Activities & Fun

Get your next dog from an animal shelter!

There are many places you can buy a dog, from pet stores to breeders. However, don’t rule out getting your next dog from an animal shelter.

 Dogs end up in animal shelters for many reasons. Sometimes they have escaped from their yard and become lost. Other times they have been given up by a loving family who can no longer keep them. Whatever the reason, these dogs still have a lot of love to give, and can make wonderful companions at  more affordable prices then buying a dog from a breeder.

Choosing Your Shelter Dog

When you choose a shelter dog, you must follow the same steps as you would if you’re buying a dog from anywhere else. You need to work out exactly what you want in a dog – should he be large or small, do you prefer a long or a short coat, do you prefer an active dog or one that is more laid back?  It’s important that you have the time and money to properly feed, groom and exercise your dog, so give some serious thought to these questions.

An advantage to buying a dog from a shelter is that often the staff will know the dogs quite well, and will be able to guide you in your decision. If you have boisterous young children, they can steer you away from dogs that have a nervous disposition, and if you are an active person, they’ll help you choose a great running buddy.

Bringing Your New Dog Home

Keep in mind that your new dog may take some time to settle into your family. You can expect him to perhaps have toileting accidents and be a little anxious until he becomes familiar with his surrounding.

Here are some steps to helping your shelter dog relax in his new home.

.       Dogs that are adopted from shelters often have dull coats associated with too many processed foods and not enough exercise.  Place a few drops of Healthy Skin Shiny Coat in your dog’s mouth to help detoxify his body after his stay in the shelter. It helps him eliminate waste products which will improve his coat condition, and it will boost his immune system which may become stressed with all the changes in his life.


.       As much as you’d like to celebrate his arrival, don’t have a welcoming party for him. He may become quite overwhelmed by lots of new people. Allow him to get to know you for a few days, then introduce him to your family or friends one or two at a time.


.       Use Sleepytime Tonic regularly in those first few weeks to ease any anxiety and help him adapt to his new lifestyle. It contains all natural herbs and Bach Flower Remedies which will calm his nerves and encourage a good night’s sleep.


If you choose to add a shelter dog to your family, you can be proud because you’re taking a dog out of the shelter environment and potentially saving his life. In return you’ll have a loyal loving companion who will really appreciate his new forever home.