
Healing Essential Oils for your Dog

You may already be aware of the many benefits of aromatherapy and the use of essential oils for humans, but did you know that your dog can also benefit from the use of essential oils as well? In the last few years there has been an increasing trend towards natural health for animals. In fact, many veterinarians have begun to use natural therapies within their practices that include homeopathy, osteopathy and aromatherapy.

Essential oils can provide incredibly powerful detoxifying, antiseptic and revitalizing effects. At the same time, essential oils can help to increase resistance to disease and strengthen the immune system. In addition, essential oils are also excellent for controlling pet odors and purifying the air from dander, dust and other allergens.

If you are interested in using essential oils with your dog, but you aren’t sure which ones are best, there are a few that you should focus on.


Lavender has been recognized for centuries as an excellent choice for calming and soothing. In addition it can provide relief from itching. Lavender is extremely safe and gentle. Overall, this is a must-have for your dog’s health, particularly if he suffers from skin irritations. If your dog does have allergies, you might consider the Cain and Able Lavender shampoo, which is very gentle and soothing, especially for pets with sensitive skin and allergies. This is an easy way to provide your dog with the benefits of all-natural lavender.


Peppermint is a wonderful natural insect repellent that also helps to promote circulation. It is also good dermatitis, hots spots and to help reduce flaky skin. A great way to treat your dog using this beneficial essential oil is through the use of a spritz. The oils will have maximum contact time with the skin and the refreshing smell will make your dog smell like a candy cane!


Does your dog suffer from wounds? If so, this essential oil is a must-have. It is known as a powerful healing agent that does not irritate the skin. Even if your dog does not suffer from frequent skin irritations, this is a good product to have on hand for first-aid purposes in case your pet should ever experience a wound.

German Chamomile

This particular this essential oil is wonderful to use for allergic reactions, stings and burns. If you have a dog that has a tendency toward allergies, it is a good idea to make sure you always have some of this oil on hand.


Refreshing eucalyptus not only wakes you up but it’s also an all natural anti inflammatory and flea repellent. A wonderful oil to add to your arsenal. Try a spray on product for best results.

For a comprehensive list of essential oils for animals pick up a copy of Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh Bell.

When choosing essential oil products for your best friend, make sure you choose products that are mild and do not contain any artificial colors, synthetic perfumes or other ingredients that would dry out your pet’s coat. The purest essential oils will help to nourish your dog’s coat and leave it shiny and clean without stripping away natural oils.

Along with using topical grooming products that contain essential oils, the oils can be carefully mixed with carrier oils (like sweet almond oil) and then massaged into your pet’s skin or their paws. In addition, you can also use them with a diffuser so that your dog can breathe them in or use a mist to spray around your dog’s environment. Have fun!

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