you come in will prevent irritation and heal dry skin. Note you should never use Petroleum jelly or Petroleum based products on your dogs pads; petroleum jelly contains petrolatum, which can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested. bowWow Butter balm is all natural shea butter and is perfectly safe.
Be vigilant on walks, this is the season for antifreeze and some of which can spill on driveways, It’s a particularly lethal product because it tastes and smells good to your dog but contains ethylene glycol, which can be deadly even in small quantities.
If your dog is out in the cold and starts shaking or shivering get him inside as soon as possible. If the shaking doesn’t stop within ten minutes of being inside it’s a good idea to call your vet.
Like people, dog’s seem to be more susceptible to illness in the winter , so be alert for the warning signs; loss of appetite, drinking an inordinate amount of water or just general lethargy. Never give your dog over-the-counter medications meant for humans unless you’ve spoken to your vet first. Some products that are perfectly safe for humans are toxic to dogs; aspirin, in the wrong dosage can cause toxicity, pseudoephedrine can be very harmful or even deadly to pets, even breath fresheners can contain both menthol, (which can be irritating to the mouth and the stomach) and xylitol (which can cause liver damage).
If you want to be proactive in keeping your best friend healthy this year Eyemunity is the perfect product. It contains Epicor an all natural immune booster that will not only improve your dog’s overal health but also help prevent tearstains. Click here for more information on this product
But the winter is not all bad news, many people, and dogs find the chill in the air invigorating. (I’m definitely not one of them, 20 years shoveling snow in in New York were enough for me:-) As a dog owner you not only have a loyal playmate but you have your own personal heating unit; your dog’s body temperature is a few degrees higher than yours so cuddle up and enjoy the exothermia!

Grooming Shampoo

Washing Your Dog May Prevent Illness

Can you believe that about a third of the body’s cells are dying at any given time and each cell has to eventually be replaced? And there are so many chemicals and toxins in the world today, that our bodies have to work even harder.

Accumulated toxins as well as normal dirt and debris encourage germs and parasites to flourish. They can also lower energy levels by overburdening normal bodily functions. This toxin buildup may not cause any one particular disease but can make a dog more susceptible to infectious diseases and inflammation.

Luckily there are ways we can help our pets. The first is exercise, the second is a day of fasting and the third is regular grooming, which is what we are going to focus on here.

You may wonder why we have to wash our dogs at all. Wolves in the wildlife never get bathed and they seem to do just fine without all of that pampering. The main reason we have to wash our pets is because they were bred to have abnormally long, curly or fine hair which gets really dirty and matted. Certainly dogs will try to self groom with their tongues and paws but with their long coats, they usually can’t do the job alone. Nor should they. Dirt and debris left in the coat is dangerous for two reasons.

1. Your dog will try to clean their fur by licking it. So they will ingest things like lint, flakes of paint, debris from automobiles and even asbestos fibers all of which can cause many internal problems.

2. These same toxins in the fur can cause skin irritations which leads to itchy skin.

Here are a few of solutions:

1. Wash your dog with an all natural shampoo every week or every month depending on the type of dog you have and your lifestyle. Click here to read more about how often you should wash your dog.

2. Brush your dog daily. Unlike humans who absorb most environmental allergens through their noses and mouths, dogs tend to absorb allergens through the skin. Weekly bathing can prevent itchiness , washing allergens away before they get a chance to penetrate the skin. Also, frequent brushing stimulates skin health by bringing secretions from oil glands onto the skin. It also helps to remove mattes from building up.

3. Give your dog a detoxifier to help eliminate toxins more quickly. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an herbal tonic that you give to your dog by mouth. It helps to reroute the toxins to the kidneys and bowels so the skin will be healthier.

So contrary to popular belief washing your dog every week to every month IS good for your dog and the reasons are more than just skin deep.


How To Save $600 on Dog Grooming

photo by Critter McDonell

We’re all looking for ways to save money. Maybe you’re using coupons at the grocery store, cutting down on the number of Venti Caramel Macchiatos you drink or purchasing new clothing less frequently.
This year I was able to slash my dog grooming bill in half (sorry groomers!). I have two dogs that need to be groomed every month but since I’ve been looking for ways to save I decided to try and stretch the grooming appointments from every month to every two months… and it worked!
In all fairness to the grooming community, I certainly can’t groom my dogs anywhere as well as a professional groomer… but good enough especially since it saves me $600 a year.
Rub A Dub Dog
I have two white fluffy dogs that need to be bathed every single week or else they become a shade of gray.  So, I am now a master bather– four times each month those dogs are in the tub with me. Since they are small I literally take them in the shower with me. I figure, I’m going to get wet anyway so I might as well incorporate it into my shower. Here’s the process:
1. I shampoo my own hair while the dogs get the pre bath shower drizzle.
2. Then, after they’re sufficiently wet, I lather them up in Bubbles n Beads shampoo . This is the best shampoo to use on dirty dogs, which mine are. We live at the beach and these dogs drag in copious amounts of sand everyday. Usually the sand ends up in the bed or couch but often times it’s sticky and difficult to remove from their skin. Bubbles n Beads contains microbeads which not only deliver conditioners to the hair follicle but they also act as a gentle exfoliator to remove the sand and dirt. Best of all is that it’s ALSO a conditioner, so you save a step right there.
3. While I’m washing my face and conditioning my hair I apply a deep conditioner on each dog and let it sit for the remainder of the bath. I already used a conditioner in step 2, however, I have long haired dogs and they need the deep conditioning. If you have a short haired dog, then skip this step! This deep conditioner leaves the coat super soft and silky and helps the coat stay cleaner, longer.
4. I remove myself and dogs from shower and dry them. If it’s the summer they can air dry and if it’s the winter I use my hair dryer on a low setting.
The Devil is in the Details
Of course grooming a dog is not JUST about bathing the dog. Here are the other areas I focus on throughout the month
1. Eyes- my dogs are prone to tear stains , so I use Eyemunity , an all natural powder I sprinkle in the dog’s food to boost their immune system to help fight the bacteria that cause the tear stains. I also wipe their eyes clean every few days to get rid of excess debris and gunk. Read more about tear stain s.
2. Ears- If you don’t keep you dogs ears in check they could develop a nasty infection that’s hard to eliminate. The best thing is to prevent this from happening in the first place. Every week when I wash my dogs I also treat their ears. It’s a quick and easy two part program that takes literally less than a minute to complete. You wipe out your dog’s ears then put a couple of drops of serum in their ear. DONE! And you’ve saved yourself a fortune in veterinary bills! Read more about Ear Infections .
3. Teeth- Sadly, I have fallen short on my duties in this area. “They” say brushing should be done several times a week but I’m lucky if I do it once a month. But, I know I have to improve in this area or my poor dogs will be toothless by the time they are 10. Small dogs especially have the chance of bad teeth as they age. So, brush your dog’s teeth! I do tend to use breath spray on my dogs to make their kisses more pleasant. Try Dog Smog Remedy !
4. Nails- Oucch! This is one thing I leave to the groomer because if you’re not careful YIKES!
5. Mattes & Tangles- with my long-haired dogs I have to be sure to brush them often.  When they do get a matte I spray a detangler directly onto the matte and work it out with a brush. This will save you money at the groomer as they will normally charge you more if the dog is full of mattes. Read more about Mattes & Tangles.
TIP: your dog might be nervous the first few times you try to bathe/care for him yourself. Try giving your dog some Sleepytime Tonic about 20 minutes before you plan to start the process. This all natural remedy helps to calm a nervous anxous dog.
So, here’s how I came up with the $600 a year savings. Each dog costs $50 per session to be bathed and cut and I used to go every month. That’s $100 a month or $1200 a year. Now I go every two months so I save half and I don’t compromise my dog’s health or beauty! Here’s to happy savings!
To read more about how to groom your own dog, check out these articles:
Save Money & Groom your Own dog
Grooming an Anxious Dog? Try these tips

Grooming Itchy Skin & Allergies

Bath Time Tips For Itchy Dogs

When your dog is itchy, it’s distressing for both of you. You feel helpless as they scratch, chew and rub their skin. They can really do themselves a lot of damage with their vigorous scratching, so it’s important to do everything you can to relieve their irritation.
Bath Time Tips For Itchy Dogs
Bathing your itchy dog is an important part of his treatment, but it needs to be done properly, with an appropriate shampoo. However, you first need to try and identify the cause of the itch.
One of the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs is fleas. It’s important to use an effective flea control product to stay on top of these little parasites. Many of these products are applied to the skin, and frequent bathing may reduce their effectiveness. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo such as Bubbles’n Beads with your topical flea treatment to get the best flea control for your pooch.
Allergies frequently cause distressing itching and scratching. Whether it be a food allergy or an allergy to pollens or plants, bathing is very helpful in washing off allergens from the skin and coat. Colloidal oatmeal can remove toxins from the skin, and give your dog up to 3 days relief from scratching. Wash him with Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampo o, and for longer lasting results, follow up with Fur Butter Conditioner. Both products contain colloidal oatmeal and herbal ingredients to relieve itching and soothe inflammation.
Skin itching can also be caused by secondary bacterial infection, in which case you may need to wash your dog in Chlorhexidine, to kill the bacteria. Your vet will guide you in how to use this product.
How often should you bathe your itchy dog?
If you’re using Chlorhexidine, you may need to shampoo every day or every second day to keep the bacterial infection under control.
Alternatively, with Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo, most vets will recommend shampooing twice weekly as a starting point, and will reassess your dog as time goes by.
If you’re using Bubbles’n Beads in conjunction with flea control products, it’s a good idea to try and avoid bathing any more frequently than every two weeks. That way you’re less likely to need to reapply the flea control more often than the manufacturer recommends. Click here to read more on how often you should wash your dog

How Not To Wash Your Itchy Dog
Just as there’s a right way to wash your dog, there’s also a wrong way to do it.
Don’t use a human shampoo. They’re too harsh for most dogs, and may dry their skin and coat. Dry skin often leads to itching, so you’re right back where you started. Use a quality dog shampoo containing colloidal oatmeal, such as Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo, and it will gently cleanse your dog’s skin and coat, and ease that annoying itch. Click here to learn more about why you shouldn’t use your own shampoo on your dog.
No matter what you use to bath your itchy dog, avoid lathering and rubbing him too hard. This can traumatize his sensitive skin, and leave him itchier than before. If his skin is inflamed, vigorous rubbing may also be quite painful. Gentle lathering will do just as good a job, and will feel much better on your dog’s skin.
Washing your dog is one of many things you can do to ease your dog’s itch. Do it right, with the right product, and not only will his skin itch improve, he’ll feel a lot happier in himself.

Grooming Itchy Skin & Allergies

Doggie Dandruff- How Embarassing!

Dogs, like people, can have dandruff. However, unlike people, they’re not at all embarrassed by it, and they don’t mind it showing up on their dark coat. For their owners, it’s more of a problem. It’s not fun to cuddle and play with your dog, and have little white flakes of skin fall all over you.

What Causes Dandruff In Dogs?

Dandruff and flaky skin in dogs are usually caused by a condition called seborrhea sicca.

Normal round skin cells become dry and flat scales of keratin as they age and move up to the surface of the skin. It’s normal for these scales to flake off. In dogs with seborrhea, the skin cells are too quick to turn into the keratin scales, so there’s an excess of these scales on the skin. They fall off in much larger quantities, causing small white dandruff flakes. These dogs also usually have abnormal oil glands in the skin. The glands don’t produce enough oils, which results in drying and scaling of the skin surface, flaky skin and dandruff.

Some breeds of dogs have a genetic tendency to seborrhea. This is called primary seborrhea, and it’s something that isn’t ever cured, but is just managed. Breeds which suffer from primary seborrhea include German Shepherd Dogs, American Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds and Dachshunds.

Most dogs with flaky skin suffer from secondary seborrhea, where there is a primary underlying disease causing the excessive skin flaking. The primary disease could be as common as a flea allergy, or could be an internal disorder such as an under active thyroid gland, or a nutritional deficiency.

In many cases, the changes to the surface of the skin allow the normal skin micro-organisms to multiply, causing infection. The result is red, itchy, irritated and often painful skin.

Controlling The Crusts

It can be very difficult to treat flaky skin in dogs, and it will take commitment from both you and your vet. It’s important to find out what the underlying cause is, because unless you treat that, you’ll never get the dandruff under control. This can mean blood tests to check hormone levels, low allergy food trials to see if a food allergy is involved, and in extreme cases, a skin biopsy.

While you’re working on that challenge, there are steps you can take to treat the secondary dryness and scaliness that’s affecting your dog’s good looks.

1. If your vet feels there is a secondary infection, he may prescribe antibiotics or anti fungal medication to get that under control.

2. An appropriate shampoo can work wonders in removing excessive skin flakes and making your dog much nicer to hug. Bubbles’n Beads contains some rain forest remedies to help combat skin infections, and also plant ingredients which reduce skin flaking and soothe inflammation. It’s micro beads deliver nourishing vitamins and conditioners to the skin, and it will replenish cells to heal damaged skin.

3. Because seborrhea is usually secondary to an internal problem, it’s important to also treat it internally. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an all natural supplement which works from the inside to eliminate toxins that affect your dog’s skin, and relieve itching and inflammation.

Your and your dog’s social life needn’t be affected by his dandruff. By using a combination of Bubbles’n Beads, and Healthy Skin Shiny Coat, you’ll find your dog’s skin is less flaky, and his coat is in great condition. You’ll be proud to be seen with him.


Does Your Dog Shed All Over You?

Dealing with dog hair is a normal part of owning a dog. Every dog sheds to some degree. Even “non shedding” breeds such as Poodles and Pulis do lose their hair, but not as much as other breeds. Some dogs shed once a year, some dogs twice. Some do it over a period of weeks, and others do it all at once. Now that can be impressive!

Shedding is usually seasonal, and is most influenced by the amount of light a dog is exposed to. Because many of our pet dogs live inside with us, they’re exposed to fairly constant light. This means that they’re more likely to shed continuously, rather than in cycles.

What’s Normal?

Many people take their dogs to their veterinarian, concerned that their pet is losing too much hair. However, there may not be anything medically wrong with your dog, and your vet may not be able to do much about it. If your dog’s hair coat looks healthy, and you can’t see patches of bare skin through the hair, it’s not likely to be a medical problem.

Active dogs appear to shed less than dogs that are couch potatoes. The increased activity helps them loosen the hair, and it falls out easier. Elderly dogs or overweight animals are less active, so the hair isn’t naturally worn off as it would be if they were out walking or playing.

Female dogs lose their coat twice yearly. This is related to their hormonal cycles. Also, bitches that have raised a litter often shed more than normal, and end up with a thin sparse coat.

However, there are times where excessive shedding is related to an illness such as hypothyroidism, or follows an anesthetic or surgery.

Five Steps to Help Control Shedding

If you’re concerned that your dog is losing too much hair, and you feel like you’re living in a blizzard, it’s important to have your dog examined by your vet. If everything is normal and he can’t find any reason for the hair loss, then it’s most likely a management problem.

While you can’t stop your dog shedding, here are 5 steps you can take to keep our dog’s coat in the best condition, which results in less hair for you to sweep up.

1. Make sure your dog is on a good quality diet like that from The Honest Kitchen .

2. To keep a coat healthy, you need to treat it from the inside. Healthy Skin Shiny Coat is an all natural tonic for dogs which detoxifies their system and results in a general improvement in their health. This leads to a more lustrous shiny coat.

3. Give him plenty of exercise, to encourage the hair to fall out.

4. A gentle shampoo and towel dry will also help remove any loose hairs. Bubbles ‘n Beads two in one shampoo and conditioner is the perfect product to keep your dog’s coat in great shape. It contains a blend of 14 amino acids to improve coat strength, and its conditioning microbeads deliver conditioning vitamins directly to the hair follicle. The result is a stronger, shinier, healthier coat. The beads also act as an exfoliant which helps to ease away hair.

5. Regular brushing is very good for his coat’s condition, as it spreads skin oil along the hair and adds a healthy shine. Try the Furminator grooming tool, it is amazing!

Dog hair is supposed to shed. Keeping your dog’s coat in good condition will reduce the amount of hair he loses in your home, and save you time spent in doing housework – time you can then spend playing with him!


Caring for Wrinkly Dogs

Lili the Pug gets special care by her owner Jeannine.

Caring for Wrinkly Dogs

Some of the most popular breeds of dogs today are breeds with wrinkles — cute little Pugs, stout Bulldogs, Shar Peis, and many of the Mastiff or Molusser breeds. These breeds may have wrinkles only on their faces or they may have wrinkly skin all over their bodies. In either case, their owners may have fallen in love with them before realizing that it takes some extra effort to care for a dog with wrinkly skin. Without special care these dogs can develop serious skin problems. But if you’re willing to give your dog’s wrinkles some regular maintenance you can prevent these skin problems from occurring.

Wrinkles are beautiful

If you have a dog with facial wrinkles, such as Pugs, you should use a very gentle wipe to clean their wrinkles on a daily basis. If you begin wiping your dog’s wrinkles when he’s a puppy he should have no problem with this daily regimen. He will probably enjoy the attention. If you have acquired an adult dog with a wrinkled face, you may have to help him get used to the idea. Clean your dog’s wrinkles slowly, give your dog lots of treats, and you can help him adapt to having his wrinkles cleaned.

Pre-Moistened pads are very good to use to clean your dog’s wrinkles. They’re alcohol-free and safe to use on even the youngest puppy. Try Eye Pads , they don’t contain any pharmaceuticals or chemicals. You can rub Eye Pads with and against the grain of your dog’s fur to thoroughly clean inside the folds of his wrinkles – but always rub very gently. You don’t want to irritate your dog’s skin. Eye Pads contain all-natural colloidal silver that helps prevent the growth of bacteria.

More wrinkles!

Some breeds, such as Shar Pei and the Mastiff breeds, have wrinkles all over. Their wrinkles need to be wiped all over their bodies. When wiping these dogs you should pay special attention to anyplace where your dog may seem to be itchy. This can be a sign that there is dirt collecting in the folds of the wrinkles. This can lead to irritation and even an infection if you don’t clean your dog frequently. This is one of the reasons that dogs with wrinkly skin can have skin problems.

In addition to this daily wrinkle care you should take special care to bathe your wrinkly dog at least once a month with a gentle shampoo to soothe any irritated skin. Shampoos with colloidal oatmeal are especially good for dogs with wrinkly skin and for skin irritations such as itchy and dry skin. Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo is a good choice for dogs with wrinkly skin and skin irritations.

You’ll need to gently — very gently — scrub between all of your dog’s wrinkles during each bath. Make sure that you rinse your dog completely, too. Rinsing your dog is perhaps even more important that the bath itself since any shampoo residue left behind can cause skin irritations, especially between your dog’s wrinkles. Dogs with wrinkles are particularly prone to itching and rashes so be very careful to rinse away all traces of shampoo. If you use a conditioner make sure that you use an all-natural conditioner that will soothe your dog’s skin.

There’s no need to blow dry a wrinkled dog. They tend to already have dry skin and blow drying them will likely dry out the top layer of skin and may leave moisture in the folds of their skin. Simply towel dry a wrinkly dog and let him air dry.

See what the vet thinks

All dogs should see the vet at least once a year. Your wrinkly dog is no exception. When you take your wrinkly dog to the vet, ask your vet to pay special attention to your dog’s skin. Make sure that he or she checks the folds of your dog’s wrinkles and looks for any skin irritations or other problems. Whether your dog has face wrinkles or wrinkles all over his body, see that your vet gives your dog’s skin a thorough going over. If your vet finds any skin problems he or she will probably prescribe a topical spray or cream to help the symptoms.

Wrinkly dogs are all beautiful in their own unique ways. If you have a wrinkly dog take extra special care of his skin and your dog’s wrinkles shouldn’t give you any trouble at all.

Grooming Mattes & Tangles Shampoo

Four Steps To DIY Dog Grooming

4 Steps To DIY Dog Grooming

When money is tight, we all try and cut back on spending where we can. Having your dog professionally groomed on a regular basis can make a big dent in the family budget. Grooming your dog is an important part of his care, because it helps prevent skin and coat problems. Not only that, there will be more hands-on love and affection in his life if he’s clean and smells nice.

With a bit of practice and the right equipment, you can groom your dog yourself and save quite a few dollars. You may not be able to trim him into a perfect “show clip” but you can keep him looking quite respectable.

When you’re starting out, you’ll need to invest in a few grooming products such as shampoos, brushes and nail clippers, but this is money well spent.

Like the Dreadlocks Look?

The first step in grooming your dog is to thoroughly brush his coat. This will get rid of loose hair and any little clumps of dirt that are stuck in his coat. If your dog’s coat is long, unless you do in fact like the dreadlocks look, you need to carefully comb out any knots and mats, or they’ll be almost impossible to get out after his bath.

If there are one or two particularly stubborn tangles that just won’t comb out, give them a spray with Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer . This makes it much easier to comb out the knots, and it also contains lavender essential oil. Lavender is well known to have a calming effect, and it can make your grooming session much more relaxing for your dog.

It’s not a good idea to use a human hairbrush on your dog. Use a specific dog brush that’s suitable for his coat type. A slicker brush is ideal for a longer coat, whereas a short coat often just needs a quick once over with a curry brush.

Shampoo, Blow Dry and Style Cut

Let’s face it – when you bathe your dog, the odds are that you too are going to end up more than a little wet! So, make it more comfortable for both of you, and use lukewarm water. Whether you wash your dog in the bath tub, in the shower or out in the backyard, he’ll feel much more secure with a non slip surface to stand on.

Your choice of shampoo is very important. Choosing a product that doesn’t suit your dog’s coat can leave your dog itchy and scratching. Bubbles ‘n Beads is a two in one shampoo and conditioner that will gently but thoroughly clean his coat. It then delivers conditioning vitamins right down to the hair roots to make his coat stronger, softer and shinier.

Wet your dog all over, apply the shampoo evenly over his body, and lather thoroughly. Make sure you rinse him well and remove all of the shampoo from his coat. Watch out – he will shake when you least expect it, and you’ll end up drenched. There is nothing more affectionate or loving than a wet dog!

If your dog has a long coat which tends to tangle, it’s a good idea to spray his coat lightly with Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer after his rinse, and massage it into his coat. He’ll be much easier to brush him next time.

You can also learn to clip your dog if you wish. You’ll need a good set of clippers, and this is one area where you shouldn’t skimp. It’s worth investing in quality.

There are two ways you can clip him. You can read books, watch videos and learn how to give him the style cut that’s typical of his breed. It’s a lot of work, but if you like that look, you can do it. Alternatively you can clip him short all over, and just let the hair grow out. It doesn’t matter which way you choose; it’ll take practice to get it right, and in the meantime, he may have a few “bad hair days”.

The Eyes (And Ears!) Have It

Some breeds of dogs are prone to tear staining . The dark stains extending below the eyes can really stand out, particularly in a light colored dog. Fortunately they’re easy to remove with Eye P ads containing Eyebright, Golden Seal and Colloidal Silver. These ingredients will clean away the tear staining and help prevent it recurring.

If your dog has long hair around the eyes, you can trim it short with round ended scissors. This can be scary stuff – one wrong move and you run the risk of poking him in the eye. You may want to have an extra pair of hands to hold his head steady while you do the trimming.

Have a look inside your dog’s ears. Keep his ear canals free of hair, to allow air to circulate and prevent them from staying moist. You can do this by gently plucking the hair with tweezers or forceps. Make sure you only grab a few hairs at a time, or it will hurt. If he has particularly dirty ears, clean them with an ear cleaning solution. Squeeze some solution into his ear, massage the ear base to move it around, then gently wipe it out with cotton balls. Don’t use Q Tips in his ear – if he moves his head, you could injure his eardrum.

Pedicure Time

The thought of clipping their dog’s toenails is enough to strike fear into the hearts of many dog owners. With good reason – many dogs hate having their toenails cut, they twist and turn, and it ends up being stressful for both of you.

Use good quality clippers and make sure they’re sharp. Cheaper clippers often crush the nail before they cut, and this hurts.

How short can you cut a toenail? It’s easy if your dog has white toenails – you can see the pink blood vessel, and avoid cutting into it. Black toenails are harder. It’s better to err on the side of caution, and nibble away at the nail, a little at a time.

If you do happen to cut the quick, it does sting, and it seems to bleed a lot! It’s handy to have some styptic powder in your grooming kit for just such occasions. Sprinkle a little on the bleeding nail and it will stop very quickly.

Long haired dogs also look tidier if you trim the hair around and between the toes with scissors. And if your dog’s paws are feeling rough and ragged, be sure to heal and protect them. Try bowWOW Butter Balm which is a quick relief soothing treatment for dry, cracked noses and paws. Read more about paw care here

Owning a dog costs money, but there are some areas where you don’t want to skimp. Good food, parasite control and veterinary care are essential, and can’t be avoided. If you learn to groom your dog yourself, you could save hundreds of dollars a year. When your dog gets admiring glances as you walk down the street, you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself!!

For more tips on grooming your own dog, click here.