Great fitting, warm and totally waterproof, the Cloak & Dawggie new Sport Parka will keep your pet warm and dry! Available in 4 fabulous colors in 10 sizes covering dogs from teacup to very large!
Bubbles n’ Beads is the perfect cold weather product because it cleans and conditions in one go so your dog spends less time being wet (always welcome when there’s a nip in the air). It’s unique microbeads contain both vitamins and conditioners so even though you’re spending less time washing him you’re not skimping on conditioning.
After the wash it’s important to dry well , it’s easier to dry a squirrily dog with a Soggy dog Towel from FarFetched. Soggy Dog’s specially designed pockets help you get a grip on your wet, wriggly friend. Great after a muddy romp or a post-bath pat-down, Soggy Dog minimizes bath time for dogs of all sizes, short-hair or long
Of course if it’s really chilly and you want to skip a few bath times try DryDog Instant Clean , an all natural bath replacement spray. It not only helps to clean your best friend without water but also contains ordenone, an ingredient that traps and removes the bad smells that seem to flourish between groomings. TIP: Keep a rag and bottle at the door to use on after-walk muddy paws
Don’t let your little guy get a chill after bathing just slip him into a great Ruff Ruff and Meow sweat shirt . Hundreds of styles to chose from all in warm fleece and sized to fit perfectly
At some point you’re gonna have to leave the house and salty frozen sidewalks can be a dogs worst enemy. Not only do his paw pads (and nose) get cold but they’re dried out by the salt. It’s always a good idea to rinse and wipe his paws (and nose if he’s been sniffing around) when you come back in from a walk. A great product to use before and after walks is bowWow Butter Balm . Apply a little before you go out (it forms a barrier between the skin and the environment) and a little more after you come in (it will prevent irritation and heal dry skin). Note you should never use Petroleum jelly or Petroleum based products on your dogs pads; petroleum jelly contains petrolatum, which can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested. bowWow Butter balm is all natural shea butter and is perfectly safe
Those winter nights can be cold! Give your dog a heated bed so he’ll stay nice and toasty. The All Season Snuggle Sleeper uses the award winning Cool Bed III insert for summer cooling and the safe plush heated pillow insert for winter warmth.
If you want to be proactive in keeping your best friend healthy this year Eyemunity is the perfect product. It contains Epicor an all natural immune booster that will not only improve your dog’s overal health but also help prevent tearstains.
I know, shoes for dogs seem lame, but … if you live in an area that snows, you might think otherwise. We recommend the fleece lined variety (think ugg boots for pooches). They feature a waterproof exterior fabric, a fleece lining, self-tightening 3M reflective Velcro straps, treated leather soles and cuffs which come up the leg.
The weather outside may be frightful but with a little forethought and preparation your winter can be… delightful.