gas & poop

Does your dog do the butt scoot?

Dogs get itchy bottoms at times, and they don’t have too many options when it comes to scratching that itch. They can bite or lick at their bottom, or they can scoot it along the ground.

Let’s look at the most common reasons why your dog’s bottom might itch.

1.       Worms, in particular tapeworms, can cause itching around his anus. You may have noticed the small white worm segments that look like rice grains in his stools or around his bottom. They are very itchy indeed and are a common cause of scooting.

2.       Your dog’s rear end is a popular spot for fleas to gather, and they too will make him itchy around his rump. Some dogs are actually allergic to flea saliva and one bite from a flea will make their skin red and inflamed. To add insult to injury, fleas spread tapeworm so if your dog is itchy from fleas, he’ll soon be itchy from tapeworm too.

3.       Dogs have two little scent glands just inside their anus which contain a very smelly liquid.  These glands can become blocked, swollen and infected, and your dog will drag his bottom along the ground to try and relieve the discomfort.

4.       Some breeds of dogs are prone to severe infection and ulceration around the anus. German Shepherds are known to develop these perianal fistulas. They can be quite painful, and very difficult to treat. This is less common than the other causes of scooting we’ve mentioned.

Stop That Scoot!

It’s embarrassing when your dog scoots in public, and it’s not so pleasant when he does it at home either, particularly if he scoots on your carpet. What can you do to stop him?

Make sure you worm him with an effective broad spectrum worming tablet. This will get rid of any tapeworms lurking in his intestines.

Have a look under his tail. If his scooting has resulted in any redness or irritation, bathe the area with Comfy Dog shampoo with colloidal oatmeal. It will relieve the inflammation and soothe his itch.

Use Flea the Scene regularly to keep these blood sucking parasites at bay. It contains natural insect repellents, and antiseptics to soothe any itchy bites. It has no side effects and is safe enough to use every day.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s anal glands, take him to your veterinarian for an examination.  She will empty his glands, and check for any infection. If infection is present, he may need a course of antibiotics to clear it up. Some dogs are prone to anal gland issues like my 5 year old Westie. I have to take her in about once a month or so.  Some people tell me that I can do it myself. But sticking my finger up my dog’s bum doesn’t sound appealing to either of us! Now that we know what the problem is we can bypass the vet altogether and just see the vet tech. Each visit is only $15.  Well worth it I say!

Cleaning Up Afterwards

Sometimes scooting can result in a little soiling of the hair around your dog’s bottom. You’ll want to clean that up before he jumps into your car, or climbs onto your couch.

Pre-moistened Eyepads are very convenient for cleaning up any soiling or discoloration around your dog’s bottom while you’re out and about. Just grab a pad, wipe, and throw it in the trash. When you’re at home, keep Dry Dog Instant Clean handy for when he needs a quick freshen up under his tail. Spray it on his skin and wipe it off with a cloth.

If you can figure out what’s causing your dog to scoot, and remedy the situation, you won’t be embarrassed by him when you’re out walking together!